Chapter 20

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    I made it clear with Mark that our relationship would be our little secret

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    I made it clear with Mark that our relationship would be our little secret.

   But it was mainly because I don't want Haechan to know. I don't know what I'll do if he finds out.
    I was even shocked when he agreed, I thought he was going to ask why I was going to keep our relationship a secret. But he didn't, and just told me he understands.

    As I entered the school gate, everyone was stealing glances at me. Maybe, they were wondering why I'm not with the guys today.

   I hate to admit but my twin and the other guys are pretty much popular here in school. Some of them even had fanclubs, and such.

    I think it's pretty creepy. Imagine a bunch of girls fangirling over you, just because of your looks. But I can't blame them, and I don't care anyways.

    I wasn't with the guys because they got to school first, (which is strange btw). Jisung even left me, so here I am. Getting strange looks from everyone.

   Whispers sorrounded me as I managed to arrive at my first class, unaware of why everyone was suddenly giving me those glances, some was even glaring.

    Can somebody explain why I'm getting a lot of attention today?

   As I sat down, Renjun greeted me with a sigh. I looked him at confused.

   " You really don't know why you're suddenly the center of attention today, don't you? " He muttered.

   I shake my head. " No idea. "

  He sighed again but more exaggerated this time. What got him so stressed out?

   " The news about you and Mark being together got to school, some said that some schoolmates saw you guys together at your little date. " He said.

   My eyes widen with realization.

   Does that mean Haechan could possibly know?

   I need to see Mark.

                                                * * * * *

   I wished I didn't find Mark.

   Here I am, getting dragged by an angry looking Haechan. Who knows what his plans are. I guess I'll just pray for myself.

   I was supposedly finding Mark earlier, but instead I got dragged by Haechan, not even saying anything.

   He stopped dragging me at a empty hallway, (I don't even know why it's empty). And looked at me with raging eyes.

   " Haechan I— " I got cut off by him by harshly slamming his right hand beside me. I flinched.

   " So you guys are together now, huh? " Haechan scoffed.

     I looked down. " I'm sorry, "

    " You're really disappointing me, Jia. " He said, dissapointment, lacing his tone.

   " I—i didn't–Haechan, Look— " My breath hitches as he inch closer to my face.

   He stared at me with those eyes again. I was controlling my breath, nervous with the close proximity between us.

  " If I can't have him, I'll have you instead. "



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You can have me instead—

What should happen hm? Thoughts pls i need one right now😔✊

Luv u

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