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Chapter 8


♡♡(Y/N) POV♡♡

I quietly type the number into my phone before pulling it up to my ear, hearing it ring.
SKRR- "Hello?"
"Mr. Tanaka?" I ask as I look to my sock covered feet.
"Ah! Miss (L/n), it's good to hear from you. Need that getaway driver already?" The man asks, making me laugh.
"Not yet. Thank you for the offer though." I say, amusement in my tone. "If it's not too much of a bother can you maybe go pick up two of my friends from my apartment? They've got my books for me since I forgot to pack them myself." I explain as I scratch Jack's head as he paces beside me while I talk.
"Of course, it's no trouble for my favorite rider." The man states, making me laugh.
"Thank you, Mr. Tanaka. I really appreciate it. Being your favorite and you getting my idiots, of course. I apologize in advance about the both of them." I state, him chuckling from the other line.
"If they're your friends I believe I'll do just fine, Miss (L/n)."
"Agree to disagree." I joke softly, bringing another chuckle from him.
"I'll have them over in an hour or I owe you all coffee. See you then."
"Mr. Tanaka, you don't have to-"
BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! The phone chirps to signal that the call has ended before I give a small chuckle.
"Stubborn man." I say before shaking my head. "Yuu's lucky he's not that stubborn or I'd probably get his ass for it." I state to my dog as I look around for a spot to have the boxes of books. I haven't even looked in the closet yet. I think as I walk over and open the doors.
"Oh Jiminy Cricket." I say with surprise as I look at all the toys neatly in a box, being the only thing in the bare closet. Well that's more to the list. I think as I slowly close the doors. "Yeah I think it going by the chair is fine." I claim as I move the chair over a bit so there'll be enough room.
I hear a small whimper behind me before turning and seeing Jack, looking at me with begging eyes.
"You need to use the bathroom?"
No wag.
"Nap number two?"
No wag.
He looks startled before going and laying on the bed, making me chuckle.
"You guys are supposed to like water. Weirdo." I claim before sighing. "Snacky snack?" I say and causing him to jump off the bed and head for the door. "Alright alright." I say, adjusting my fluffy blue lingerie and heading out of the spare bedroom.
I've been living with Izuku and Bakugou for two days already. I've been kinda watching them and trying to see how they go about things when they're home.
If they ever were at home. They both work a lot (being top heroes and teachers, of course) so it's been a bit of a challenge to do so. They work most days so I shouldn't have to worry about anything.
I go to the kitchen and get the dog a couple treats after he did some tricks before grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl and taking a bite.
A knock sounds at the door before I go and open it, a smile on my face.
"Not in the lingerie!" Ren fusses as they push me inside using the box they're carrying.
I give a small squeak before moving back, slightly pouting. "You didn't let me thank Mr. Tanaka for bringing you here!" I gripe before the pair shrugs.
"Call him and thank him later." Ren claims before giving me a kiss on my cheek before adjusting the box in their arms. "Soooo books?"
"Yes, I have done nothing in this house for the past two days and I will go insane if I don't have anything to read." I claim as I lead the pair towards the spare bedroom. "You can only find so many fanfics that are good and meet my elite expectations."
"You sound like the author." Tashio chuckles as he rolls his purple eyes.
Shut up, I created you, I can torture you. You both have nice pasts surprisingly.
"Touché." Ren claims as they enter the room and give a sharp whistle. "Damn, this room is huge. This the master?" They ask while I start digging through the books, making sure they got my favorites.
"Huh? Oh no, this is the second spare bedroom." I reply and smile as I pull out my favorite book from the box and put it on my nightstand.
I look to them a bit confused before giving a glance to the pair. "What?" I ask softly and finish pushing the boxes beside the chair in the room.
"The second...spare bedroom?" Tashio questions before I nod.
"Yes? They have three bedrooms but share one." I explain as I get up and head to the door, them following. "You guys hungry?"
"You say that like it's normal to be in a big house." Tashio claims as he takes off his leather jacket and rest it on the back of the couch.
"Yeah, I'm not used to it either." I confess with a small laugh. "Plus it's so quiet when they're not here."
"What's mean?" Ren asks, having stuffed a strawberry in their mouth after opening the fridge.
"Well when they're here, what little bit I've seen they're so lively and it makes me-" I cut myself off and shake my head. "They're a very good couple besides for their few problems." I explain as I take out a baking sheet. "How does cinnamon rolls sound?"
The pair nod before Tashio smiles. "I think I'm gonna take some more of your books out. Don't worry, I know which ones you like the best." Tashio claims as he gives me a soft kiss to the cheek and then kisses Ren softly on the lips.
"Don't get a papercut." They reply, making Tashio chuckle and leave the room.
"You're a dork, Ren." I say to them as I place the frozen pastries on the sheet.
"Just a little."

Poisonous Desires ♡K. Bakugou x Reader x I. Midoriya♡Where stories live. Discover now