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Chapter 7



     "You said this was fucking work clothes?" I question annoyedly as I roll the bag into the spare bedroom before frowning at the bit of dust. Great, I hate it. I think annoyedly.  "Zu, go get a wet rag, please. Let's get some of this dust off." I explain before he leaves the suitcase he was dragging then heading into the bathroom.
     "I can clean it-"
     "Shush." I say sternly with a slight glare to her before I start opening the lower drawers to the dresser. I look over as I hear a familiar fox whistle before meeting emerald eyes that trace me over.
     "Damn, always such a nice ass you have, Katsuki." Izuku states before walking over with a grin.
     "Yours is-"
     "FUCK!" I yell in slight pain as my hands go to where he hit me with the wet towel. I give a dark chuckle as I stand up straight, ignoring the (h/c) haired woman trying not to laugh.
     "Careful Kacchan, I think I heard a moan with that.~" Izuku taunts as he looks at me suggestingly.
     Oh you little-
     A loud laugh fills the air as (Y/n) looks between us. "S-Sorry."
     I glare at her before walking closer and grabbing her chin a bit harshly and forcing her to look up at me. "I'd watch your tongue, Princess. Or I just might." I state, making her look at me a little surprised before looking away.
     Pride goes through me at the easy submission before I smile. "Or I bet you'd like for me to litter every inch of your perfectly plump skin with bites and hickeys, huh?" I ask, her quickly looking to me before lightly shaking her head.
     "Then what would you want me to do to-"
     "Here's the towel." Izuku interjects as he moves the towel infront of my eyes, a clear jealous look on his face as he slightly glares at me.
     "Alright." I say before gently kissing him. "It's cute when you're jealous, Izuku. Quite amusing too." I state, making an annoyed look flare in his eyes before he starts wiping off the dresser top as the woman puts some of her clothes inside.
     After while, her eventually kicking us out to put up her work clothes, she comes from the room, and smiles at us with a shine in her gorgeous (e/c) eyes.
     Why do I have a bad feeling about that look?

♡♡(Y/N) POV♡♡

     Alright, here goes. I think before looking between the two men, Jack happily cuddled against Bakugou's side. "Who wants to go first?" I ask which causes the pair to look at me confused.
     "Huh?" The ash blond voices as he gives me a slight scowl.
     "Sorry, what he means is what exactly would we be going first for?" Izuku corrects with an apologetic look on his freckled face.
     "I'm going to question you guys with a few things, it might help with me trying to fix your relationship. I can kinda get to see what needs worked on." I explain, remembering the small article I had read while we were driving us here.
     "Ohhhh." Izuku says before he smiles. "I can go first! Hey Kacchan, we can probably order something for dinner. I'll-"
     "I can pay, it's the least I can do since I've bugged you both all day." I interrupt him before giving a large amount of yen over. "That should cover it, just get me something good. I'm up to try anything, nothing ultra spicy though." I claim before heading to my bedroom with the green haired man following after me.
     "So what all are you gonna ask me?" Izuku asks after closing the door behind him and going over to the small lounge chair, having one leg bent and in the chair with him while the other's on the floor.
     "Mostly basic stuff and then like kinks and stuff since this is all more based on your sex problems." I explain, making the man go wide-eyed.
     "Wait....you know?" He asks before I nod.
     "I could tell what was kinda going on when I first saw you two." I claim before he quirks a green brow at me. "You want control. Bakugou won't forfeit the control he has so he pushes aside the fact that you also want it to keep himself grounded. I doubt I did, but did I misread the situation?" I ask before he shakes his head, a surprised look in his eyes before he clears his throat.
     "N-no. You're right." Izuku says before he puts a smile on his face. "Now let's move onto the questions." He states before I grab my notebook and pen.
     Time seems to fly as he answers simple questions, us laughing occasionally when he tells a funny story relating to the answer he gives, about himself before I nod and clear my throat.
     "So well uh..." Why am I so awkward about this? "for some of your kinks I've got domination and submission, bondage, praise, and I'm thinking role play too." I list off, making him look at me surprised. "Did I get them wrong or miss anything?"
     He gives me a sly smile before standing and walking closer to me. "Degradation...and striptease." Izuku claims while gently running a finger on the side of my face, making my breath hitch.
     "R-right." I say a bit breathlessly as he stares at me before he smiles.
     "Have I told you yet about how gorgeous you are?" He questions while slightly pulling down on my bottom lip as he looks at me with want.
     "O-oh, thank you." I stumble as I slightly move farther on the bed, him following me easily.
     "You're cute when you're flustered, Baby Bunny."
     "Thank you, Izuku." I reply as my back finally hits the bed as he hovers over my smaller figure.
     "Oh no no no, I can't have that," The green haired hero says with a smile to me. "call me Daddy." He says sternly, making a blush meet my face.
     "But what about-"
     "Katsuki's never gonna hurt you unless you ask him to. I wouldn't let him even if not." He explains before giving me a reassuring smile. "Alright?"
     These men are trouble to me. I think before giving him a small nod.
His smile grows before he glances to my lips and then back up to my eyes. "(Y/n), can I kiss-"
     Knock knock!
     I slightly lift my head up to see the blond standing at the door, a slightly annoyed and possessive look in his eyes.
     "Hey, Kacchan," Izuku says with a slightly fake smile as he sits beside me and gently pulls me into his lap. "dinner here already?" He asks before getting only a hum of agreement for a reply.
     "Dinner sounds great, thank you-"
     "Aw, what if I wanted to hold you longer, Baby?" Izuku questions while resting his chin on my shoulder after pulling me back into his lap.
     "Uh, Izuku-"
     "What did I tell you to call me, Baby Bunny?" He asks, a stern tone in his voice.
     I look at him worried before shooting a glance to his boyfriend. "Izuku-"
     "Do as I say. You know better than that." He claims before I hesitantly nod. "Now what do you say to me?"
     "Sorry, Daddy." I apologize, making a lust glow in his eyes as he looks at me and gently holds my chin.
     "Food's getting cold. Come on, Izuku." Bakugou says sternly while glaring directly at me.
     "Fussy, fussy." The green haired hero mocks with a smile before gently kissing the side of my neck, making me stiffen in surprise. "Until later, Baby Bunny." He whispers before letting me get off him before he gets off my bed.
     Bakugou slightly glares at him before pulling him flush against him and then gripping his hand in Izuku's green locks before forcefully kissing him.
     The kiss quickly gets heated as I try to look away, not helping as I glance to them occasionally, wishing to be part of a kiss that desperate and possessive.
     "Go eat." Bakugou says to Izuku, who's panting heavily and resting his head on the taller man's shoulder while catching his breath.
     "Okay, Kacchan." Izuku says softly before leaving the room with one last quick kiss to his boyfriend's lips.
So that's how his submissive side is-
     "What did I tell you?" Bakugou asks after turning to look at me annoyedly.
     "I'm sorry, I don't know why-"
     "Look, Striptease, you're only here to fix mine and Izuku's relationship." The ash blond says sternly as he walks closer to me, making me will myself to not step back. "Stay the fuck out of it, we don't need anything from you. You. Are. Temporary." Bakugou claims, hitting the back of his head with the last three words and a glare to me.
     "I know-"

Poisonous Desires ♡K. Bakugou x Reader x I. Midoriya♡Where stories live. Discover now