Chapter 4

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I can't think straight.

How can I ? After waking up, all I could remember was Haechan's words, replaying in my head.

' I like him '

' I like Mark, Jia '

' I like Mark and I want you to back off '

My head hurts thinking about this. Hell
, I'm not up with dealing with this kind of shit.

Haechan and I had been best friends since elementary and then on, we weren't separated.

My parents used to say Haechan was the sweetest kid they've known because when we were kids, he always knocks at our door saying he wants to play with me at the playground we always go to. And he would always promise Mom he'll even walk me home so I would go home safe.

My dad used to tease me that he wants Haechan to be his son-in-law saying he liked him so much and that we were a perfect match for each other.

That was the old days when Dad wasn't busy with work and I kinda miss him. I don't see him that often now since he's really really busy, always having to travel far because of work.

If only he knows Haechan is not attracted to girls and even likes my crush, I don't think he would believe it either.

Thinking about it, if he never told me he liked Mark, I wouldn't even notice a thing that he's attracted to guys. He never showed any signs that he's interested to guys or something and I can't help but think if he didn't trust me enough to tell me his true self.

Earlier, Haechan acted normal. Like he didn't tell me he liked Mark, like he didn't tell me to back off and stop liking Mark. He even talked to me like it's all normal and there's nothing wrong.

I know he's doing these to prevent the others noticing, but I can't help but feel frustrated about it.

During class, I couldn't even function properly. I was just absentmindedly listening to every word the teacher says.

The guys even asked me if I was okay to which I can't help but feel like I shouldn't tell them anything but I wanted someone to vent to. I don't think I can handle this all by myself, but I need to, and it sucks.

We were all at the cafeteria eating lunch.

The guys were talking about some things while i stayed silent. I was zoning out, poking my food when someone interrupted my thoughts.

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