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♡Chapter 11: Heartbreak♡

♡♡♡(Y/N) POV♡♡♡

    "GODS DAMNIT!" I yell as I stand to my feet and hit the pole with my palm. "Fucking focus you idiot." I curse myself as I restart the music before starting the routine.
    Once again, my mind wanders to the pair I'm all too familiar with, Izuku and Bakugou, my roomates that are on a date tonight.
     Betrayal boils in me before I groan, having missed the next moved. "FUCK ME!" I yell angrily before dropping and gripping my hair as I pace. "This is bullshit! Why am I acting like this?" I question before marching over to Bakugou's punching bag and harshly hitting it before slumping to my knees.
     Why can't I just stop thinking about them? I think with a sigh before getting up, grabbing my phone and Jack's leash. "Baby, let's go for a walk." I call to my dog who comes over excitedly. I lock the door behind me before starting down the street of the hero complexes.
      It's been a week since Izuku and I...had fun. Since then, I've gone to work every night to try and distance myself from them. I don't need to intrude.
     I never meant for it to get as far as it did.
     Maybe it was a mistake that I'm staying with them. I need to help their relationship soon, then I can leave. I think before stopping in my tracks, confusing my lab. And I'll be alone again. I think before shaking my head. You have Ukyuu, Ren, Tashio, Jack, and work. You'll be fine. A relationship will come when you need it.
    I look up as my stage name is called before spotting a familiar poly.
    It's Chargebolt, Red Roit, and Mindswipe.
    "Oh, hello," I say with a wave as Chargebolt comes across the street to me. "Good to see you again, Mister Chargebolt." I say with a smile as I give him a bow, Jack opting to try and jump on him instead. "Goodness Jack! I'm so sorry, he's not normally like this." I say with a laugh as I pull him to my side.
     "What are you doing here?" He asks, his partners joining us.
     "I needed to clear my head, thinking too much." I say with a laugh as Mindswipe quirks a brow. "Oh, here here. Duh, sorry, I'm staying with Dynamight and Deku." I state with a tap to my forehead.
      "Izuku and Katsuki? Why're you with them?" Red Roit questions, his tone worried.
     Panic fills me as I look between the three men. Shit! I shouldn't have said anything. "Oh, um, I'm-" I pause before I smile. "I'm teaching Iz-Deku how to dance before their club opens. He wants to surprise Baku-Dynamight with a dance." I explain with a nod.
     "Oh yeah, I'm super ready for it to open. Most everyone is." Chargebolt says with a grin.
     "It seems like it'll be a good business for them. I hope it turns out well for them." I remark with a smile in return.
      "Will you be working there? You'd definitely bring in a lot more heroes." Red Roit comments curiously with a tilt of his head, like a big puppy.
      Cute. "Oh, no. Still at my old place." I state with a small laugh. "Just playing teacher until I'm not needed." I say before pausing. I'm just playing therapist until they're better.
      "Hey," I look up Mindswipe gives me a concerned look. "Are you-"
     "Hey guys!" Izuku's voice calls from the car that just stopped at the curb. "How's it going?"
     Slight panic fills me as I look from the hero partners in the car of Bakugou's. I don't want to be here. I think as I see the poly I was talking with near the car as I catch sight of crimson eyes.
     They looked jealous, demanding.
     "Come on, Jack." I whisper to my pooch before starting to head to the housing community park. Peace and quiet. I think with a sigh before getting Jack's ball from my coat pocket.
     I need to get their relationship fixed soon. I don't need to be here. I don't belong here.


