Chapter 31

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" You seemed mad at her, hyung

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" You seemed mad at her, hyung. You two fought again? " Jisung asked Haechan, eyes still focused on the game.

Haechan looked at him, " They went on a date "
He snickered, " But I guess I can't do anything about that, they're already together. "

Jisung nodded in approval, " So are you gonna give up now? "

Haechan sighed, " I don't know, I want to but, I can't " Jisung gave him a small encouraging smile.

" Never knew you were so whipped with my sister " Jisung chuckled.

" You're right, I wonder why " Haechan laughed. Jisung looked at him with wide eyes.

" Maybe I should really give up now right? After all, if she's happy with him, I'll try to be happy for her " Haechan trailed off.

Jisung looked at him, " You sure about that hyung? You liked her for a long time you know, "

Haechan smiled sadly, " I guess? " He sighed,
" You might not get it, but it's best to see the person you like happy than try to ruin her source of happiness, "


" Class dismissed, don't forget to do the homework in pair. Pass it tomorrow, no extending deadlines okay? " The teacher stated as she got walked out of the room.

" Jia, are you going anywhere after class? " Haechan asked Jia who was busy stuffing her things in her backpack.

Jia thought for a second, " Mark said he's busy right now and Jisung left with Chenle and the others already so, no I guess? Why? " She asked.

" Why don't we go to a bestfriend date today hm? " Haechan suggested.

Jia smiled sheepishly in response, " Your treat? "

Haechan smiled, " Tsk, your abusing our friendship but fine it's my treat " He snickered.

This is the last time I'll see you as the person I like, Jia. After this I'll officially give up.

" What are you waiting for? Let's go I'm starving " Jia exclaimed as she links her arm with Haechan's. A small action that made Haechan's heart jump.

You don't have any idea how much effect you have on me, Haechan thought.


Jia let out a satisfied sigh as she looked at her empty plate, a satisfied grin plastered on her face.

" Wah, daebak. Are you sure Mark won't get turn off if he knew you could devour 8 plates of tteokbeokki, Jia? " Haechan teased as Jia gave him a glare.

" I don't eat that much if I'm with him, I want him to think I'm a ladylike you get me? " Jia answered him.

" I don't know, I wouldn't  mind if you eat that much " Haechan whispered.

Jia looked at him confusedly, " What? I couldn't hear you "

Haechan just smiled, " Nothing, so where do you want to go next? "

" I was wondering if we could go to the amusement park nearby? It's been so long since I've been there " Jia requested.

" Okay, wait here I'll pay first. " Haechan stated as he got up to pay.

Jia smiled as she watched Haechan, she truly missed this. Just them hanging out together without anything to worry about. No misunderstandings, just them having fun.

Jis sighed as she looked outside. The busy streets and city lights were somewhat comforting to her. She didn't know why, but it made her feel warm.

Not until her eyes caught something she didn't want to believe.

Mark was with someone.

And he was hugging her, while smiling brightly. She couldn't see the girl's face but she was sure she wasn't Mark's friend or even a schoolmate.

But he told me he was busy, Jia thought to herself.

" What are you looking at? " Haechan asked her as he approached her.

" Hm? Nothing " Jia snapped out of her thoughts.

" Okay then, let's go. It's getting late, "

" Yeah, we should go now. "

Jia took one last glance at Mark, who was now walking away with the girl.

It should be nothing.

Please be nothing.

Im hesitating if I should discontinue this story, because i don't really know if this story is still working out

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Im hesitating if I should discontinue this story, because i don't really know if this story is still working out.

But there's still a part of me that want to finish this story because it's a series, and i want to publish the other members story too.

What do you guys think?

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