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♡♡♡(Y/N) POV♡♡♡

     May. The nearing of summer and better weather. It was a favorite time of mine when I was younger and would take Ukyuu to places more to get us out of the house.
     But now?
     Now May is just another month as I'm trying to go forward.
     "Is this her, Aoi?" A man with graying hair asks with a smile as I walk up to the small coffee shop.
     "Yes, it is. My favorite passenger. Her and her brother are lovely. The dog, too." Mr. Tanaka says with a smile, making me laugh softly.
     "Kenya Tanaka, a pleasure to meet you, Miss (L/n)! My husband talks wonderful of you."
     "You're too kind, Sir. I'm not all that great." I remark while shaking the man's hand.
     "Bullshit! You're a wonder." Mr. Tanaka retorts with a scoff.
     "Alrighty honey, call me when you're done. I'm going to look in my store to pass the time!" Mr. Kenya says before nodding to us and then heading away.
     "His store?"
     "Legos, he loves them."
     "Ah!" I breathe before we head inside the cafe and take a seat.
     We order our drinks before he starts talking. "If I may, why are you patched up, Miss (L/n)?" He asks, worry clear in his tone.
     "Someone wanted revenge on them. Wanted to use me as leverage." I confess with a small shrug. "They said I was there about a week? I didn't really eat or drink because I didn't trust him. But the boys came and saved me. But now I'm swamped in all this crazy paperwork." I finish with a small laugh.
     "Are you alright?"
    "Healing, but I'll be okay." I state with a small shake of my head. "I'm just trying to sort myself out. I made up with my brother, thankfully, but I'm just trying to find-" I pause as I try to find the words.
      "Trying to find yourself?" Tanaka asks before I nod a bit defeatedly. "That's nothing to be ashamed of. A lot of us have had years to try to find themselves. Others don't get much time at all." He claims with a gentle smile. "It can be hard to find who you are. Even harder to find what you want to be. It's no easy feat, hun." He says before laughing gently. "But if anyone could, you sure as hell will."
      "How would I find out who I want to be?" I question as I look into my mug like the hot beverage could aid my mind. "How long would it take?" I ask worriedly as I look up to him.
      Tanaka takes a deep breath before sipping his coffee. "Well, that entirely depends on you. Because your goals and achievements are all up to you and the path you want to go. It could take some time or even just a moment. Though, no matter what happens, you'll know when you find yourself."
      "I can't tell you how you'll feel when you find yourself. I'm not you, Miss (L/n). You'll know it." He chuckles before taking another drink. "If you want some advice, I'd say try to accomplish some goals you have or something you want real, within reason, of course." He states before smiling. "You're a strong woman. You can do this."
     "Thank you, Mr. Tanaka. It means more to me than you could know." I say with a smile before we start catching up on things.
     The hour goes by swiftly before Kenya actually has to come get us before the couple end up late for their granddaughter's birthday party.
     "It was very nice to have caught up with you, Miss (L/n). I hope to do it again. Here or elsewhere." The cab driver says with a smile before hugging me. "Stay safe and out of trouble!"
     "I try, but it always seems to find me." I laugh, making the pair share a chuckle before bidding me fairwell.
     Who do I want to be?
     I just want to live. To be in a moment. Be happy with the life I've built.
    Have a family that I'll love to be around. To care for Uykuu and watch him continue to grow.
     To have friends that mean the world to me.
     Partners I'd love to grow old with. Partners I can trust with my fragility. Partners that I want to marry and have children with.
      I want the life that I didn't get, and I'm going to make it my own. I think before taking a breath as I step into the courthouse.


