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Chapter 5



The pair watch in a stunned silence as the woman leaves without a word.
She's gone again. Mirodiya thinks with disappointment before slight annoyance tugs his gut. "See what you did?"
"What I did? She left on her own."
"You brought it up!"
"You lied to me, Izuku." Bakugou states sternly as the green haired man cast his gaze to his lap guiltily. "Look, the last time we saw her I did take her advice. We're scheduled to go see a damn couples counselor in a few days." He says, making his boyfriend look at him surprised.
He actually did that?
"Look, I couldn't live if I lost you, Izuku. I don't want us to lose each other, so let's get this shitty stuff going on figured out." He continues before sighing. "I've lost my appetite, I'm sorry." He states before getting up, not having got a chance to touch his food earlier.
"Katsuki-" What do I even say? I...I shouldn't have done this. Midoriya thinks before sighing. "I'm sorry."
"We'll get this figured out, I know we can." Bakugou says after pushing back the curly locks on his boyfriend's head before kissing his forehead. "We're both too stubborn to let this ever end us. I sure as hell won't." The blond states with a stern nod before he moves back. "Goodnight, Izuku." The ash blond says before heading into a spare bedroom.
Us. He still has hope for us. He said 'us'. Midoriya thinks with a small smile before putting up the leftovers after eating and then heading to the shared bedroom, a saddened feeling in his gut when he flicks on the light before shaking his head. No, I can't.
The gentle pad of his bare feet against the wooden floor slightly sounds before he goes into the spare bedroom and gently shaking his boyfriend's shoulder.
"Wah? Zuku?"
"I can't sleep without you."
"Come here, you goof." The ash blond says with a tired chuckle before the man crawls into his arms and they settle close to each other.
"Goodnight, Katsuki. I love you."
"I love you too, Izuku. More than you'll ever know."

