Chapter 17

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      I'm a coward

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   I'm a coward.

   I'm a freaking coward for not saying anything when Mark literally confessed to me.

   All these years, I thought I was on a one sided crush with him.

   And here I am.

   I mean, he's my best friend so I should give way right?

   But what about me?

  Should I just forget about my feelings and pretend to be happy?

   Mark confessed that he likes me, and I like him too. Am I supposed to let go? I don't want to do things I would regret later on.

   And even everyone calls me selfish, I'm still doing this,

   I'm confessing to him.

                                   *  *  *  *  *  *

   " Have you seen Mark, Renjun? "

   I asked to Renjun who was busy fixing his things because apparently, classes had ended and it took me a whole day to finally decide to confess.

   " Probably out for some student council related things. " He replied nonchalantly.

   " You guys can go first, I have somewhere to go. " I said, hurriedly getting my things before walking out.

   " Yah! You can't— " I wasn't able to hear him finish as I was already running away.

   I don't even know why I'm running in the first place.

   I guess, I'm just afraid that if I can't tell him this now. I won't find any courage to do so next time.

    I arrived in front of the Student's Council door, panting. And I would be lying if I say that I'm not nervous.

   Knocking gently at the door, the door opened, revealing Mark behind it. He looked a bit taken aback seeing me.

   " Jia? "

   " Hey, Mark. "

   " Uh–what brings you here? "

   " I have something to tell you, actually. " I said, gulping down my nervousness.

   He blinked, and just nodded, waiting for me to spill what has been going on with my mind for a whole day.

   " When you confessed, you told me something about waiting and, " I sucked in a breath.

  " I'll give you my answer now, "

     It's now or never

   " I like you too, Mark Lee. "


Should i confess something too?

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Should i confess something too?

I mean the fact that this book will have 30 chaps—sorry that's all i can give bros ( ̄. ̄)

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