Chapter 19

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    A date with Mark.

   I still can't believe I'm going on a real date with him.

   I don't think I would believe this either, and who would have known I'll finally get out from my one-sided love.

   But the only problem is,

   What am I gonna wear?

    I'm not even prepared. I guess I was too busy fantasizing how the date would go, that I didn't even prepare anything.

   Guess I was too busy thinking about that damned smirk...

   But isn't going on a date with Mark makes me even more selfish than I already am?

   Anyways, back to the problem.

   I looked at my most decent wardrobes laying flatly on my bed. I don't even know if I'll look girly enough for this date.

   I don't think Mark would even mind what I'll be wearing. But still, I wanna look at least decent in our date. He's a handsome guy and I just can't look like a freaking potato next to him.

   I released a tired sigh and picked out the most 'cute looking' ( at least for me) out of them.

     I hope this date goes well.

                                  *  *  *  *  * 

     We agreed to meet at the playground to pick me up first, (since I can't let Haechan see us) and to which he agreed like the gentleman he is.

   I took a seat on the swing, hugging myself from the coldness of the weather. I looked decent, but I am completely freezing from this freezing temperature. I already hate my habit of forgetting stuff.

   I'm not going to lie, I'm freaking nervous, and the coldness piercing on my skin is not helping at all.

   I got up as I noticed Mark walking towards my direction. He looked good as usual, wearing that smile that could possibly make every girl melt.

   His eyes lightens up and his grin widens as I wave at him.

   " Hey, I'm sorry if you waited for long. " He said as he approaches.

   I shake my head, " No, I just got here, actually. No worries, "

   " So–uh, Let's go? " He smiles.

   " Yeah, " I answered, chuckling at our behaviour.

   My cheeks heats up as he takes my hand in his.

    This surely would be the best date.

                                 *  *  *  *  *

   Mark took me in the movie theater, to watch a movie afcourse. Then after this, Mark said we'll have icecream, to which I gladly agreed to.

   My hand breaks contact with his as he left to buy snacks before the movie starts.

   " Wait here, I'll be back, ok? " He says. I nodded and smiled assuringly. He smiles back and patted my head before walking away.

   " Didn't know you guys have a movie date without us. " Someone spoked.

   I turn around only to see Renjun, Jeno, and Jaemin. Jeno was smiling at me knowingly while Jaemin was smirking. Renjun raised his eyebrow in suspicion.

   " When were you guys going to tell us about you two being together? " Renjun continued.

   " We just– "

   " We actually wanted to tell you guys soon, but I guess not anymore? " Mark interrupts. He was holding the snacks he bought on his hands. How did he get them so fast? 

   " Yeah, sure you will. Anyways, we're going to leave you two alone now. We have some having fun to do. " Jeno answers.

   " We're leaving you two alone but don't have too much fun, God is watching... " Jaemin warns.

   " Yeah, and make sure you guys won't bump to us later. We can't let someone get hurt. " Renjun murmured. What did he mean? Who's going to get hurt?

   They waved goodbye, and the movie was about to start, so we came in to find our seats.

   " Jia, Can you hold this? " Mark asks as he handed me the drink he bought.

  " Yeah, sure. " He muttered a small thanks before taking my other hand in his available hand.

  I guess, I should get use to this now. 



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