Chapter 32

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When Nova walked into the house she noticed all the guys were gone so she figured they must have caught a case. She shrugged it off and put the groceries away. After she was done she decided to go upstairs and lay down to read but she wasn't up there very long when she heard Dean calling for Sam.

"Hey Dean, Sam's not here. I just got back few minutes ago." She told him as she met him at the bottom of the stairs.

"Oh no."

"What do you mean oh no? Dean, what's going on?"

"I'm not sure exactly." He pulled out his phone, "I left Bobby here with him while I check this case out but he messaged me that something came up and he had to leave." He looked up the location Sam's phone pinged at, " I gotta go. "

"Wait, I'm coming with. Maybe I can help in some way." With that she followed him out and they got into his car.

As Dean was driving he held his phone up with the GPS tracker that Sam was at but Nova snatched it from him.

"You focus on driving, I'll focus on the directions. We don't need to get into a wreck before we get to Sam." She looks at the screen on the phone.

She looks up and points to a black van, "There, there's Bobby's black van."

He flips the lights off as he slowly pulled up and parked beside the van.

"What's he doing here? This place looks abandoned." She spoke in a hushed voice as they got out and quietly shut the doors.

He just shrugged as they walked up to a door then looks at her, keeping his voice down, "You stay behind me, we don't know what's happening in there." She just nods and they walk in. "Sam! Sammy?!" They start walking to him, "Sam, what are you doing?" He looks around and Sam points the gun at him so he quickly puts his hands up, "Whoa! Whoa!"

"Sam! Put the gun away baby!" Nova couldn't keep quiet.

"I thought I was with you Dean." Sam looked scared as he kept the gun pointed, "Why did you bring her?"

"Because I love you and we're both concerned about you." Nova spat out.

"She's right, but here I am. "

"No, no, I-I don't-- I." Sam stuttered as he looked off to the side then back towards them, "I can't know that for sure. You understand me?"

"Okay, then we're gonna have to start small." Dean told him.

"I don't remember driving here." Just then Sam shot the gun towards the wall.

Nova flinched with tears in her eyes as Dean yelled, "Whoa!Whoa! Sam!" Sam pointed the gun back towards them, "This discussion does not require a weapon discharge!"

"Sam, babe put the gun down!" Nova called out.

Sam huffed a few times as he lowered the gun some and Dean took a couple of steps forward with Nova on his heels, "Look at me, Look at Nova. Come on. You don't know what's real? Look man, I've been to hell. Okay? I know a thing or two about torture, enough to know that it feels different than the pain of this - this regular stupid crappy this."

"How can you know that for sure?"

"Let me see your hand." Nova reaches for the bandage hand, "Let me see it." Sam turns as she grabs his hand. "Hey! Look this is real." She holds his hand up and kissed his fingers.

"Not a year ago, not in hell -- now." Dean spoke as she had kissed Sam's fingers. "We were with you when you cut it. I sewed it up."

"Look!" Nova puts pressure on the wound making Sam hiss. She hated hurting his hand but wanted him to see this was reality. "This is different, right?"

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