Chapter 32

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" Have you done the homework, Jia? " Chenle greeted the girl as she entered the classroom

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" Have you done the homework, Jia? " Chenle greeted the girl as she entered the classroom.

Jia gave him a confused look, " What homework? " She answered as Renjun snickered at her.

" I'd be shocked if you two get into uni, look at your grades Jia. Even Haechan does better than that. No offense " Renjun stated while reading a book.

Jia smacked his head, " I didn't ask for your opinion, smartass. " Renjun only rolled his eyes as he caressed his head.

" Renjun-hyung, let me copy yours. Chenle didn't even do anything and I'm unfortunate enough to be paired with him " Jisung begged.

" Don't try to bother me or I might let you choke on a stick, Jisung " Renjun sneered at Jisung.

Jisung groaned, " If only Jaemin-hyung is here he'd let me copy his homework " He sighed as he buried his head on his desk.

" Looking for me Jisungie? I knew you'd miss me " Jaemin interrupted as he went in with Jeno on his side.

Jisung shrugged, " Not really. " Jaemin frowned, " Ungrateful brat " He snickers.

" What kind of homework did the teacher give you? Maybe I can help " Jeno offered. Jisung beamed at him, " Really hyung? You will? "

Jeno nodded, " Yah Chenle-ya let's go, Jeno hyung will do the homework for us, " Jisung yelled as Chenle got up.

" Wait—what, I said I'll just help not do it all alone! " Jeno exclaimed.

Chenle waved, " Thanks hyung, I'll treat you later don't worry. " He replied as he and Jisung got out.

" This is why there's no point in raising kids, right Jeno? " Jaemin remarked as Jeno sighed, " Yeah you're totally right. "

" By the way, where's Haechan Jia? " Jaemin asked.

Jia gave him a shrug, " I don't know, we didn't go to school together, " She answered as Jaemin nodded.

" Well then I better go, I have classes " Jaemin informed.

" Yah wait for me, I'm still stuck in this freaking homework " Jeno complained.

" You finish that I'll go first. " Jaemin says as he ran out of the room.

" Guess were doing it alone then " Jia stated as she sat down next to Jeno.

" I don't think my remaining brain cells can handle this. Yah Jeno, let me copy yours " Jia says as she grabbed Jeno's paper with nothing on it.

Jia looked at him in disbelief, " You don't have any idea about it do you? "

" I don't " Jeno sheepishly smiled as Jia sighed, " Well that makes the two of us then "

" What are you guys doing " Haechan asked as he sat down on his seat.

" You haven't done it? I told you yesterday about it " Haechan inquired.

Jia shrugged, " I don't have any idea how to do it. Yah, maybe you should do it. After all this was a paired homework! Why should I suffer alone? " Jia exclaimed at him.

Haechan rolled his eyes, " Okay, okay. This one is easy you can't even figure it out? " He says as he grabbed the paper from her hands.

" I couldn't understand any of it, now explain. " Jia commanded.

As Haechan started to explain, Jia couldn't help but stare as he talked.

Looking at him closely, Jia admitted that he looked handsome, his naturally tanned skin made him look so ethereal and his moles looked like it was drawn for him to look that hot.

When did he get so handsome like wtf— wait, Jia that's you're best friend why are you gawking at him like a pervert!

" So, anything else you didn't understand? " Haechan asked Jia who was basically spacing out.

" Jia? " Jeno tried to call her.

" Just tell me if there's something you don't understand, Uh— Jia? "  

" You're hot " Jia blurted out as she snapped out of her thoughts.

Jeno chuckled, " I'm just gonna leave you two, whatever this is " He says as he walked out.

" So what was that about, huh Jia? " Haechan teased.

" What? I meant like— it's hot here not–I didn't say you're hot, definitely " Jia stammered as she tried to grab the paper back.

Haechan raised the paper up, " I don't think that's what you said, you just said... " He trailed off as he inched closer to her.

" —I'm hot didn't you? "

Yes you are sir yes you are

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Yes you are sir yes you are

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