     My foot bounces quickly as I stare at the number on the door, one I never thought I'd have to stand before again. Damnit! I think before knocking on the door.
     I stand there before the woman answers. "Well, isn't this an unpleasant surprise." Mai remarks as she crosses her arms over her chest. "What do you want?"
     "Ukyuu." I say simply as I hand her the folder. "I want custody. You won't have to buy for him again, and it will be like you and Kanji never had children." I explain as I look to her.
      She looked shocked before clearing her throat. "Come in."
     I do as she says, taking my shoes off in the entrance hall before walking to the island bar. They've changed it a lot since I lived here. I think as I eye around the room.
     "Kanji! Come here! We have papers to sign!"
     "COMING LOVE!" The man calls in reply to his wife, breaking me from my study.
     "You drink?" Mai asks curiously as she heads for the counter.
     "Whiskey on the rocks." I remark with a quirked brow as the woman grabs three glasses from the cabinet.
     "Why are you here?" Kanji asks, slight poison in his tone.
     "For guardianship of Ukyuu. I have the papers ready. All you two have to do is sign." I claim as I pass them blue pens. "There is no recoil. I just want him under my guardianship. He'll be living with me during school breaks and out of your hands." I explain as Mai passes me my drink.
     The pair share a look before Kanji signs under his name on the multiple pages, Mai following suit.
     "I'm going back to my office. I have something to finish for work. Take care of that brat, you whore." Kanji states before heading out of the room.
     "I never hated you."
     "You never showed that you didn't." I counter as I check the signatures for correctness. "I was hit because I wanted to make you proud that your son knew the word 'mom' because he called me the title instead."
     "You didn't give birth to him."
     "You didn't raise him." I retort, making her roll her eyes as she refills our glasses.
     "I'm still his mother."
     "His mother, not his mom. There's a difference. You gave birth to him, and I raised him. You know his name. I know his favorites, his birthday, who he has a crush on, what his goals are, and who he admires." I say before downing my drink. "Honestly, I have the better job. I have Ukyuu." I explain as I look to Mai. "I may not have had parents, but I'm glad that Ukyuu got to grow up loved more than anything."
      Mai looks at me with slight guilt before she sighs, emptying her glass. "Probably. But motherhood was never in the cards for me. I'd rather you have been here than out in a foster house."
     "The only perk of living here was my Ukyuu and getting to meet Ren and Tashio." I say with a shake of my head.
     "Who are you?" Mai asks, making me grow confused. "Enlighten me on this woman that I caused as Dynamight said?"
     I give a chuckle before admiring the marble. "I'm a preformer. At least I was. I'm thinking of trying something new on the side, see where it gets me. I'm a mother of a future hero. It scares the shit out of me, but I'm proud of him. I'm a friend. And-" I say before pausing. "And maybe a lover." I explain with a small laugh.
     "Ah, well," Mai says as she passes the pens back to me. "Love gets people a long way. Mistakes are made but they can be fixed. Find whatever works." She states as she pours a third glass as I stand to my feet. "Whever you end up, I'm happy for you. You're a good mother. Better than I wished to have been."
     I can't help my small smile. "Not too shabby for a teenager, huh? Thanks for my son." I state as tears form at her eyes.
     "Have a good life, (Y/n)."
     "I will." I reply before leaving the apartment, a weight seeming to be off my chest. "Ukyuu, we'll never have to worry about them again." I say softly with a smile as I leave the complex to good.
     Time passes quickly as I head for my second destination. I felt nervous. What if they were mad? What if they were still hurt? Do they know what happened? What if I've lost them for good? Gods, I hope not.
     I look up at the small house as worry eats away at my gut. The schedule said they weren't working tonight. I think as I stare at the door. They should be home right now.
     I give a sigh as I turn. I'm sorry, Ukyuu, I'm still trying to be-
     I stop in my track as tears swell in my eyes. "Ren?" I say softly as I meet the familiar gaze of the blonde.
     "You're okay!" They cry before running over and hugging me. "Ukyuu told us you got hurt bad, and we came, but you were still asleep, and Taiya wouldn't let us off-"
      "Ren, what's taking you-" Tashio stops as he spots us in the drive. "(Y/n)!" He calls as he runs over and wraps us both in his arms. "You're awake and okay! I got so scared because my hound wanted to cross you over at times!"
     I (painfully) pull back as I smile at the pair with teary eyes. "I'm okay, you two. I have to make sure you both stay out of trouble. Where else can I go?" I say with a laugh as I fix my satchel that has Ukyuu's custody papers.
     "Come in. We clearly need to catch up." Tashio says, ushing us all inside.
     "What happened? Broccoli came and saw us once at work after-" Ren cuts themself off with a guilty look before starting again. "You disappeared without a trace."
      "A whole hell of a mess. Had an arguement with Izuku and Katsuki which Ukyuu ended up hearing. Lost a lot of the people I loved, got drunk, got kidnapped. Dehydration and starvation from said kidnapping, got rescued, and almost died in surgery." I explain with a shake of my head as Tashio hands me a water. "But on a good note, I'm trying to get my shit together." I explain with a smile. "I'm now Ukyuu's legal guardian."
     "Hell yeah!" Tashio says with a smile as he takes a drink of his beer.
     "That's great! It's about time." Ren laughs and makes me chuckle.
     "Yeah, I should have got guardianship when I got settled into my apartment long ago." I say before shrugging. "Can't change things, though. But I have him now, and he'll always be safe with us." I claim as I look between the two who smile.
     "Like back in high school."
     "Also, I'm thinking of trying a small bakery business on the side. See how it goes?" I explain with a smile, making Ren gasp.
     "God fuck, I've been dying for your old cake cookies! I demand a batch of the vanilla!"
     "Okay, okay! You'll get your cookies, crazy enby!" I fuss as they shove money into my hands as I laugh. Gods, I've missed this.
      We talked for hours before I finally had to leave and pick up Ukyuu.
     "When you come back to work?" Tashio asks, making me smile.
     "Unfortunately, I have to wait until I get my referral from the doc after I'm healed. My ribs still hurt like a bitch." I groan as I rub my sides at the mention.
     "I'll have that Aphrodite special waiting at the bar." Tashio says before Ren shoots them a look. "Come back any time, (Y/n). We've missed you." He says before going into the house.
     " Before you start, I'm sorry. About what I did. It wasn't right, never would be. But I thought that in some fucked up way if I asked you to join us, even if you were in love with them, you'd stay. I am selfish, (Y/n). I always have been. But that doesn't mean you're mine." Ren says as they stand before me. "I'm an asshole. A big one. But, I'll own up to my shit." They add before giving a gentle smile. "Go to them. You deserve to be happy. They love you a lot."
     They're apologizing? I think before a small smile greets my lips. "I was going to say, I forgive you. Besides, I was a bit of an asshole too." I say with a laugh, getting a smile from them. "You'll always be my best friend, Ren Tomokashi."
     "Every universe?"
     "Hell yeah." I say with a smile before hugging them. "Thanks for being a part of my life. It's been worthwhile because of it."

Poisonous Desires ♡K. Bakugou x Reader x I. Midoriya♡Where stories live. Discover now