Chapter 18

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   Mark asked me out on a date.

   As a couple, afcourse.

   Maybe, I should just think about that date for now. There's just too much going on on my mind.

  But Haechan...

   Darn it, You confessed right? It was your decision. with it. 

   But my guilt is killing me, what am I supposed to do then?

  " Sis, you're spacing out, "

    I released a tired sigh. Looking at Jisung right now, I envy how peaceful his life is.

   " Jisung, don't you have any problems to deal with? " I asked him.

   He just shrugged and continued playing with his phone.

   " What got you spacing out anyways? " Jisung asked curiously.

   " Is it about...Haechan-hyung? " He added. My eyes went wide hearing his question.

   " What?—No! It's not about...him. "

   " I see that he haven't made any moves yet, tsk. " Jisung spoked.

   " What do you mean, Ji? " I said.

   His eyes widened. " Huh? Nothing. "

    " Kids, don't do something that would burn the house down, and there's food in the fridge, reheat it ok? " Mom shouted as she got out of the door.

   " Yeah, Mom. Take care, " Jisung and I blurted out at the same time.

   " Mom's been busy these days, " Jisung said.

   " Hmm, " I hummed in agreement.

   I sighed for the last time, and stood up,  finally deciding to just sleep this away.

   Yeah, I do this when I don't want to think about something. I know, it's a bit weird but who cares.

   I was about to go to my room when the doorbell rang.

   I don't think we're expecting someone right now.

   Jisung raced through the door, opening it.

   I was stunned to see Haechan, entering. Jisung greeted him while our eyes met.

   He just stared, before throwing me a smirk. I averted my gaze and just walked to my room.

   Okay, What was that?

   I thought he's gonna pull an ignoring act again. But what the hell was that? I know him, he's probably planning something right now.

   I groaned as I layed on my bed. Thinking if I did the right thing. I probably did not.

  But it's not my fault he didn't tell he liked Mark, If I had known, I would've tried to stop myself long time ago!

   And I meant the word 'tried' okay? Like, come on, it's Mark Lee, You can't just remove your feelings in a snap.

   Frustrated, I let the drowsiness I was feeling take over me.

   And I closed my eyes.

                                   *  *  *  *  * 

    I woke up after a not-so-relaxing-sleep and found out that Haechan left a while ago.

     Jisung asked me why I didn't join their gaming session, and I answered, " I was tired. "

   " You're clearly avoiding him, " Jisung murmured.
   " What was that? " I asked, glaring at him.

     He glared back. " You're avoiding Haechan-hyung, it's obvious. "

    " What? No! I'm certainly not avoiding him. " I answered back.

   " Yeah, yeah. Whatever, Sis. " He shrugged off.

   Can't I just live with peace?




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We are taking it easy and slow people( ̄3 ̄)

So if you're not that patient, you might miss the good part.😀

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