Chapter 1 (2)

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We arrived at school early

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We arrived at school early. Classes starts at nine and we still have an hour to goof around, Jisung and Chenle were talking about some game they were crazy into these days, Jaemin interrupting their conversation with how they should not waste their teenage years with video games and how they should start living their life wisely, scolding them for being irresponsible kids or something. I'm definitely used to this.

Jeno was laughing along with Renjun, and Haechan giving a remark of how Jaemin sounded old and that he's already a grandpa. These guys really.

" Are you ok Jia? You seem tired. " Jeno asked scanning my face.

" I'm fine Jeno, just tired. " I answered, yawning.

" You should've slept early, Jia. " Jeno said before pinching my left cheek then messed my hair. Great, now my hair looks like a bird's nest.

" Perhaps, You stayed up all night again? " Jaemin asked, fixing my now ' bird's nest ' hair.

" Yeah, unfortunately. " I replied , flinching as Jaemin pinched my cheeks. Seriously what's wrong with these people pinching my cheeks, can't they pinch their own cheeks? It's getting annoying, really.

" Mark hyung texted me a while ago that he came early at school because he has things to do, that's why he couldn't walk with us to school. " Chenle said, my ears perking up with the topic. So that's why he couldn't go with us.

" Mark's been very busy since he came back from Canada. We didn't even get to greet him when he came home. " Jaemin said to which I listened attentively.

" Shouldn't we get to our classes now? " Renjun asked not wanting to be late at class, nor staining his title as an straight A student.

" You guys go first, I'm going to find Mark. " I blurted out, they all looked at me weirdly, like I need some explanation why I said that. What excuse am I gonna say now?

" Why would you find Mark, Jia? " Renjun asked, eyeing me suspiciously.

" Uh....because he's our friend?And uh-he left something I borrowed and I'm going to give it back to him-yeah that's it. " I rambled on, my voice sounding unsure.

I hoped that my excuse was convincing enough and they won't ask more about it .

It was silent for a few seconds, Chenle cutting the silence off.

" Ok, you go find Mark hyung and tell him we'll hang out after class also, tell him it'll be his house this time! " Chenle said before waving goodbye walking away with Jisung who's still looking at me like I need some explaning to do.

Jeno and Jaemin just waved at me and Renjun gave me a funny look. I looked over Haechan who was silent and just stared at me like I did something wrong, what's wrong with him anyway?

I waved at them before I came scurrying away. Haechan's expression still imprinted in my mind.

The last time he gave me that kind of expression was when I didn't go to hus birthday party when we were in middle school. That was the time when Mark and I went for ice cream, I forgot about it and Mark too, but he told me that Haechan wouldn't be upset for long but it took weeks before he talked to me since he was ' ignoring ' me

Shrugging off my thoughts, I focused on finding Mark. I'll talk to Haechan next time, we seem ok this morning. But earlier, he looked mad.

Which I don't know why but he seemed like it.

It's been 30 minutes, and I'm still aimlessly walking around. Still no sign of a certain dark haired boy named Mark.

I don't even know why I decided to find him instead of waiting for class to end. I would still see him anyway, maybe he's just busy. I guess I should just go back to class then.

My thoughts were cut off when I bumped into something or more like ' someone ' And I'm not gonna lie it hurts like for real. What did i bump into? A tree?

" I'm really sorry, dude—shit are you ok? " I was about to smack the heck out of this person who bumped into me when I realized it was Mark's voice.

" Wait, Jia? I'm really sorry, that must've hurt dude—like, wait let me help you up. " He helped me stand up by guiding my shoulder making me regain my position.

" Are you ok? " Mark worriedly asked but I was too busy staring at him. Did he got taller? Like, he was just taller than me for about three-inches last year.

" Uh-Jia ,are you ok? " I stopped staring when I realized that I was staring for a couple of minutes now, did he got creeped out? Smooth Jia, real smooth.

" Oh—uh yeah, I'm fine Mark don't worry. " I answered, assuring him that I was fine.

" Really? Are you sure? That was a hard hit I think do you need to go to the clinic? I'll take you there come on. " Mark rambled, he looked worried.

Don't assume Jia, he's just like that, a really nice friend who would take care of you. Like a sister, yeah that's it. You're like a sister to him.

I can't believe I still have this crush on him since middle school. I mean, what's not to like about Mark? He's nice, hard working, not to mention that he the looks that would make girls swoon over him. He's just...perfect.

" Yeah I'm sure. I just got lost finding my class. I should go now. " I excused, he just smiled and to my surprise, he leaned to pinch my cheeks softly, smiling while doing so.

And this time, I wasn't annoyed when someone pinched my cheek.

" I'll take you to your class, come on. " Mark said , giving me a warm smile, heat rushing in my cheeks.

Maybe this day wasn't so bad after all.

Maybe this day wasn't so bad after all

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Don't get your hopes high Jia my girl,

Markhyuck is still sailing



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