Chapter 33

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A few weeks later Nova walked out of the bathroom and shook her head at what Dean was watching, which was some Spanish show. She puts her arms loosely around Sam as he set the book he had down and smiled up at her which she smiles back then moved her face down leveled with his.

"How you feeling?" She kisses his cheek.

"Better. "

"Good, I'm just happy you're able to be up and about."

They than kiss each other, her resting her hand on his cheek as Bobby walked in.

"Oh get a room you two." Bobby joked as he tossed Dean the keys to the Impala.

"Hey we would if this place wasn't so small." Nova joked back causing a smirk from Sam.

Sam then asked how it was out in the world so Bobby filled them in that things were weird with a side order of bloody.  As they were talking Nova grabbed her sharpie markers, sat beside Dean and started drawing on his cast.

They were talking about leviathan, how they were setting up shops in hospitals and how nothing can kill them. All of a sudden it seemed Sam was lost in thought, after a few calls from both Dean and Nova he finally snapped out of it. He assured them he was okay though but Nova didn't think he was.

Bobby mentioned how every bit of info he had was burnt in the house. And that the cabin they were in had nothing of importance and Bobby didn't think Rufus had been there in years.

Dean then suggested Sam go get some food since he still had his two legs.

"I want to go." Nova stood up.

Just then Dean noticed his cast, "What in the world?"

"What? I added some color to it to make it more joyable to look at." Nova laughed.

"Okay then. " Dean chuckled with a shake of his head and tossed Sam his keys, "Dude, pie."

With that Sam and Nova walked out and went to the store. Of course the place didn't have any pie, so Nova knew Dean would be upset about that. Sam decided to get him a small piece of cake even though Nova tried telling him she wouldn't think he would want that.

Be time they got back though it was dark, they noticed Bobby had already left as Nova set a bag on Dean's lap. Dean again asked how Sam was and he told him he was fine. Sam confessed he was still seeing things that weren't real but he was managing it because he wasn't fully sure if it was getting any better yet.

"Dude, where's the pie?"

"They were out. " Nova told him.

"I got cake, that's close enough right?"

Nova slapped her forehead as Dean just stared at him, "I tried to tell him you probably wouldn't want that."

"Pie is so much better than cake Sam, you know this."

Sam shrugged, "Sorry man. Didn't want to come back with nothing for you."

As they hung out Dean fell asleep so Nova covers him up and leaned down on Sam's shoulders.

"Whatcha reading?" She whispered in his ear.

"Oh um, this story about this ice pick killer."

"Ah do you think it's your guys kinda thing?"

"Oh uhm, I don't think so." He shook his head.

"Oh okay." She pats his shoulders, "Well I'm going to bed now."

"Okay, I'm going to stay up a little while longer, just not tired yet."

"Kay." She kisses his lips then walks into the bedroom.


When she woke up it was daylight out so she rolled over and noticed Sam wasn't in bed. She sighed and walked out and didn't see him so she woke up Dean.

"Dean." She gently shook him, "Dean! Wake up."

"What?" He opened his eyes, "I'm up I'm up. What's going on."

"It's Sam, he's gone and honestly I don't think he even came to bed last night."

Dean grumbled as he sat up then noticed a note so he picked it up and read it while Nova also read it.

Be back in a few days
I'm fine

"Are you fucking kidding me right now?!" Nova groaned out.

Both Nova and Dean tried calling him then Dean looked to see if he could locate him through the gps but it was no luck since Sam shut the gps off on the phone.

Nova couldn't help it, she tries to stop but the tears rolled down her cheeks, "Couldn't even say goodbye to his brother nor his girlfriend."

"Because he knew we'd stop him from whatever he's got planned."

"But he doesn't need to be alone Dean! I don't know about you but I wouldn't have stopped him, honestly I would have went with him!" She couldn't help but yell but calmed down, "Sorry I don't mean to yell at you."

"No, no I get it, you're upset at him and you have every right to be. I'm going to call Bobby."

Dean called Bobby telling him about what was going on, he was angry about it and it showed in his voice.

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