Chapter 36

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" Hey, Jia? Are you busy right now? " Mark asked her over the phone

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" Hey, Jia? Are you busy right now? " Mark asked her over the phone.

It's been long since they talked, Mark was getting more and more busy to make time for her. She knew he was busy but a call wouldn't hurt right? Because Mark didn't even call her once, she tried to call him one time but it was cut short with Mark saying he had something to do. She barely even sees him at school.

Jia wanted to understand him so bad but she couldn't help but overthink about that image of Mark with another girl.

" I ordered something for you in advance if you don't mind, " Mark stated with a smile on his face as he placed the cheesecake with a drink in their table.

They were in a cafe near the school, the warm atmosphere around them was totally opposite of what Jia was feeling.

" So, uh you're not busy today? " Jia decided that ask. Mark shooked his head before looking at her.

" I actually have something to tell you, "

Mark sucked in a breath, " Let's break up "

Jia frozed. She didn't know what to say. It was like time stopped for second because of it.

" What? " Was all she could said.

Mark bit his lip, " I'm leaving Seoul after I graduate, to Canada. "

" I'll miss you " Mark admitted.

He sighed before speaking, " I don't know how to say this but, Jia it was nice being with you for a while. I was happy. You made me happy. "

He reaches out for her face, caressing it for the last time. " But I'd rather let you be with someone else than with me to make you happier. "

He places a last kiss on her forehead, " I know it's not me anymore, but it's fine, as long as you're happy "

" Mark I— "

" Hey, it's fine okay? " He chuckled. " I knew you liked Haechan, it was obvious "

" When you guys weren't on good terms, you were always looking at him. And when you guys fought? " He smiled.

" You should've seen yourself, Jia. You were so upset to the point that you went sick because of him. "

" You liked him, you just didn't notice that " Mark pointed out.

Mark smiled gently at her for the last time,
" I know we broke up just now, but promise me you'll see me off when I leave, okay? " Mark says with a light laugh.

Jia couldn't help but laugh at Mark's attempt to make her smile. She really do appreciate him.

" You're not breaking up with me because you have someone else right? Because I would seriously smack you in the head. It's gonna be embarrassing if people knew you change me for someone else, " Jia snickered at him.

Mark laughed, " Why would you even say that, like dude–I was too busy to even hang out with you guys "

Jia's brows furrowed, " But I saw you one time, with a girl " Jia asked, curious.

" Really? What did she looked like? "

" Short, medium length hair. That was all I could see. And to make it more interesting, you guys were hugging " Jia responded with a shrug.

Mark thought for a minute before he realizes it.
" Dude, that was my cousin, Aerin. She recently just visited Mom here in Seoul. We hugged because it was a long time since we've seen each other. She was staying in the Philippines for years then she came to visit us here "

Jia nodded, understanding. It was just a big misunderstanding after all.

Mark glances at his watch, before speaking. " I need to go now, you good here? "

Jia nods, " Yeah, I'm fine. "

" Think about what I said earlier, you just need to realize it, Jia. I'll get going first okay? " Mark says as he got up to leave.

Jia watches as Mark waved at her as he got out of the cafe. Waving back, she couldn't help but feel a some kind of relief that their break up wasn't as messy as Jia imagined. Mark was really a good guy. And he even made her realize some things she needed to know.

Mark Lee, thank you for everything.

Im bad at writing breakups as you can see, I'm really sorry

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Im bad at writing breakups as you can see, I'm really sorry


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