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Chapter 4:


♡♡(Y/N) POV♡♡

"And they're both so annoying! They constantly do things on purpose to annoy me!" Ukyuu complains to me while looking at shirts from his favorite BL anime.
"They're teachers, Yuu. You're not going to like them." I say with an amused look to him as I look at the earrings on display.
"They can at least play nice!"
"None of my teachers liked me when I was in high school. But then again, I was like you but worse of a prankster...and most of my pranks I actually got away with." I retort with a smug grin before he pouts at me.
"You get away with it because in high school you still looked like you'd give someone a lap dance for free."
"You calling me a slut?"
"Gasp! Me? No no--well high school you would go through so many boyfriend's but get dumped when you rejected their offers of getting dicked down."
"Because I didn't want to lose my card from a damn high school knock-off of a Netflix bully." I retort as I bump his shoulder, making him scoff.
"Who'd you lose it to then? Your vibrator?"
A threesome with Tashio and Ren. "Stay out of my sex life, Ukyuu." I hiss lightly as the boy snorts.
"You wouldn't stay out of mine if I had one."
"Because you're fucking fifteen." I state with a laugh before paying for the shirt he wanted and then a few pair of earrings for me.
"But I heard the most American teenagers-"
"Ukyuu, Americans are pretty crazy. Have you seen some of the food they've created?"
"True." My brother replies as we walk out of the door store before heading towards the food court for a snack.
"You like strawberry bubble tea, right?" I ask before he nods. "If you'll watch these, I'll go get us some drinks before we get to the bus and take you back to the dorms." I say to him as he sits down on the side of the water fountain.
"Alrighty. Don't get hit on."
"If only." I reply with a small scoff as I grab my wallet after putting down the bags I was holding before heading into the tea shop.


