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♡♡♡(Y/N) POV♡♡♡

     I watch with longing as I spot the familiar head of (h/c) hair as he sits on the bench in the backyard, slumped over. I sit beside him quietly as I lay the blanket over his shoulders. "How are classes going?"
     "Good, nothing extraordinary. Interning with Ingenium is okay. I'm not a huge fan of being a rescue hero, though." My brother claims with a shrug.
     "That's a bit in the job description, Ukyuu. It's not all fighting villains." I explain, bumping his shoulder as I smile at him.
     "How long have you been here?" He asks, making me sigh.
     "About a month, give or take. They're not here too often with being teachers and top heroes." I explain with a shrug. "I mostly do things for work, spend time with Jack, and read, among other things when they're not around." I continue before leaning back. "I mostly plan date nights for them and help them better communicate with one another. I don't think I'll-"
     "Why did it have to be them?" Ukyuu says, making my heart drop. "You know they hate me." He says with hazel eyes full of hurt.
      "They don't hate you. You've just made a bad impression because of your pranks, Ukyuu." I explain as I caress his face. "You've got so big. I can still remember the day you were born."
     "Don't change the subject, (Y/n). Why them? Why couldn't you just let them figure it out themselves?" Ukyuu hisses as he pushes my hand away. "Why couldn't you just be normal and stay out of things?"
      "Why couldn't you just stay away from them and be with Ren and Tashio? They love you! They love me too! They're who's always been here for us!" Ukyuu snaps as he stands to his feet and glares at me.
      "You act like this is something permanent." I say with a scoff as I get up. "I'm going inside. You need to cool off."
     "Because you love them."
     My heart drops at his words as I stop in my tracks.
     "Oh yeah. Right on the dot, huh? Go figure." Ukyuu says with a click of his tongue.
     "I don't know what you're talking about."
     "Oh please, I see the way you three look at each other." He huffs before crossing his arms.
     "It won't happen. I'm not permanent here. So get off your high horse and have a good time on your break." I state as I look at him.
     "You say that like you don't want to love them. You've always wanted a love that fit your life." Ukyuu says, making me quirk a brow.
     "Why does it matter?" I say before shaking my head. "I'm going to my room, I'll get you for dinner."
     "Why? Why won't you let them love you? I don't care! I just want you happy!" Ukyuu says as he grabs my wrist.
     "I'm unlovable, Ukyuu! I've lived my life already! I'm content with what I am! I DON'T NEED ANYTHING ELSE BUT TO KEEP YOU HAPPY AND SAFE!"
     "NO! I DON'T MATTER! I HAVE WHAT I NEED!" Ukyuu retorts as he glares at me. "I HAVE YOU AND I'M GOING TO BE A HERO!"
     "I JUST WANT YOU TO BE HAPPY, MOM!" Ukyuu snaps as he grabs my wrist again and makes us both pause as memories flood our minds.
     I meet his guilty gaze before tears meet his eyes.
     "I-I just want you to be happy. You have your own life, and it's time you stop looking after me and take care of yourself." He sniffles before hugging me. "I don't want them to hurt you, and I lose you."
     I can't help as I hold him closer. "There is nothing on this earth that can keep me from my little Quickstep." I say with a smile as I fluff his hair, making him groan.
      He gives a laugh before smiling at me. "Are they good to you?"
     "Very. They treat me like I belong here. Like I always have." I explain with a small smile.
     "Then Ren and Tashio?"
     My smile falls as I look to my hands. "Ren's hurt after I went to them for advice. Tashio is trying to keep everything afloat on Ren's part. I thought they'd understand. I never wanted to hurt them. But I also never planned to catch feelings for those two." I state as I look back towards the house where a worried Izuku and Katsuki stand.
     "Are you okay?" Izuku signs, making me nod.
     "All good." I reply.
     "You still know sign language?" Ukyuu asks, making me laugh.
     "It's never been something I quite let go of after I learned it."
     "That must have been ten years ago!" My brother gawks as he looks at me.
     "I love you. I had to know it in case you did get sick again that you became deaf. How else would I get to talk to you?" I ask before punching his shoulder. "I promise I'm safe and happy here. Things will get better when it comes to Ren and Tashio. All I want you to focus on is becoming the hero you've dreamed of." I say with a smile before grinning. "And I'm funding."
      "I said I'll pay you back when I'm loaded!" My brother jokes, making me laugh.
      "Nah, you'll blow it on shit unless you learn to balance your spending."
     Gods, if only you could live in moments like this forever.

Poisonous Desires ♡K. Bakugou x Reader x I. Midoriya♡Where stories live. Discover now