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"You're making me hungry with how good this smells!" I say with a smile as I sit at the island, watching the (h/c) haired woman walk around the kitchen.
"Oh? Thank you, Midoriya." (Y/n) replies with a smile as she turns to look at me. "How has your guys' hero work been?"
"Nothing grand." Katsuki, who's reading one of his mangas, remarks as he glances to her. "It's peaceful."
"Well, you may find thay boring, but I find it nice. Means you two aren't out getting hurt." (Y/n) states with a smile as she stirs the soup, it being good weather for a hot meal.
"Hey (Y/n), do you have a quirk? I just realized we've never asked you." I question as I look at her.
A slightly muscled figure from her work, perfect (h/l) (h/c) hair that suited her beautifully, and a sharp tongue that always seems to know just what to say.
"My quirk is the same as my brother's, just not as good. I'm not as fast, and it takes me longer to get to higher speeds. I do thankfully still have good endurance and the anxiety, unfortunately." She comments with a shake of her head.
"You're telling me you have anxiety?" Katsuki states with a quirked brow, making me give him a look. "What? Look at the way she acts and tell me you'd think she has anxiety!" He counters towards me as she laughs.
"It's fine, Midoriya. I didn't take any offense to it. But yeah, it comes and goes more of, I've got a good coping mechanism for it." The woman replies.
I hate that we're back to square one. I thought everything was going well. Katsuki was even fine with realizing she's close to us. I think with a silent sigh as I eye her.
"So with my plan for your guys'...dessert, I thought of something with bondage to start light since it's a kink the both of you share." (Y/n) explains as she put a lid over pot.
"Sounds fun. I love Izuku tied up." Katsuki states, making my face quickly feel aflame.
"Umm, it's not him. Not this time around." She says, making my heart skip a beat and cock twitch at the image that pops in my head.
Katsuki tied beautifully and spread out, a cock ring on his hardened cock and a ball gag in his mouth, a fierceness in his crimson dyes.
A mewl gains my attention and making me look, it's (Y/n) sitting across on the chair with a vibrator in on high, her pretty hands handcuffed above her, and nipple clamps on her pebbled nipples.
"Daddy, please." She'd begs as she looks at me pleading. "We've been so good."
"But it's fun to watch you moan and beg, Babydoll." I states, going to her and slowly running a finger through her folds.
She lets out a breathy moan before whinpering when I go to our partner.
"And you, my little whore, you've been so ready to cum. Haven't you?" I ask the blonde after spitting in my hand and working his shaft.
A growl escapes him as he closes his eyes before looking at me again.
"You really should let me-"
"IZUKU!" I startle from my--amazing--thoughts as Katsuki looks at me with a knowing look as my face heats up.
"Y-Yeah?" I remark, making him chuckle as he stands and kisses my forehead after walking over.
"It's time to go to our room. Soup's part of the nice aftercare." My boyfriend explains while (Y/n) passes us. "You'll have to tell me those thoughts, dirty boy."
"Y-Yes." I whisper in reply before he gently leads me with a hand at the small of my back.
"It's ready!" (Y/n) says with an excited smile as she opens the door.
Stepping in, it's clear she's done her planning. There's handcuffs at the top of the bed, a spreader bar near the bottom (since it'd be too uncomfortable of a stretch for mens legs, and two different lubes on the side table.
"Damn." I can't help but get out, making her giggle.
"So tonight, we're going to have a "baby-step" on working out control. Is that okay?" (Y/n) explains before looking to Katsuki a tad nervously.
He looks like he's about to protest but then looks me and her over, his eyes turning thoughtful. "Yeah." He states with a hidden look towards me, his planning look.
Oh no, what is he up to now?
(Y/n)'s smile grows a mile before she nods. "Alrighty then! We can-"
"Hang on, I think I know of something that'll help us even more." Katsuki states before going to the closet and grabbing a nice box tied with an (f/c) ribbon. "It'll help this process more." He claims while handing it to her. "Go change into the green one. We'll get nice, and we'll be ready by you getting out."
"It's okay, Princess. You want to help us, right?" He remarks, making her nod before going into the bathroom, closing the door.
"Katsuki, what's-"
"Izuku, baby, just focus on this. This is your night. Enjoy it." Katsuki, my amazing love, says with a smile as he holds my face. "I never want to lose you, and I never want you sad as much as I can help it. I may not be great, but I'm trying to change for-"
I interrupt him with a kiss, pulling him into me as I stretch a bit to meet his lips.
He hums softly before gripping my hips and pulling me flush against him before loosening his grip. "Take me how you want, Love. This is about you." Katsuki claims, making me blush as I can't help but glance down to the already forming bulge in his pants.
I waste no time in pulling him into me by his hips, teasing him through his pants as I kiss him.
He gives a groan, pressing himself against my hand as I rub him before undoing him. "Izuku," he breathes out, making my cock twitch at the sound.
"Fuck." I can't help but breathe out as I free his cock, teasing him as he leans against the bedside.
"I-I hate to interrupt, but are you sure about this?" (Y/n)'s timid voice calls out to us, making us both look to her, panting.
Gods fuck, this is heaven. I think as I eye her.
She's in a me themed, well Deku themed, lingerie that hugs her hips nicely and garters that give those thighs perfect muffin tops.
"Yes. Now, give Izuku the remote." Katsuki states with a low groan, bucking his hips my palm.
"I-I don't know. Is this-"
"We're both okay with this. We promise." I say, making her look me over shyly before handing the remote.
She takes a deep breath before nodding. "Okay, you two ready?"
"Yes." Katsuki replies immediately before kissing me.
I kiss him deeply before getting his pants down and quickly pulling off his shirt.
"Now move to the bed. I'll get the spreader bar situated, keep going." (Y/n) says, flustered, as Katsuki strips me down.
"Of course." I reply, giving a little tease to the remote, making her gasp lightly. "Problem, Bunny?" I ask in reply to her flustered but "scolding" look.
"N-No." She mumbles before Katsuki pulls me to the bed with him, my smaller figure straddling his figure.
Katsuki gives a small growl into our kiss as the clicking of the spreader bar meets our ears. "Fuck, Izuku." He pants before meeting my eyes with a lust that seemed unfamiliar to me.
"Damn." (Y/n) breathes out, making us both look to see her flushed face.
I can't help my smile as I share a glance with Katsuki. "So, what's your plan, Bunny?" I question as I clip the handcuffs around my boyfriend's wrists as I kiss him.
"Yeah, what do you have planned, Princess?" Our Katsuki asks as she looks to her.
"The main plan is Izuku will-" She stops, turning her head with a flushed look as she looks over our naked bodies. "He'll...um-"
I can't stop my smile as I move the controller a bit, making her jump and slap her hands to her mouth. "Tell me what to do, Bunny." I ask he, grabbing the nearest bottle of lube as I straddle Katsuki, who has a lustful look on his face.
He was enjoying this just as much as I was.
"Y-You'll ride his cock while he's like this." She stumbles, a few whimpers coming from her as I continue to tease the remote.
"Tell us why, Princess."
"Y-You shouldn't call me-Aah!~" A moan cuts her off as I raise the level on the toy, making Katsuki's and mine's cock twitch.
"Tell us why we're like this." Our Katsuki asks, looking at her like a lion looking at its next meal.
"I-Izuku has control of how he uses you. Pace, touch, and motion." She breathes out, her eyes needing.
"Come here." I demand, making her come over as I hand her the bottle. "Get us ready."
She looks at me surprised before looking down to the bottle worriedly.

Poisonous Desires ♡K. Bakugou x Reader x I. Midoriya♡Where stories live. Discover now