Chapter 23

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The next morning after Sam woke up he looked at his phone then sat up quickly.

"Shit, there's been another murder."

"What? Is it related? I thought you finished it?"

"Yeah, I thought so too." He quickly got dressed, "But apparently not."

"Can I come with this time?" She asked as she got out of bed.

"Of course." He nods.

"Sweet." She gets dressed.

Once they were both ready they left and went to the location they needed. When they walked in, they both looked around.

"Um Sam, look." She points to the doll on the couch.

After they were done checking things out they left.

"So if you burned the bones, and she attacked this guy it means she's attached to something else correct?" Nova asked as they pulled away from the guys place.

"Correct, so if she's attached to something she owned then we need to go to Isabel, Rose's sisters house to figure out what it is."

Sam drove to the Isabel's house. When they got there Nova decided to go ahead and stay in the car.
After he was done talking to Isabel, he came back to the car. As if on cue Dean called Sam's phone.

"Hey how's the case going? You finish it?"

Sam then went on to tell him about how it was in fact a vengeful spirit of Rose. How the guys that were murdered played a joke on her and she ended up dead and how he burned her bones but it didn't work.

"So get this, the thing she's attached to, is her sister. She gave her kidney to her when they were younger."

They agreed to get Isabel and meet up with Dean later to talk about what they were going to do about Rose's spirit being attached to her.

"So we have a couple hours to kill, what do you want to do now?"


Sam chuckled, "Sounds good to me."

They then headed to a diner and got some food.
Later they went and picked up Isabel then went and met up with Dean at a parking lot. As the guys and Nova were talking, Isabel walked up and overheard their conversation. She then realized they weren't actually FBI

Nova looks over at her, "This is going to sound crazy and most people think it is but they don't work with regular crimes. They work on crimes that involve with the paranormal, or as some also call it, supernatural. We've come to believe your sister-" she got cut off by the sounds of Dean's car starting

"No way." Dean popped off.

"That's not possible." Isabel looked confused.

"No no no." Dean started walking towards his car, "She possesses sex dolls. This is not a sex doll."

"But it is a sexy machine." Nova joked.

Dean snaps his head towards her, "This is not a time for jokes."

"You're right it's not." Nova purses her lips to hold in laughter at his reaction.

Dean starts going towards his car more, "You leave my baby alone! She's got nothing to do with this!" All of a sudden the car starts taking off so everyone starts scrambling, "Go! Go! Go!" Dean calls out.

Nova, Isabel and Sam run back towards the other car but as Nova looks back she holds her hand over her mouth to hold back laughter watching Dean being chased by his own car.

"Son of a bitch!" Dean yells as he's running.

All of a sudden the car heads towards the building where Dean is standing. Luckily he was able to jump out of the way just in time, Sam rushes over to him.

"Hey." Sam breaths out. "You all right?"

"Yeah. Yeah, I'm good. You guys?"

"Yeah " Sam and Nova said at the same time.

"Yeah, I'm-" Isabel starts as blood comes out of her mouth and looks down.

Just then they realized Isabel had went over at the wrong time and a piece of glass from the buildings window had flown into her stomach.

"Isabel?" Sam questioned as Nova caught her and laid her down, "Hey hey hey."

The guys rush to her side as Nova moves her hair out of her face.

"You're okay sweetie." Nova says but she knew she wasn't.

Just then Isabel's sister spirit popped in, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean for this."

Just then Isabel died and Rose's spirit disappeared. They then called 9-1-1.


Later that evening as they were at the hotel gathering their things, Nova started thinking about what happened with Dean's car and started busting up laughing.

"What so funny?" Sam asked with eyebrows raised.

"Just thinking of Dean and his car. It went all Christine on your ass." She said between laughs which Sam joined in on the laughing.

"Ha ha very funny." He smirks with an eye roll. "You do realize that someone died tonight."

She stops laughing and says, "Okay that part wasn't funny. But watching you being chased by your own car was funny." She laughed again.

"You got to admit man, that part was pretty funny." Sam chuckled.

"Maybe to you guys." Dean couldn't help but smirk, "Man you two can be immature at times."

Nova then put her hands together at her hips and said in an innocent tone, "But you love us so much." She then batted her eyelashes at him.

"Yeah yeah yeah, sometimes I wonder why I do." Dean chuckled lightly, grabbed the bags and walked out.

Sam grabbed Nova's bag and they followed him out of the hotel room.

"So where you heading now?" She asked as Sam put her bag in the backseat.

"To Bobby's place, so I can do some repairs on my baby." Dean stated.

"Okay I can meet you there."

They then got in their cars, instead of Sam riding with Dean he rode with Nova.

"So Nova, I have question. "

"I might have an answer. " She smirked.

"So despite everything I have done, especially to you. Why did you stick around? Why didn't you give up on me and run. "

She reached over and gave his hand a squeeze, "Because I care too much about you, plus." She puts Backstreet Boys, As long as you love me on the radio, "Everything in this song is true." She grins over at him.

"Really?" He smirked, "You really going to play a song for your feelings?"

"Yeah huh. " She nodded and started singing, "I don't care who you are, where you're from, what you did as long as you love me."

They laughed softly then started singing the song together.

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