Chapter 1

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After binge watching my favorite drama on Netflix all night, i can't feel anything except, tiredness.

You can't blame me for staying up all night watching dramas because it's probably one of the reasons why i am still breathing and living in this cruel world.

Eyes shut softly, as I was off in dreamland. I can hear loud knocking, echoing in my peacefully, silent room.

I slowly got up and stared for a bit at my alarm clock seeing it was almost morning when I finished that drama.

I laid back down, rethinking my decisions. Darn it, now I'm gonna deal with this shit at school, and I'm not in the mood for that.

I wasn't going to bother opening it since I don't have the energy to do so. But the knocking didn't stop and it's starting to annoy the hell out of me.

Minutes pass by and the knocking stopped, and I can't help but sigh in relief as silence followed. Finally, peace.

" Yah aren't you getting up?! "

Or not .

"Jeez you didn't need to shout Ji. " I said as I tried to get myself together and function. I don't want more of my brother's shouting. I just asked for peace, can't they give that?

I don't want to get more tired bickering with this beanstalk.

" Did you stay up all night watching dramas again? " Jisung asked and pulled the blanket off my face.

He stared at my face and gave me a judging look. " You look like shit sis. "

" I know Ji, you didn't have to rub it in my face. " I answered, rolling my eyes.

" We have school today, did you forgot?Youre such a grandma sometimes, tsk. "  Shaking his head slowly in disapproval, he picked up a small pillow and throwing it straight to my face.

" Shut up, beanstalk . " He just gave me a glare before walking out of my room. That beanstalk just ruined my day already.

What a way to start school.

Sometimes I just wonder, why I always forget important things just like school. If I didn't forget I have school today, I wouldn't have stayed up all night watching dramas.

I just wanted sleep and now I have to deal with school and my annoying twin. I mean, don't get me wrong I don't hate my brother. It's just he annoys me a lot and he does it on a daily basis. And the fact that we have classes together, we'll just end up bickering with each other until the class ends.

Staring at my breakfast, wondering if my friends would notice my face. Bags were visible under my eyes making me look like a zombie rather than a normal person.

" Aren't you eating Jia? Hurry and eat up, you're brother is already waiting outside. " Mom said softly before giving me a warm smile.

Still not functioning, I nodded slowly before grabbing a toast and gulping a bit of my milk and started walking out.

" Jia you didn't even eat anything at all! Eat properly at school okay? " Mom shouted, peeking at the door.

" I will, Mom! " I shouted in reply.

Walking out, I saw Jisung impatiently waiting.

" Can you hurry? Chenle is already waiting for us. " Jisung said, hands in his pockets.

" Yeah yeah whatever, I'll go get Haechan. " I didn't wait for his reply and started walking to the house next to ours.

Knocking the door softly, I waited for it to open.

" Oh? Jia, you're early to-Woah, are you ok? You look like a panda who didn't sleep for ten years. " Haechan teased, laughing at my dreadful state.

" Thanks for the compliment, " I answered sarcastically before rolling my eyes.

" Of course I do, you can't live without my presence. " Haechan said teasingly, throwing his arms around my shoulder.

" Yeah, whatever you say Haechan. " I replied tiredly. I'm not in the mood to answer his teasing remarks and I know he'll just take advantage of my state right now, so I just let him be.

Heading to where Jisung was, I saw him and Chenle already waiting. " You two move so slow, " Chenle shouted, waving his hand at us.

" And you're still very loud Chenle, like a dolphin. " Haechan replied, shaking his head teasingly.

" Dolphins aren't loud Haechan hyung, you are. " Chenle replied running away after his remark. Haechan followed, yelling how he's supposed to respect him because he's 'older.

" I'm the only mature one. " Jisung said, shaking his head while looking at the two boys, already far away. Haechan attempting to headlock Chenle who's running to save his life.

" Pfft, you can't even talk to girls without stuttering. Mature? I'm not sure about that Ji. " I teased and attempted to run away from this beanstalk.

" Yah! You- " Jisung shouted, catching up headlocking me in the process.

" It's early in the morning and you guys are already murdering each other. " Renjun said, showing up in his complete uniform like the good student he is. Jaemin and Jeno following behind. Jeno was waving at us with his usual eye smile.

" Violence is never the answer, Jisungie. " Jaemin said, dragging Jisung away, pinching his cheeks like he always does, Jisung hates it a lot.

" Yeah, it's not the answer, It's the solution. " Renjun added, smirking.

I'm definitely the normal one.

I'm definitely the normal one

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How we feelin'

I don't know how to start this tbh

Pls vote♡

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