I'm lucky to have such an awesomely annoying sister. Ukyuu thinks with a smile as he sees the bags at his sides, most being new clothes and shoes his sister bought for him, something childhood him would only dream of. I hope she knows how much I love her other than her buying me stuff. He thinks before looking up when hearing a familiar loud laugh.
A bit away is his two teachers.
Dynamight looking at Deku lovingly as the man talks about something energetically.
Why the hell do they always have to be here? The (h/c) haired boy thinks annoyedly before a realization strikes him. They don't have power over me out of school. He thinks, a mischievous feeling meeting his gut as he thinks up a plan.
"And imagine if we have a cute daughter! How does Hana sound? No no, Hina! I've always found it pretty for a little girl." Izuku says excitedly as he doesn't let anything be filtered as he talks to his boyfriend.
God, I love this dork. Katsuki thinks with a happy expression, his special hearing aids helping him focus on the conversation infront of him and not around the buzzing mall. "Why only one? We could have two daughters." He suggests, a smile meeting his face at his boyfriend's cute, flustered expression.
"Ohh." Two girls? He questions as he fiddles with his fingers as he blushes.
"You're adorable when you're shy about somethi-"
The explosion hero flinches harshly before quickly covering his ears, his hearing aids ringing loudly at the sudden noise that wasn't able to be canceled.
"Fine, 'Zuku." The blond claims with a small wince before glaring at the teen. "(L/n), how nice to see you. Off campus. Where the school has no say in what I do." He claims with a dark smile.
I maybe should have thought of a better prank. Ukyuu thinks a bit worriedly as he takes a step back. "Bakugou-Sensei, it was an accident. I-I forgot about your hearing aids since you ignore me most of the time any-"
"Have you ever considered how a prank could go before doing it?" Izuku interjects, annoyed at the teen, with a green glare. "Scratch that, ever actually think of someone other than yourself?" The green haired man states a bit harshly, making the teen's heart drop in sadness.
"Izuku, its fine. I promise." Katsuki says, a plotting tone in his voice. "It was one little mistake, that's all." He claims while giving a smile to the boy, who grows worried at his tone and expression.
"Y-Yeah, it was." Creepy.
"How's that sister of yours?" Katsuki asks, giving an urging glance to his boyfriend who grins.
"Yes, your gorgeous sister who's always more than happy to come visit us after you've been causing trouble." The blond claims, making the teen's heart drop.
"Oh, I can imagine just what we could do to her.~"
"I bet she'd love to spend some special quality time with us." Izuku and Katsuki say as they hold his shoulders. "Us pinning her to our bed."
"Her begging for us to fill her up so full."
"She'd be the perfect little submissive." Katsuki states, making a slight pain go through Izuku at his boyfriend's statement.
The perfect submissive? He thinks a bit jealously before forcing a smile on his face. "Me fucking her until she's begging for a break as her body shakes from so much pleasure, her face stained with pretty tears." Izuku says, each description making the ash blond a bit jealous.
"I mean just look at her in there," Katsuki says, turning the attention back on him as he makes the teen look towards where the clear windows of the tea shop show the young woman in line. "a perfect body, a perfect smile, the right amount of sass...all coming together to make the perfect woman." He lists, feeling the glare from his boyfriend.
"If I could ever see her naked, I'd mark...every. Single. Inch. Of her perfect skin until she's only moaning my name alone." Izuku claims as he stares at the woman getting the two drinks from the cashier. "She'd know who she belongs to."
"My sister would never submit to either of you." Ukyuu claims as he shakes his head, hating the idea of what his teacher's are suggesting.
I find that hard to believe. "You'd be surprised by what someone will do if they know they don't have power over someone else." Katsuki states in a whisper before gripping Ukyuu's shoulder once before pulling away after the (h/c) haired woman noticed them.
"Oh, it's you two." Just my luck. Do you think I haven't seen them enough, Mr. Coincidence? (Y/n) thinks with a silent sigh after moving her brother behind her quickly.
"Hi, (L/n)." Izuku greets with a smile at the sight of the woman he's been fawning over for weeks. I'm seeing her again. God, she's just as gorgeous in normal clothes as her work outfits.
"Hello, Deku." There's that excited look in his eyes again. It's adorable. (Y/n) thinks before glancing at Katsuki, a small blush meeting her cheeks when she remembers their last meeting. "Hello to you too, Dynamight."
Hello, Princess. The ash blond thinks with a hum as a reply to her. "We just decided to babysit your gremlin of a brother while you were in there, he actually behaved surprisingly." Katsuki states with a smile as he ruffles the teen's (h/c) hair, Ukyuu still being speechless.
"Right." (Y/n) says before passing her brother his bubble tea. "Yuu, can you go check on the bags? I'll be over in a second before we leave." She asks, her brother nods before quickly leaving.
I hate those men. The teen thinks while moving away.
"Sorry about him lately." (Y/n) states with a sigh before looking at them. "Look, if he starts causing problems," she says before writing something down on a napkin. "call me about it so you can stop bugging him. You two are stressing him out a bit and it doesn't help him too much." She states the pair looking down at the napkin a bit surprised. "I care for my brother a lot and I want him to do well since I never really got the chances he did."
"Anyways, have a good rest of your day." The (h/c) haired woman says before walking away, putting her straw in her tea before grabbing a few bags and leaving with her brother. She only pauses briefly to give a wave to the two men.
She's still a hot head, that's for sure. Katsuki thinks with an amused chuckle as he looks to the napkin.
"Let's go home."
"But didn't you want to go look at-"
"Don't feel it." Izuku replies quickly as he grabs some of the bags before the pair leaves the mall and gets to their car.
Clunk! Clunk!
"Hey, what's-"
"Am I not good enough, Katsuki?" Izuku asks, the thought and worry finally voicing.
"Huh? Hell no, what could make you think-"
"You said she'd be the perfect submissive." Izuku reminds him, a few tears threatening to fall. "I'm far from that."
"You're perfect to me Izuku, I wouldn't trade you for the world, you adorable dummy." Katsuki states with a gentle look to his boyfriend as he leans over the center console (while being mindful of the steering wheel) and wrapping the green haired man in his arms. "I love you so so much more than you'll ever know."
"But wouldn't your prefer someone like her? Submissive and willing to do whatever you ask." Izuku questions while he gives small sobs.
"But I don't want her. I want my Izuku. I don't need anyone different." Katsuki replies firmly as he holds his boyfriend's teared up face. "I don't want anyone but you, Izuku Bakugou." He states before kissing the man's lips.
Bakugou? Izuku Bakugou? Izuku thinks happily as his boyfriend pulls away from him, an embarrassed and cute expression on his face as he leans back in his seat and starts muttering about them getting married.
There's my baby. Katsuki thinks with relief before he starts driving home. I don't need to hurt him any more than I clearly have, I need to stay away from that woman. It won't be good if I don't.

Poisonous Desires ♡K. Bakugou x Reader x I. Midoriya♡Where stories live. Discover now