Chapter 14

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    Classes ended, and I couldn't help but sigh in relief as the teacher forgot to give us homework to do

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    Classes ended, and I couldn't help but sigh in relief as the teacher forgot to give us homework to do. At last, this day would finally end.

   I was putting my books in my bag when Renjun called my name.

   " Yah, are you done yet? Let's go, the guys are waiting. " He said, throwing his backpack around his shoulder. I nodded, getting my things before standing up.

    Haechan followed, not saying a word. He was acting like that since earlier. I'm wondering why he's acting like this again.

   What if .... he's afraid to tell the others that he's gay? I mean, I know the guys, they won't abandon him if he tells them. That's just stupid.

   That makes me think, should I help him or at least encourage him to tell them? I should do that next time.

                                *  *  *  *  *  *

   " Is it only me who thinks that in every horror movie,  when they hear something strange out of nowhere, why do they go and check if it's someone or something? Like—seriously, that's plain stupid. That's why they die in the first place. " Jisung blurted out, frustrated.

    We are currently watching a horror movie in his room, me getting tired of how dumb the people in the movie are, while he's giving his side comments through out the movie.

   " I know right, why wouldn't they just leave it alone and live peacefully. " I said while munching the popcorn in my mouth. Jisung raised his fist to fistbump me, to which I did the same.

   " As I expected, we think alike sis. " He said, popping a popcorn in his mouth.

   " When's Mom gonna get home anyway? " He added. I shrugged since all I know was that she got accepted for a job at a company, so I thought she might be busy since it's her first day after all.

   She asked us yesterday, if it was okay to us with her working. We both told her it was fine and and she didn't need to have our permission.

   But, we did ask why she wanted to work. She told us she just want Jisung and I to go to a good university in college in the future.

   And she also said that she wanted to save up and not always depend on Dad. Mom was always so independent with things, which makes her more inspiring than she already is.

   My thoughts were cut off by my phone ringing loudly. Jisung gave me a sour look after hearing it and told me to go pick it up and not to destroy the movie we were watching.

   I rolled my eyes heavenward at him to which he just stuck his tongue out in response.

   Standing up, I picked up the phone not even seeing who it is. I just thought it was Mom, checking up on us.

   " We're fine, Mom. " I blurted out. I can hear a faint chuckle on the phone before it spoke.

   " I'm not your Mom tho, " A voice stated. I removed the phone near my ear before looking at the caller's name. My eyes went wide reading it.

  ' God this was embarrassing '  I thought, facepalming my self.

   " Yeah—uh—Sorry, Mark. I thought it was, Mom. Anyways, why'd you call anyway? " I said. There was a minute of silence before he spoke again.


   " Can we talk, Jia? "


Do you guys really read this shi—

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Do you guys really read this shi—

Luv u anyhoes

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