♡♡(Y/N) POV♡♡

"I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize, Baby Girl. We know you needed it."
"But I feel bad. I don't want you thinking I'm using you because I'm stressed."
"If this is what happens when you're stressed then I say get stressed more often." Ren jokes before hovering over me before gently kissing my lips. "But I'd rather this just happen normally so I also take that back." They say before pulling me into them, their breasts pressing against my bare back.
"We're sorry about everything. Will you tell us what's going on?" Tashio asks while moving to hold me from the front, wrapping to also hold his partner's side.
I give a heavy sigh before resting my head against the pillow with a shake of my head. "Those two heroes. I can't get them off my damn mind. They look like a good couple but they have sex problems that are off the charts and it's ridiculous but they both seem to be flirting with me and it doesn't help that they did something to annoy Ukyuu so I can tell he's stressed so that makes me-"
"(Y/n), (Y/n)! Easy." Tashio states as he holds my face and makes me focus on him. "Everything's gonna be alright. Ren and I aren't gonna let anything bad happen." He promises, giving me a gentle kiss before Ren turns my head to do the same.
"You got plans? I'd like to have a cuddle nap and this would be heaven!" Ren asks before snuggling into me. "Or we could shoot for round two?~" They claim while running their hand down my side and going lower.
"Cuddle nap! Cuddle nap! I'm still sore because of the two of you!" I hiss lightly, making them both chuckle.
"Good." The pair chorus before moving closer into me.
"Sleep good, you two."
"Nighty nighty."
I'm glad I have them. I think happily before leaning my head back to rest against Tashio as Ren moves their head into the crook of my neck.
We're quick to fall asleep in each other's arms as time seems to move too quick for our peaceful moment.
"THE DEMON IS CALLING! THE DEMON IS CALLING! THE DEMON IS CALLING!" My phone yells, making the three of us groan before I struggle to get up before forcefully grabbing the electronics from the bedside table before answering.
"What?" I ask tiredly before slightly tapping Ren's nose when they try to play with my boobs, bringing a pout to their lips.
"Good to hear from you too, geez." My little brother fusses before I sigh.
"Sorry, you woke me from a great nap." I state before giving the blond a stern glare when they try to play with me. "One sec, Yuu. Stop it, you horny enby." I hiss before they huff and cross their arms disappointedly.
"I'm not gonna ask, but I was wondering if you wanted to come to eat dinner with me and my class, I asked Nezu today and he said he didn't mind." The teen explains before I nod.
"Sure. I'll take a shower and then head over." I explain before the other side goes quiet. "What mochis do you want?"
"Yes! Strawberry please!" Ukyuu asks and I can't help my playful eyeroll.
"Alright. Love you, Knucklehead." I say before hanging up after he says the same.
"Damn, I wish I had a sibling. You two are great."
"I'm more of a mother figure to him, honestly." I state with a shrug before getting out of the bed, stumbling slightly before getting my footing.
"It's good you're not working for a while. It'll mean our marks will disappear."
"Unfortunately." Tashio and Ren say before I shake my head with a smile.
"Mind if I shower here?" I question before Ren grins hopefully. "Yes, the offer is there if you wish to join."
"Showering with my favorite people? Yes please."
These two. I think with a small laugh before heading into the bathroom with then in tow.
"One dozen strawberry mochis please?" I ask the woman behind the counter while pulling out my wallet. Damn. My thighs hurt, I can feel the hickeys those dummies left on me. I think with a small sigh before grabbing the bag from them.
I wonder what they're making? I hope neither of those heroes will be there. I don't feel like I can handle seeing then again after last time. I think with a shake of my head before getting on the bus, hiding the bag of mochis until I'm farther on.
It's a quiet bus ride to the stop near UA before I get off and start my walk.
I'm going to beat those two for making me so sore. I think a bit annoyedly as my legs ache with each step. I get we haven't had sex much, body, but why do you make me hurt so bad? I whine internally before stopping at the gate and sending my brother a text.
It doesn't take long before I see a small dust cloud starting to get closer.
"(Y/n)!" Ukyuu cheers happily before hugging me tightly before picking me up and slightly spinning me.
"Ukyuu! Haha!" I say with a laugh before he puts me down and smiles at me.
I roll my (e/c) eyes with a smile before handing over the bag of mochis, making his smile grow at the action. "Let's go, you goof." I state with a small laugh after he takes one out and bites into it before we start walking.
"So how are Ren and Tashio?" My "little" brother asks before I chuckle.
"Crazy as-wait how'd you know?"
"I heard you fussing with Ren when we were on the phone, you're not good at whispering." My brother states before snorting. "'Horny enby'?"
"You know maybe I have something better to-"
"Nooooo, I'm sowwyyyyyy."
"You're heavy! Off!" I fuss to him as he drapes onto me while I try to hold him up.
"But I don't want you to leaveeee." My brother whines before the front door opens to the dorms where he stays.
"(L/n)! Hi!" Comakia greets happily as she comes over and flicks my brother's nose before quickly pull me into her as my brother fusses.
"Good to see you too." I say to her before walking in, Ukyuu pouting as he follows.
"(Y/n)! Hey, sexy momma!" Kaz says to me excitedly as he runs over and hugs me.
"Hush up, crazy boy." I joke to the teen who's pointed tail flicks in disappointment.
"Hey everyone! This is my sister! No one touch or I'll fuck you up if she doesn't get to you first!" Ukyuu says loudly, causing some of his friends to laugh.
"If I hear any of you are messing with my Ukyuu I'll beat the crap out of you." I state sternly before heading to the kitchen. "Damn, smells great Sugashiri." I say to the blue haired teen as he cooks.
"Thanks, (L/n)." The teen replies as Karoso and Tsukami give me short greetings before they disappear down the hallway and up the stairs. "So how've you been lately?"
"Good. Little stressed but it's nothing I can't handle. I go back to work next week so that might help." I explain before he chuckles.
"You care to maybe set the table? Everyone else seems a bit occupied." Sugashiri requests before I nod, grabbing plates from the cabinet and grabbing half the stack then going to set the tables.
"Oh no."
"He seems mad."
Who seems-
Click! SLAM! The loud noise of the door opening and closing sounds through the dormitory as I look to the blond haired man angrily changing into his slippers, grumbling under his breath.
"Just have someone bring up a plate, I don't need you all to feel bad because of me. Sorry." The man says, a defeated sound in his voice before he goes to the staircase instead of the elevator, the door being slammed shut as well, a loud CR-CRACK! sounding with it before a loud curse from behind the door follows.
"Damn, I wonder what's got his dick in a twist."
"Ukyuu!" I hiss to my brother who quickly goes quiet before going to grab silverware. I hope he's okay. I think as I look towards where he disappeared to. Damnit. I think with a heavy sigh before setting down the plates. "Finish setting up for me."
"He'll be fine, (Y/n). He can handle me, he can handle whatever's bugging him." Ukyuu states before I shake my head.
"If it was that easy I'd have no problems in life."
"HEY!" My brother fusses as I walk away, entering the elevator before closing the doors before he could get on too.
If I remember right, he mentioned once that all the teachers' dorms are on the top floor. I think before poking the largest number before the elevator rises. I hope he's alright. I think a bit worriedly before walking down the long hall to the room at the end.
The nameplate reads: Dynamight and underneath: K. BAKUGOU in neat kanjis.
Bingo. I think before knocking.
"Just leave it there. I'll get it soon." The man's familiar gruff voice calls out, making my heart ache.
It sounded broken, hopeless even.
I need to help him. He's hurting.

Poisonous Desires ♡K. Bakugou x Reader x I. Midoriya♡Where stories live. Discover now