Chapter 22

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Jia looked up at the blonde girl in front of her, eyes trailing on her outfit

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Jia looked up at the blonde girl in front of her, eyes trailing on her outfit. The girl in front of her gave her a teasing smile, before introducing herself.

" I'm Ari, you're Jia right? " She introduced, offering her hand.

Jia stared at the girl's hand, hesitating to take it. " You know me? " Jia muttered.

Ari chuckled, " Yeah, afcourse. You were Haechan's bestfriend. He told me a lot about you. "

Were? Why is this snake using past tense, it's not like I'm not Haechan's friend anymore.

Jia was just peacefully doing her business in the comfort room, the blonde girl suddenly introducing herself to her.

" Anyways, I just came to introduce myself. Just wanted the know my competitions. " Ari smirked.

Ari then left the room, the smell of her cologne fading as she left.

Seriously, he's not serious with this girl isn't he?  She's totally not his type, And what do I know about his type anyway? 

* * *

Classes ended fast for Jia as she was busy spacing out, thoughts about Ari and Haechan and their relationship, lingered her mind. She couldn't take her mind off it, even if she was with Mark.

She sighed heavily as she began to grab her things, stuffing it in her bag. Jisung noticed his twin's demeanor, and decided to annoy her.

" Yah, why are you always looking like you have the biggest problem in the world? You already look old, don't make it worse, Sis. " Jisung said, but he noticed that she wasn't responding from his remarks, which made him worry.

" Sis? " Jia stopped stuffing her things in her bag and looked at Jisung.

" Hm? "
" You're doing it again, "
" What? What do you mean? "
" Spacing out, "

Jia sighed, feeling frustrated. " I don't know Ji, it's just... "

" It's about Haechan-hyung isn't it? " Jisung said, knowing their situation.

" How did you know? "

" Look, don't you think you're worrying about this too much? I know Haechan-hyung means a lot to you but are you really just worried as a friend, or is it more than that? "

Jia stared at Jisung, " Are you pertaining that I have feelings for my bestfriend? "

Jisung shrugged, " I don't know, maybe? "

" No, It's totally not that, "

" Why not? I mean, you had a crush on him on elementary— " Jisung blurted out, only to get cut off by his sister.

" We're over that, ok? We are not going to talk about that anymore. " Jia buried her flushed face in her hands.

Jisung chuckled, " If only you know "

Jisung chuckled, " If only you know "

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🍵 ooh Jisung spilling THE tea

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