Chapter 12

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" Uh-what's wrong with those guys? " Mark asked confusedly. I looked around nervously, thinking of some excuse to say.

Still stunned, I glanced at him before speaking. ", why are you all alone here anyway? " I asked, changing the topic.

" Didn't the school council have many members or something? " I added.

" Oh that, they're on their classes right now so I can't really like-get help from them. " He answered, chuckling a bit at the end of his sentence.

I sighed after hearing that. He obviously doesn't want me to know that the other student council members are slacking and he's too kind to just leave all this work and take a break. Seriously, why do they make Mark do all the work? My head hurts with irritation when I hear about this.

" Isn't that tiring though? " I said.

" No, I guess? It's not tiring though, like it really, really isn't. " He answered defensively. I looked at him before shaking my head. " Whatever you say, Mark. "

" I'm saying the truth tho? " He added, smiling. " Anyways, you should probably get back to class now, you shouldn't be late, Jia. " He said.

I glanced at the wall clock, realizing it was almost class. Standing up, I was about to tell Mark I was leaving when someone entered.

It was Haechan, he looked at me before taking a glance at Mark, his expression turned turned blank and started to walk towards me.

" Haechan? " I asked.

" You're gonna be late to class, Jia. Let's go. " He said, grabbing my hand before walking out.

I was confused why he's suddenly grabbing me out of nowhere and I didn't even got the chance to say goodbye to Mark earlier.

He was still holding my hand, walking straight, not even looking back.

" Wait-Haechan, let go. " I said ,grabbing my hand back. He stopped walking and looked at me for a second before averting his gaze.

" Why were you two alone anyway? " He asked, still not looking at me.

" And why do you need to know why, Heachan? " I retorted. He's not doing this because he's jealous right?

He let out a tired sigh before speaking. " Look, nevermind. Let's just get back to class. "

" Psh, I knew you were jealous. " I whispered.

He really likes Mark a lot huh? He doesn't even let me go anywhere close to Mark now.

" What? I wasn't jealous. " He answered back, turning his back on me.

" Don't even deny it, I know you were jealous because Mark was with me. You should be thankful I didn't end our friendship just because we like the same guy- " I wasn't even able to finish my sentence he suddenly grabbed me and pinned me on the wall beside us.

" What if I was jealous, Jia? "


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I know i suck at writing but I'll get better i promise.🔜

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Enjoy reading guys💚

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