Chapter 23

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Two weeks later

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Two weeks later

It took two weeks for Jia to finally talk with Haechan.

Haechan was unapproachable.

He still ignored her and didn't even hang out with the guys anymore. He was always with that blonde even he looked only half interested with what she was saying.

" Ugh—I need a break from school. " Renjun muttered as he slumped down on the seat beside Mark.

" Dude— I never thought you would say that, " Mark commented, never expecting the boy to say something with the word 'break'

It was lunch, and Jia finally thought that whatever happens when she talks to Haechan, she'll try to fix this shit.

" I'm hungry, buy me food please. " Jisung groaned.

Chenle looked at him in disbelief, " Can't you do it yourself? Don't be such a baby. "

" I spent all my money, and now I'm broke. " Jiasung explained, Jia looked at him, shocked.

" What the— what in the world did you spend it for? "
" Uhm—I don't know? "
" What? You don't know? How can you—Ugh, I'm gonna tell Mom about this. "
" Go on, Sis. She loves me anyway, "

" Now calm down, you two. Come on Jisung, I'll buy you something. " Jeno interfered.

Everyone looked at him with wiggling eyebrows, " Oh, you really do love Jisung so much. " Jaemin said, his tone teasing.

Jeno just smiled at them, already used being teased by how he 'loves' the maknae 'secretly'.

" I'm hungry too, I'll go with you guys. " Chenle says as he got up from his seat.

The three left, leaving Jaemin, Renjun, Mark and Jia on their table. " Haechan is really being a jerk now isn't he? " Renjun scoffed.

" And he's always hanging out with that blonde, he's even ignoring us. " Jaemin sighed.

Mark was silent which made Jia wonder if he and Haechan had already made up. But knowing that they weren't talking because of her, she already knew they didn't talk at all.

" Are you hungry, Jia? " Mark asked the girl beside him, noticing that she's already looking at that table where Haechan and Ari along with her minions were seated.

He sighed, " Do you miss him? "

The question made Jia turn her attention to her boyfriend, who was looking at her like he wanted an honest answer.

" I mean—I do, I do miss him. He's my bestfriend after all. " She answers.

" You know, you should talk to him. " Mark stated. Jia looked at him with wide eyes.

" I can't—he's always with that Ari clinging to him. And I don't think he wants to talk to me, " Jia sighed.

Mark sighed, " Only if you know, "

" Hm? know what? "

Mark felt like they were in a relationship, but nothing really changed. With the Haechan situation around, he knew Jia could not let her thoughts focus on Mark.

He knew it was selfish to think like that, but what can he do? He just likes her so much that he's willing to help Haechan to just tell everything to Jia. That everything was a lie, that Haechan really didn't like him. That it was all her all along.

That all of this happenend because of her, It was all about her.

* * *

No one was around.

Jia waited for Haechan outside the boy's bathroom, far enough to not let Haechan think she's some perverted high school girl, spying on boys.

She already had many problems, she certainly doesn't want more to come. 

" I always knew you were some kind of slut, " A voice spoke behind her.

Jia turned to look at the girl, already wanting to smack her head onto the wall.

" And why the hell would you say that, Ari. " Jia said, raising an eyebrow.

Ari chuckled, " I don't know, you just seem so...attached to the boys. "

" They're my friends, just so you know. "

" Pathetic, you're just at the spotlight because of you're friends. Don't even think you're fit enough to be with them. "

" So what? I never meant to be at the spotlight anyways. Now would you please leave, I'm doing something here. " Jia muttered, annoyed that this girl was again here to ruin her chance to talk to Haechan.

Ari scoffed, " And do you think he'll listen to you? You did this by yourself, you hurt him and now you expect him to listen to you? You're really pathetic, pathetic slut. "

That's it.

Jia looked at Ari with so much rage that Ari herself was a bit taken aback with the change of her personality. Jia always looked like she didn't care a bit with the world revolving around her. This side of the girl was a bit scary for Ari but she took it as a bait to get her.

" Listen here you stuck-up bitch, you don't know anything so stop talking as if you're pea-sized brain knows everything . You're the slut here not me, now go on before I kill you, bitch . "

Jia instantly regrets her sharp words as Ari looked at her, smirking, as if she won the argument. Ari's expression then changed, starting to cry.

Jia looked at her, confused. But a voice speaking behind her made her heart jolt.

" How can you say something like that to her, Jia? You know what? You're being a bitch, you can just fuck off and leave us alone. " Haechan spoke, eyes looking at her with betrayal.

Tears threatened to fall from her eyes, " Haechan, I didn't— "

" You didn't what? God Jia, just leave. Get lost, " Haechan shouted, stepping closer to the Ari who was crying, comforting her with a soft ' are you okay? '

It took seconds for her brain to sink in that Haechan didn't really care for her anymore.

She didn't matter anything to him anymore.

And she didn't know why she felt her heart broke with the sight of Haechan hugging Ari, to comfort her.

And so she left with tears falling to her cheeks.

And so she left with tears falling to her cheeks

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Damn bro why you gotta hug her


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