Chapter 38

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Nova was looking through some of the books Bobby had when there was a knock on the door.

"I got it!" She called out to Bobby who was downstairs.

She got up and walked to the door and peeked out the peephole. That's when she noticed it was Sam at the door so she quickly opened it.

"Sam! " She quickly hugged him, "I've missed you!"

He hugs her back, "I've missed you too."

She then breaks the hug and pulls him inside and peeks outside before shutting the door.

"You're here by yourself?"

He nods as he clears his throat, "Yup."

"Where's Dean? He's okay isn't he?"

"Yeah he's fine. We just needed some time away from each other. Where's Bobby?"

"He's downstairs. So what happened between Dean and you for this break to happen?"

"Nothing happened. "

"Now that's a lie. You two never just take a break just because so one of you must have done something to make the other mad. "

"Why does it matter? "

"I'm sorry?"

"Why does it matter what the reason is? It's not important."

"Well excuse me for being concerned about my boyfriend and his relationship with his brother. It's not like you two to just separate like this unless something major happened between you two." She groaned crossing her arms over her chest.

"Fine, you seriously want to know?" She gave him a nod with a duh look so he continued, "I found out he lied, he said he'd leave the Amy situation alone but he didn't. He went behind my back and killed her."

"Wait, when did this happen?"

"Probably when we got to Spokane, he lied and said he was filling his pain meds is when he went behind my back. Why does it matter? "

She shrugged, "It doesn't matter.... so why are you mad, because he killed a monster? That's what you guys do for a living Sam."

"Seriously?! Because she wasn't a monster, she was a friend. Who saved my life, need I remind you."

"Who killed innocent people need I remind you."

"Because her son was dying so she had to, to save his life. And she promised that was the only time she would do it."

"Yeah but monsters lie, she may promise she won't do it again until the situation comes up again and she has to kill a human again."

"So you're justifying what Dean did was right?"

"Killing a monster? Yes. Going behind your back? No, that wasn't right. But he thought what he was doing was right Sam. He did what his instincts told him to do, what you guys grew up around. It's not like you wouldn't have killed something that was a monster because you would have if you had the choice."

"I can't believe you. You're just like him. Don't take my feelings in account."

"That's Bullshit Sam! I'm nothing like him and you know it! I always think about your feelings! I've never once went behind your back nor lied to you! So I don't know why you're mad at me Sam."

"You've never lied to me huh?!"

"No I haven't." She shook her head.

"Now whose bullshitting who."

"What are talking about? " She raised her eyebrows.

"When that leviathan told me Dean's little secret he told me about what happened between us."

"Okay and?"

"So you told Maggie Stark about me cheating on you and you forgave me for it. I asked you about it and you lied to me Nova, you said you only told them to try to help the situation but I found out through that thing that it in fact actually happened. "

"Because it happened when you were soulless and I didn't want to talk about what happened during that time any more than I have to or need to. I wouldn't have even mentioned it then if the situation didn't need it. "

"But it doesn't change the fact that you lied to me in the first place! So you of all people have no room to be mad about anyone being mad about lying when you did the same thing!"

The anger burst out of her and she smacked him across the face, "I did it to protect your feelings Sam! And it was only one time! Not multiple times! One time Sam! I'm sorry for wanting to protect you because I love you!"

"Yeah well I'm sorry but I don't need protection from you! I can take care of myself! Why can't you guys understand that I'm not some basketcase! So stop treating me like one!"

"Fine! I'll just leave this way I'm not around since you think I'm treating you like some basketcase which I wasn't by the way! I'm sorry for loving and worrying about my boyfriend!" She grabbed her bag and started out the door but he grabbed her arm.

"Nova, that not what I meant."

"Bullshit, you made it pretty clear what you wanted." She pulled her arm from him "Goodbye Sam." With that she walked out.

As soon as she got into her car is when the tears flowed out of her eyes. She wiped her eyes as she pulled away but more rolled down her cheeks. She didn't know where she was going to go but knew she needed to get away from there.

Sam sighed as he turned around and seen Bobby standing there.

"How much of that did you hear? "

"I heard enough. I swear you boys can be idjits when it comes to other people besides each other. To that girl, you are her world. You and Dean are pretty much the only family she has left."

"And what about you? You're her family too."

"This isn't about me ya idjit, this is about you and her."

"Well I'm tired of her constant worry over me. I'm fine."

"Oh boo-hoo, when you're in a relationship, worrying comes with the territory, that's part of what a relationship means Sam. It's to care and worry about each other. So you can't blame her for loving you like that."

"I'm not blaming her for that Bobby." Sam sighed. "You wouldn't understand. "

"You're right I don't understand, why exactly but don't forget I've been in a relationship before."

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