Chapter 47

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Over the next couple of days Dean and Nova went through the numbers they had available of people Bobby knew looking for any kind of help.

Dean realized his beer can was empty so Nova went to stand, "I can get us some more."

"No, I got it." He walked over to the fridge, "You want another?"


As he reached in to get them a beer, the black address book on the table fell off.

"How did that fall?"

"I don't know." He shrugged as he bent down to pick it up.

He noticed a business card with a number on the back so he decided to try that number.

Hours later Nova walked up behind Dean, who was sitting at the table messing on his laptop, placed her hands on his shoulders and started messaging them, "Any luck?"

"No." He sighs as his phone rang, "I'll give you hours to stop that though." He smirked and answered his phone and she kept massaging him.

Turns out this guy, talked about another guy, Emanuel, who somehow passed all of Mackeys tests and healed his right eye. That the guy seemed like the real deal but you have to go through Emanuels wife, Daphne, to get him.

After they get an address they quickly head out to talk to this Daphne for possible help. When they got there Dean ended up having to kill a demon and discovered this Emanuel was actually Cass but they didn't say anything because he truly believed his name was in fact Emanuel.

Daphne said Emanuel had a special gift and could heal anyone. So when he asked what their problem was they mentioned Sam was needing help.

Emanuel agreed to go with them to help. On the drive Dean struck up a conversation about him and also Daphne. That Emanuel woke up in the woods and stumbled into Daphine's path who was hiking. And that they had a connection so they stuck together.

Nova then had to explain that Sam was Dean's brother and that she was Sam's girlfriend. She didn't understand why people kept thinking her and Dean were the couple when clearly they weren't, they were just friends.

Emanuel then asked about Sam, about what his diagnosis was. Dean explained that it wasn't exactly a medical condition and that someone did it to him. With that Emanuel could sense his anger, that the dude betrayed them. Once Dean told him that he was gone Emanuel thought that Dean killed him cause he could sense that he killed a lot of people.

Dean stopped at a convenience store to get some supplies when he was attacked by three demons, he thought he was being saved by Emanuel but it turned out it was Meg who saved him.

When they walked out to Nova and Emanuel, he was shocked saying she was one of them.

"She a demon? " Nova reaches for her knife.

"Relax, we come in different flavors, I'm no threat to you guys." She turns her head from Emanuel to Nova.

"She's a friend." Dean said to them as Nova let's go of her knife.

"Meg, I'm just here for moral support. And who are you?" She points to Nova.

"I'm Nova, I'm Sam's girl."

Meg looks at Emanuel, "Well we go way back." When Dean gave her a stern look she continued, "Dean and me that is. I just met you guys." She walks up to Emanuel, "I think we're gonna be good friends too."

"All right, can we go." Dean grumbled.

So they all climbed into the car and headed out. It was definitely an awkward car ride back to the hospital with the 4 of them.

When they got there Meg let them know the place was crawling with demons. Since they only had the 2 knifes they weren't quite sure how they were going to get through them all.

As Meg and Dean were talking, Emanuel overheard them so they ended up telling him what he was or whether who he was exactly.

They even let him know that since he's an angel he can easily spite every demon in that place. As Emanuel killed all the people outside all his memories came back to him.

He then realized he couldn't help them because he felt like it was his fault Sam was in the condition he was in. He then took off with Dean telling Meg and Nova to stay there then he went after him.

Once Dean finally convinced Cass to help he went in, killed the demon who had Sam on a electrotherapy machine then touched his forehead and made him stop hurting from the machine.

But Sam looked at him and said that he wasn't real because he was seeing Lucifer not Cass.

At first Cass was saying there was absolutely nothing he could do but then realized he might be able to shift it. So he went to Sam and placed his hand on Sam's forehead.

Cass doing that put Sam back to normal, no more Lucifer in his head because he was now in Cass' brain. Unfortunately they had to leave Cass in there because it would be safer he was in there than out in the world.

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