Chapter 35

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Renjun sighed as Jia gave him a dissapointed look

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Renjun sighed as Jia gave him a dissapointed look.

" And you're not gonna tell me anything? " Jia warned.

Renjun sighs for the last time, " Look, its not my place to say. Just ask Haechan and get things clear okay? " He went on, walking away after.

" Yah, Huang Renjun! Don't just snitch on me like that! " As Jia shouted his name, Haechan looked at her giving her a questioning look.

Eventually, he approaches her. " What was that about? "

Jia threw him a stern look, " Meet me after class, rooftop. " She muttered, not even waiting for a response.

Later, Renjun came back sitting directly on Haechan's seat, giving Jia a side look.

Haechan took a glance at Renjun who just shrugged, before focusing back when the teacher came in to start the class.

" So, you're not gay huh? " Jia began, arms crossed as she faced the boy.

Haechan was stunned for a moment at what the girl had said, not knowing what to say next. So he played it cool, like he wasn't bothered by it. Because that's what typical Haechan would do.

" Y-yeah, I'm not. So what? " Haechan responded.

" You lied about it? " Jia asks in a low tone. Haechan only averted his gaze, not having the courage to look at her.

He knew pretending that he's gay and that he liked Mark was a stupid plan. He just made that decision on the spot because of jealousy that he wished he could turn back time and change his stupid mistakes. And he was freaking embarrassed because of it.

Jia sucked in a breath, " Was liking Mark a lie too? " Haechan bit his lip as he looked down, ashamed. Jia knew the answer was a yes, and it made her feel like shit.

" Do you have any idea how bad I felt when you told me you liked Mark? I felt like I would be the reason if we won't ever be friends again, " Jia felt  a lump on her throat as she looked away at him.

" If you're not telling me anything, I'm leaving " Jia added as she tries to walk away.

Haechan lightly grabbed her wrist as he turned to her.

" I'm sorry "

" I don't want your apology, I wanted an explanation, Lee Haechan. "

Haechan sighed, " Fine, but don't laugh at me or something "

Jia only nodded as she faced him again, " Look, I did it all because I was jealous. "

Jia's brows furrowed, " Jealous of what? "

" You've always liked Mark. Ever since the beginning, it was always him. I was the one that always stayed with you, but the only one you've seen was always him. " Haechan started.

" I know what I did was wrong, but I can't help it. How would you feel if the person you like doesn't even take a small glance at you? And to be honest It felt like shit, Jia. I was just tired of being someone you won't ever give your attention with. " He laughed, humorlessly.

" I'm sorry if I lied but I knew since the beginning, that plan would never work anyway " Haechan mumbled soflty.

After all Haechan had said, Jia was still confused. (well what can i say she is dense as fuck sorry)

" I–I don't get it " Jia trailed off.

As Haechan took in a breath and stare at her eyes, he decided to just end this all, and tell it to her out loud.

" Park Jia, I like you "

" He fucking confessed to you!? " Jia flinched as Jisung's loud voice echoed through her bedroom.

" Lower your voice, beanstalk. Everyone in town might hear you " Jia grumbled as she buries herself on her bed covers, already regretting that she just told her twin brother about Haechan's confession earlier.

" Wah, I thought he didn't have the guts to tell you " Jisung stated.

Jia looked at him, " He did said he liked me but, why would he pretend to be gay and that he liked Mark? I don't fucking get it, really "

Jisung gave his twin a judging look, " You still don't get it do you? " Jia meekly shook her head.

" He wanted you to stop liking Mark. And by doing that, he made a pretty stupid plan. He pretended to like Mark, thinking that you would stop liking him and give up. " He began.

" His words were; Jia's the type of person to stop liking someone if someone close to her likes that person too. Little did he know, he'd make the situation worse " Jisung shrugged.

" I thought Haechan-hyung was smarter than that but I guess I was wrong " He added.

Jia was petrified, she didn't know what to say. Jisung snickered at her, " I heard from Renjun-hyung, you're having feelings for Haechan-hyung too? Wah, you guys are crazy. " Jisung laughs but soon stopped as he noticed Jia spacing out more.

" Do you really like Haechan-hyung, sis? " Jisung asks her.

Jia sighed, defeated. " I don't know "

Jisung rakes his fingers on his twin's hair, providing some kind of comfort to her. " Look, if you really do like him, it's totally fine. But please be honest with Mark-hyung first, okay? "

Jia only nodded, still not able to clear her head from the things she just found out today.

I don't think I want to go to school tomorrow.

Updated because i don't have class for three days ehe

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Updated because i don't have class for three days ehe


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