Chapter 37

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As the guys were interrogating the guy, who they found out was a leviathan, he let them know that they cloned Sam and Dean. They realized he was being truthful when they watched the news and their clones locked everyone in a bank and killed them. Dean couldn't understand why until the guy told them he got their DNA from the hotel shower drain.

After talking some more about the situation Bobby let them know they needed to go see someone named, Frank Devereaux and that he owes Bobby a favor. While they were going to be doing that he'll try to get more information out of their prisoner downstairs and figure out what makes them die.


"You find anything out yet Bobby?" Nova asked when she walked downstairs.

Bobby looked at her, "Nothing yet. I'm surprised you didn't go with the guys."

She shook a her head as she shrugged, "Nah I didn't feel like going. I figured I'm no use to them right now. But I'm going to fix me something to eat. You want anything?"

Bobby shook his head, "Nah, I'm good."

"Speaking of good. You both are going to taste so good."

"Shut up." Both Nova and Bobby told him.

"I'm going to enjoy it too. I bet you'll taste as sweet as you look. Him, he'll be bitter but still good." He looked at Nova then Bobby.

"I said shut up." Bobby grabbed the machete and sliced the guys head off, "Well that's something." He smirked.

"Woah." Nova grinned.

When they went back upstairs they realized they needed a few things so both of them went to do a little grocery shopping. But once they got back Bobby was putting things away when there was a knock on the door. They looked at each other then he walked over grabbed his gun and looked out the peep hold and seen it was sheriff Jody mills. As he opened the door he put his gun away.

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"Gee Bobby." Nova giggled.

"You're all charm Bobby." Jody smiled slightly.

"That's what my therapist keeps telling me. How'd you find me?"

"I'm a cop, remember?" She held up a couple bags and a pack of beer, "You going to invite me in?"

"I don't know if you'd want to. I've got one of those big mouths downstairs." He steps to the side a little.

"Then I won't go downstairs." She then walks into the house.

Bobby then formally introduced Nova and Jody to each other. Jody mentioned she came over to thank Bobby for his help and wanted to repay him. He tried to decline but Jody said he should let people do something nice for him. Nova told her she's offered multiple times and Bobby's response was he didn't want someone doing something too nice for him because he didn't want to go soft.

Once Bobby went downstairs Nova looked at Jody.

"I think he has a soft spot for you."

"What do you mean?"

Nova just grinned before she spoke, "You know how many times I've offered to cook for him? Or how how many times I've tried to put this place in order and he doesn't want me to. But you offer and he happily accepts."

"Oh, I'm sorry I don't mean to step on any toes." Jody said kindly.

Nova giggled shaking her head, "Don't be sorry! I love seeing him like that. I'm glad he's finally taking up someone's offer. He does so much for everyone else that he deserves to be pampered. Hell as much as I love Sam and Dean them two can be ungrateful to him, when he does something for them they barely say thank you."

"I agree he does deserve to be pampered. And that's part of why I came over. Plus he's not a bad guy, I think he's pretty great." Jody said with a big smile.

"Yes he is." Nova nodded.

A little while later the boys called Bobby to see if he found anything out about how to kill the monster and let them know that they figured out their clones was hitting every major towns they killed monsters in since Sam joined Dean.

Jody piped up and asked Bobby if he wanted mayo on his sandwich, he tried to play it off that it was Nova but they knew it wasn't her voice in the background. Nova giggled silently and shook her head when she heard him call the guys idjits.


The next morning as Jody was cleaning the floor, Nova accidentally kicked the mop bucket.

"Oh shit I'm so sorry Jody, I didn't mean to." Nova grabbed a rag and instantly started helping her clean up the mess.

"No, no it's okay. Accidents happen."

As they were cleaning up the mess Bobby stormed upstairs.

"Oh sorry, little snafu here." Jody stood up to explain what happened.

Just then Bobby rushed over to her, grabbed her head and kissed her.

"Whoa Bobby. " Nova whistles up at them.

"Okay, wasn't expecting that reaction.

"What the hell was in that bucket?"

Jody showed him the bottle, which was a borax cleaning solution mixed with a little bit of water. Bobby than told her that it leaked through the floor, dropping into the leviathan and that's what killed him.

"That's amazing. Now we just need to let the boys know so they can protect themselves. " Nova smiled.

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