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     The wind.
     Distant laughter from another house.
     It felt empty.
     "Gods damnit." I curse as I sigh, gripping the rail of the back balcony. Why couldn't things have just gotten better? We we're going to love her. Keep her safe.
     But now she's gone.
     "Kacchan?" Izuku calls as he comes over to me, placing a hand on my arm. "Are you okay?"
     "Just overthinking, my baby. I'll be alright."
     Izuku gives me a knowing look before leaning against me as he watches the sky. "What do you think she's up to? It's been a week already."
     I give a sigh before I shrug. "As much as we love her, she's moved on. It's just us again, my Izuku." I say as I hold his face in my hands. "We'll be okay."
     "I love you, Katsuki."
     "I love you so much, Izuku. More than you know." (Y/n), wherever you are, please be safe.

♡♡♡(Y/N) POV♡♡♡

     "Kito! Another margarita, please!" I call to the bartender as I push the empty glass closer to the other end of the counter.
     "You sure about that, (Y/n)? You don't hold your alcohol well." Kito, a friend of mine from the bar Tashio, Ren, and I used to visit, asks as he looks at me. "And you were here last night?"
     "Kito, please, my life is shitty right now." I say as I look to my friend pleading. "I just don't want to think." I say with a sigh as I look at my reflection in the shiny countertop. "I'm not going to be stupid, I just want to escape for a while."
     Kito looks at me debating before he sighs. "I will put it in a to-go cup. Drink it when you get home." He states, making me groan. "Hey! That's your offer, or I make you get kicked!"
     I pout at him before I sigh. "Give me a bottle of whiskey too."
     Kito shakes his head as he places the bottle on the counter and the to-go cup on the counter as I pass him the large amount of Yen. "Be safe getting home."
     "I will." I call to him before leaving the bar.
     It's been a week since everything's gone to shit. There's nothing to keep me grounded besides for a dog that seems to be the only one happy to see me. I always thought it was crazy to see people come into Cherryton and order until they were blackout.
     Now I understand all too well.
     The night is quiet as I make my way to my apartment, drinking on the bottle of whiskey that burns my throat.
     Gods, I want to die if none of this shit gets sorted. I think as I head up the flight of stairs. I can stand for everyone to hate me. But Ukyuu? I think before sniffling as tears well in my eyes and my lip quivers. No, I can't go on if my baby hates me.
     "Hi Jack." I say to my dog as he greets me at the door with sloppy kisses. "If I died, do you think Ren and Tashio would take you even though they hate me?" I ask before laughing pitifully as I walk to the balcony, whiskey in hand.
     "People always leave. I really am just a body? A soul that's nothing good but for sex and being admired on a pole." I say to the wind as I take another swig. "I'm disgusting. They were right. I was never meant to amount to anything." I think with a scoff. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT FROM ME?!" I scream before throwing the empty bottle, it shattering on the wall of the apartment over.
      "Bullshit." I hiss before walking back inside. "All of this." I laugh, running a hand through my hair. "I really am better off dead now! Hah, they were right! (Y/n), you've become even more of a disappointment than they think of you!"
     "CHEERS TO DISAPPOINTMENTS!" I cheer with a laugh as I open the lid to the to-go cup and start to drink.


      I hope no one recognizes me. I think worriedly as I enter the Cherryton Club. I just want to check on her. I walk deeper into the club as I look at the woman walking around.
     None of them were our girl.
     "Damnit." I curse under my breath as I shake my head.
     "Why the hell are you here?" A familiar voice hisses before I turn.
     It's Tomokashi, (Y/n)'s flirty friend.
     "I-I was going to check on (Y/n)." I explain, making them glare before rolling their eyes.
     "Well, if you're dating her, she should have told you she's not working tonight." The blond says distastefully.
     "O-Oh." I say, not being able to help my disappointment. "T-Thanks." I say, starting to walk away. "Have you heard from her in the last week?"
     "No. We're not on a good note at the moment." They say with a glare towards me. "You and your boy toy should have stayed away from (Y/n), she was doing fine until you two came and ruined everything."
     My heart breaks at their claim before I sigh. "Look, I don't know what happened, but please make sure she's okay. Ukyuu heard something, and I'm worried they got into a fight. I don't want her hurting. But you'll probably be able to talk to her better than me." I say before fixing my cap to hide my curly hair better. "Thanks."
     "What do you two want? What do you want with (Y/n)?" Tomokashi questions with a tone that I can't quite point.
     "At first, it was to fix our relationship, but the more we spent time with her, the more we fell for her. We love her. We-" I pause before sighing. "The day she left, we had planned a date to ask her to join our relationship, but something happened the night before, and everything became rocky. A-And she left us." I explain, having to wipe strag tears before clearing my throat.
     Tomokashi looks at me pitying and guilty before grabbing the front of my shirt. "Gods damnit, you promise me one thing, hero." They say, tears falling from their grey eyes. "You two assholes better love her like you fucking mean it. (Y/n) deserves the entire universe."
     That's why they had such a problem with us.
     Tomokashi and Kido love our girl too.
     We took her from them.
     "She deserves more than anyone could give her." I reply as I give them a knowing look and small nod.
     Their lip quivers before they grit their teeth. "You better make sure she's happy and never hurt for even a second."
     "Gods, no. We want to give her a life she'll love." I explain, making them suck in a breath before letting go of my shirt.
     "Do not, do not, break her heart. Or I will go to Tartarus for killing you both." They claim before wiping their eyes. "Now get out of here before I give in and punch you." Tomokashi remarks before I nod.
     "We'll keep her safe, I promise." I say as I give them a bow, giving a nod to their boyfriend at the bar before heading out of the club.

Poisonous Desires ♡K. Bakugou x Reader x I. Midoriya♡Where stories live. Discover now