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♡♡♡IZUKU POV ♡♡♡

     "Izuku!" (Y/n) laughs as she hangs onto me as we dance on the roof of our club, the sign casting a light for us. "You're so silly." She states as I pull her up from me, dipping her.
     "All for you and our Katsuki." I say with a smile as I gently kiss her hand. "I still can't get over how gorgeous you look tonight, my bunny."
     She was in a gorgeous black and gold dress with (gold/silver) jewelry to match. She was as perfect as ever.
     "Our girl always looks gorgeous, my love. You should know this?" Katsuki claims as he walks up to us, giving us both a gentle kiss. "I wouldn't rather be here with anyone else than my two loves."
     (Y/n) smiles happily as she leans into us. "I love you both. You're everything to me." She states with a smile, making ours grow.
      Katsuki and I share a look before I nod. "Princess, Izuku and I have been wanting to ask you something for a while now. Now, if it's something you're not ready for, we're fine with waiting," Katsuki explains as he slowly grabs inside his tux pocket.
    "We know all of this has been an incredibly crazy year, but you being a part of it made it so amazing." I chime in as I grab her right hand
     "You have been here with us through all the most difficult things life can give us." Katsuki adds while he holds her left hand.
     "Katsuki, Izuku, what are you-" (Y/n)'s breath hitches as we get on one knee before Katsuki shows her the ring.
     "(Y/n) (L/n), please give us the honor of becoming our wife?" We ask, hope and love in our voices as we look up at her.
     A smile meets her face as tears well in her eyes. "Katsuki, Izuku-"
     I open my eyes to meet the familiar walls of Katsuki and I's house before I sigh. "Damnit." I curse as tears prick my eyes. Why does it always end there? I think sadly as I sit up, heading to the kitchen where I hear my boyfriend cooking.
      Katsuki turns to look as I sit at the island before he frowns when he sees me. "Same dream again?"
     "It's not fair. I never get to hear her answer." I say with a sigh as Katsuki gives me a glass of water. "Katsuki?"
     "Yes, my love?"
     "Why did we let her leave?" I ask, looking up at him, asking the question we've both asked ourselves in the last two weeks.
      Katsuki casts me a sad glance before he sighs. "She was hurting but didn't want our help. And we want her better even if-" He cuts himself off before cursing, turning the stove off before the onigiri can burn. "Even if it means leaving us."
     "I miss her."
     "I do too. And Lemoncake." Katsuki remarks, making me laugh softly.
     "Yes, my Izuku?"
     "Do you think she loved us?" I question after swallowing the lump in my throat.
     Katsuki pauses before he sighs while giving my food. "That I don't know, my love. I don't know for certain."
     I nod a bit sadly before pulling him in for a deep kiss, resting my forehead against his. "I love you, Katsuki Bakugou.
    "And I love you more, Izuku Bakugou."

♡♡♡(Y/N) POV♡♡♡

     "You're going to starve."
     "If I starve before they realize I'm gone and I die, then so be it." I say, swallowing dryly as I glare to Analyst.
     He clicks his tongue before shaking his head. "You won't because even if they get you out, you need to live for your little Ukyuu."
     "You said it yourself, Analyst. He hates me. He can live without me. He'll be a great hero." I remark with a grin after I chuckle.
     He grits his teeth before dropping the barrier and grabbing the front of my shirt. "Listen here, you bitch. I need you alive! So fucking eat!"
     PWAP! The sound of my spit hitting his face laughs as he wipes it away with disgust. "Burn in hell, you bastard." I demand as I smile at him.
      "I hate people like you. Defiant." Analyst says before dropping me.
      "The feeling's-ACK!" I cough as he kicks my stomach before stepping on my ribs.
     "I guess it's time for Jack to do his job." Analyst cackles as he almost jumps, pressing on my side and allowing me to hear the cracking of my rib.
     I give a shrill scream as pain shoots through my chest as breathing becomes painful. "Leave-" I gasp. "Alone." I finish with a cry.
     "Don't worry, your lovers will be here soon for you to watch them die." Analyst remarks as he crouches to look at me. "Now Jack and I are going for a walk. I'd offer for you to join, but " He stands before kicking my stomach hard, making me cough and sob from the pain. "You seem to be hurt. Such a shame." He chuckles before leaving the room.
     This is why I could never be a hero. I think with a sob as I take a painful gasp of air. I'm too weak. I'm sorry.

Poisonous Desires ♡K. Bakugou x Reader x I. Midoriya♡Where stories live. Discover now