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♡♡♡Love is Pain♡♡♡

♡♡(Y/N) POV♡♡

     My heart's racing. This is amazing. I think, my stomach in knots, as I'm between the two men, the blond kissing me deeply.
     "Katsuki, she likes it.~" I hear Izuku say breathily as his hands squeeze and rub my hips, his erection against my lower back.
     The blond breaks the kiss, holding my chin to make me look up at him while I slightly catch my breath. "She's beautiful. Isn't she, Izuku?" Bakugou asks as he gently rubs my cheek with his thumb.
     "Gorgeous." Izuku corrects, gently turning my head to the side before my lips get claimed in another gentle and needing kiss.
     I can't help as I slightly lean back into him, slightly gripping Bakugou's strong arms as he holds me steady. When her pulls away a whimper of a complaint leaves my lips, making both the men chuckle.
     "Needy, needy woman." Bakugou mocks gently as he smooths over my sides.
     "I enjoy seeing her so needy for us. Gives me a thrill." Izuku states as he makes me look at him again. "Tell us. Do you want us, (Y/n)?"
     Please yes.
     I want both of you.
     I look down a bit shyly as I barely nod.
     "Princess, use your words. We love hearing your voice." Bakugou says as he gently uses a finger to make me look up. "Now," He begins as a smile meets his face, not seeming to dull the lust in his crimson eyes. "Answer Izuku's question."
     "You. Are. Temporary." The man's previous words from weeks ago ring in my head and makes my heart ache.
     This isn't right. Even if it's consent by both of them. I won't mess up their relationship, even if it's rocky. I think as I cast my eyes down, gently pushing off their hands. "No." I say after clearing my throat and stepping back.
     Guilt gnaws at my stomach as I catch Izuku's wounded look as Bakugou looks confused and a bit hurt. "N-Now I think we should finally talk about the plan I have for the two of you." I state with a small nod before turning and heading back into the living room. Stupid. Stupid. Stupid! They're a couple! How could you even let them kiss you? Just because you're polyamourous doesn't mean that either of them are! I think as I slap my hands on my face and shake my head, taking a deep breath. Don't fall any further.
     "(Y/n)? Are you alright?" Izuku, who just came into the room, asks with a gentle smile towards me.
     I quickly lower my head as I nod. "Yeah, I'm okay." I say as I give him a reassuring smile.
     "Let's get this over with then." Bakugou, who doesn't seem as happy as he was just a minute ago, says as he flops down on the couch beside his boyfriend after putting down a tray with mugs of coffee.
     I nod before clearing my throat and starting to speak while ignoring the nervousness in my stomach.


     She looks so nervous now. Did we mess it all up? I think worriedly as the woman talks, me studying her posture and subtle actions. Did we ruin everything by doing that? I hope not.
     "Date nights? Every other week?" Katsuki voices in slight confusion as he leans back in his spot. A grin meets his face after a moment, "Are you gonna plan those too?"
     "More or less." (Y/n) replies after shrugging slightly. "Occasionally I will, but it'll be based on what your preferences are." She explains, making me grow a little flustered when I realize what she means.
     "You mean-" I stop as she nods.
     "Every other week, you two will have a home date in the bedroom." She states a bit awkwardly as she rubs the back of her neck, a cute embarrassed expression on her face.
     "Will we be supervised?~" Katsuki coos, making both (Y/n) and I to look at him confused.
    A heavy blush meets her face as she realizes what he means. "I-Uh-Um-" she stumbles cutely before Katsuki chuckles. "N-No, I wo-"
     "I'm requesting you do, Princess. How else are you going to know if your little remedy is working first hand?" Katsuki states with a smirk. "Actually, scratch that, it's not a request. I want you to be there in the room with us." Katsuki demands as he looks at her with the same lust in his eyes that he holds with me.
     For once since we've met this gorgeous woman, I didn't feel jealous that my Katsuki wanted her.
     Because I wanted her just as much as he did.
     I just hope that, like matches, the flame won't burn out.
   "O-Of course, Bakugou." (Y/n) stumbles as she turns her head to the side. "T-The dates will differ between going out, staying in, and bedroom dates. It should help balance better." She explains as she looks to us after clearing her throat again. "Sound alright to the both of you? If not, I can change up a few things."
     I give a nod while I smile at her. "We really appreciate what you're doing for us. It means a lot since others have..." I stop as I glance at my boyfriend. "given up on us." I finish as her eyes turn to looking at us softly and tenderly.
     "No one deserves to be given up on. There is always hope, even if it's small." (Y/n) says, a strand of (h/c) hair falling in her face before she pushes it away.
     And we won't give up on you.
     Katsuki and I? Give up on a chase?
     Nah, we're too stubborn for that to happen.

Poisonous Desires ♡K. Bakugou x Reader x I. Midoriya♡Where stories live. Discover now