     Can you shut your damn traps? I think annoyedly as I sit at the steering wheel before my eyes search for the (h/c) haired woman who was there....just a moment ago. Where'd our princess go? I think, starting to glance around with no avail. Shit.
     Click! "I'm going for a walk. I'll see you at the house, Izuku. Just drive back if it takes too long." I state, getting out.
     "Huh? Oh, I can go-"
     "I'm okay. You enjoy talking, love." I say with a gentle smile towards my boyfriend.
     "Awwww, Kacchan has feelings."
     "I will cut your balls off."
     "I'll shut up!" Dunce Face replies, stepping back as I pass the triad.
     Please be safe. There couldn't be any way someone took her. Could there? I think worriedly before speeding up my face as I head for the parks nearby.
     "Jack, get it, boy! Get your ball, handsome boy!" (Y/n) laughs as Lemoncake bounces around, tail wagging as she points behind him.
     It's almost surreal to see her like this after not seeing her for a few days.
     (H/c) hair that was a perfect (h/l) for her, a soft and gorgeous figure, (e/c) eyes that lit up with the sun, and a smile that seemed as bright as her eyes.
     I quietly walk up to her as I watch the dog run. "Lemoncake sure loves that." I say after she looks to me, turning her head.
     "You're in date clothes. You're gonna get cold. You're not dressed well for early March." She replies before crouching slightly to get the ball from Lemoncake, who's excitedly tapping his feet before she throws it again, wiping her hand on her pants.
     "I'll be perfectly fine, Sweetheart." I reply, watching the dog.
     "I envy you, Bakugou. You and Izuku." She says before giving a small laugh.
     "How so?" I ask, turning to look at her, her not doing the same as she watches her dog.
     "You two may not have a perfeft relationship. Hell, I know no one truly ever does. But your dedication to each other, even if your bedroom life is a little shaky, I envy what you have." (Y/n) says before wiping a tear with a scoff.
     "Why do you envy that, Sweetheart?" I ask as I gently turn her head to look at me.
     "Because I could never have that love." She states, a tear falling before I wipe it away.
     "Bork!" Lemoncake barks as he nudges her before she throws the ball again.
     "What about Flirt and Bartender? You all seem extremely close." I ask, making her shake her head.
      "I love them, but they're better off without me. Their relationship is what it needs to be. Ever since high school I always wanted them as mine. But I always knew they loved each other, I never needed to come between that." (Y/n) says with a shaky breath.
     "Are you scared to be in love?"
     "I may be called Aphrodite, but I'm far from being loved besides for a sex figure. I've dated around but never met anyone who truly loved me or the fact that I'm polyamourous. They'd be fine with single hookups, something they knew I was against, but wouldn't be fine welcoming in another partner or me having another partner they'd have to "share my body" with." She explains before melting into me as I gently pull her to my side. "But the worst would be making me feel like second place when they'd jump in having what they thought was an "open" relationship." (Y/n) states with a scoff.
     "I haven't dated since him; two years ago. Sure, I've had nights with Ren and Tashio, but no matter how much they offer to love me, I-" She stops. "I can't. I just can't help but want to join their relationship. I want to love and be loved. But I always wanted to have a love that...that-" she scoffs. "I don't know what I want. But I don't want to ruin their love." She says as she looks to me.
     "Look, I can't change anything. But just know, all the love you have makes you feel things most wouldn't. You're different. You want to give, and you need to find partners that'll give the same. All of them." I state as I watch her dog trot around proudly with his toy. "You deserve to find it. However, that may be."
     "How did you know you were in love with Midoriya?" She states, making my heart ache at her correction of my boyfriend's name.
     "It took a lot. I was a terrible person to him since we were both kids. He was...different. So I bullied him relentlessly. I hate myself for something I told him in middle school. I'm not a good person for that, and into high school, I wasn't too nice to him either." I explain as I grab the ball from Lemoncake before throwing it with all my strength. "But as time went on, I really started to see him for who he was. A better person than I'd hope to be."
     "But you are a good person?"
     "Not really. I've only let a handful of people see the real me. Izuku mainly, he seems to know me more than I do." I state with a small laugh. "I started to really love him when I started to see him broken, broken and reckless. I realized that I never wanted him to be like that under any circumstances. That was when everything changed for me. That was when I realized I loved him. I had denied it for so many years and just wanted him safe, I wanted to protect him."
     "I needed to protect the world. That has always been him, even if I didn't realize it." I say as I look to the short woman. "Find partners when you know you want to protect them from anything at all. Bad days, good days, or expired milk like I had to with Izuku." I state making her give a laugh. "When you find someone that you want to love with your whole soul and protect them and they return the favor, that's when it's love." I explain before meeting her curious (e/c) eyes. "That's my love anyway."
     "It sounds amazing. Izuku's a lucky man." (Y/n) states with a nod.
     "He is." I remark with a grin, making her laugh.
     "Someone's full of himself." She counters, crossing her arms as she looks at me amused. "No wonder I've had to knock you down a few pegs."
     "You've tried. It's not worked too well." I state with a smirk towards her.
     "That's for damn sure." She states before I sigh, hating to bleaken the mood.
     "You've been avoiding us?" I comment as her smile drops, and she lowers her head.
     "I just thought I needed to stay out of things better. I'm just here to help you two." She states, making my heart lurch. "I'll still be here to help you two get better, but I just thought it would be best if I'm more at the sidelines."
     She's retreating into herself. Damnit. I think before giving a grunt. "I see."
     "Good news, you two seem to already be getting better with your bedroom life. So I don't think I'll have to be here much longer." (Y/n) explains as she grabs the ball from Lemoncake.


     "You're going to leave?" I can't help but say as I finally let my presence be known.
     My Katsuki and (Y/n) turn to look at me as I come over.
     "Well, yes. That was always the intention of this arrangement." (Y/n) says, making my heart ache.
     "R-Right." I reply, catching Katsuki's sympathetic look. "Jack, here boy." I say with a fake smile as I grab the ball before throwing it. Is that why she's been so distant these last few days? All because of what we did? I enjoyed that time with her, I thought she did too.
      "Midoriya, it'll be okay. You two will always see me for student check-ins with Ukyuu." (Y/n) states, making me frown.
     Midoriya? When did that happen. It think sadly before I put on a fake smile. "Of course, how could I forget?"
     I catch her eyes looking a little guilty before she whistles for Jack. "I thought of making a soup since it's so cold. How does that sound? Then we can try something I think you'll be enjoy in the bedroom." She says before turning, walking with her dog.
     Katsuki soon walks over to me before pulling me into his side as we walk a bit behind her. "Are you okay, Love?"
     "Did we do something wrong? I thought everything was going good? I thought we were getting closer to her?" I whisper in reply to him, seeing his longing look as he eyes the woman we're so infatuated with.
     "We were. But she doesn't think she can love us." Katsuki states, making my heart seem to jump and drop at the same time.
     "Why? We'll both love her like she deserves to." I counter, trying nit to tear up. "Are we not good enough, Kacchan?"
      "It's not that we wouldn't be. It's that she's not ready to open up yet and let herself be loved. Her mindset is to put others before her own wants, even if it hurts her." Katsuki states, looking at me with slight defeat in his eyes.
     I can't help but look at the (h/c) haired woman again.
     (Y/n) fit the title of Aphrodite.
     Beauty and fierceness in one package.
     A goddess of beauty and love...and war.
    We were fully set to worship and love this goddess that had come into our lives.
     No matter what.

Poisonous Desires ♡K. Bakugou x Reader x I. Midoriya♡Where stories live. Discover now