Chapter 37

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" Neo High School Festival " Jia reads the huge sign beside the school's gate.

" I heard they do booths or something " Jisung shrugged as he glanced at it. " Are booths fun, sis? " He asks, curiously peeking ar her.

Jia shrugged, " How would I know? Never tried any booth before "

" Well, it sounds fun. I wanna try. " Jisung states.

The siblings noticed Jaemin and Jeno approaching them, giving them both a wave.

" Jia, you should probably go inside. Haechan's been waiting for you. " Jaemin said resulting in Jia's face burning up.

" So there's really something with the two of you, huh? " Jeno chuckled, eyes crinkling into a crescents.

" We don't " Jia defends. 

Jaemin shrugs, " For now "

" Are you guys going in or something? " Jisung complained. The others followed him as they went in.

They all had separated to each of their classes and Jia couldn't help but roam her eyes around the room, looking for someone.

" If you're looking for him, he went to the bathroom. Don't even think about following him there " She hears Renjun as he took a seat in Haechan's seat.

" Why are you sitting there? " Jia asked him.

" Someone named Haechan made me change seats. " Renjun replied.

" What? Why? " Jia asked but he only replied with a shrug.

" Class is starting, go sit with your lover " Renjun stated, picking up his book.

" He's not my— "

Jia was cut off with the teacher entering. She saw Haechan walking to his seat which was beside her.

She slowly sat down beside him, noticing the awkward silence between them. Haechan didn't do anything either. He was the one who wanted to sit beside her but he realizes the last time they talked was when he confessed to her.

After a half hour of silence, Haechan gathered courage to speak first.

" Jia " He calls. Jia immediately turned to him when she heard Haechan call her.

" Hm? "

Haechan's eyes flicked through her features, the sunlight that pierced through the window made her eyes look light brown.

Suddenly, he didn't know what to say. Now that she knows his feelings for her, it wouldn't be so difficult to get her to like him too, right?

" What? Don't stare at me like that "

Haechan blinked as he snapped out of it.
" Nothing I was just hoping if you could uh, "

" What " Jia pretended to be unbothered. She didn't understand what she was feeling right now, why she was being such a nervous wreck in front of him.

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