Chapter 22

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Nova sat around the house bored so she decided to go visit Lisa, she didn't have many friends and despite what her and Dean went through she still wanted to remain friends with her. She got to her house and rang the doorbell.

"Oh hey Nova." Lisa smiled.

"Hey Lisa, hope it's okay just popped in, wanted to see how you and Ben was."

Lisa nodded as she motioned for her to walk in and so she did.

"You by yourself?" Lisa inquired.

"Yeah." She nodded, "The guys are on a job somewhere."

"Ah okay, how's Dean holding up?"

"Uhm he's doing okay despite everything they're going through."

"That's good." Lisa sighs.

"Me and Sam are together now." Nova beamed.

"Nova that's awesome. All I have to say is good luck. I wish me and Dean could have made it work but unfortunately we can't. Not since his brother is back. I mean I'm close with my sister but them two they are super close."

"Yes they are, I don't think anything can come between them two. Sam and me, we've known each other since college. But anyways what about you what have you been up to?"

"Besides work? Not much, I actually met someone new. We're uh, he's taking me out on a date tonight."

"Wow." Nova, there was a hint of annoyance to her voice.

"What, something wrong with that?"

"Nothing really, just wondering how someone could move on so fast from a guy like Dean."

"Are you serious?"

"Yeah, I mean you two were together for a year. He cares so much about you. You pretty much break his heart then already seeing another guy."

"I still care a lot about him too Nova! I haven't stopped. But after he left with Sam we barely spoke, then all of a sudden he shows up out of the blue in the middle of the night out of his mind on something, talking crazy then shoves my kid! You know what just leave." She points to the door, "I don't think we can be friends Nova because you are with his brother and close friends with Dean so no matter what happens between me and him you'll stick up for him. And that's fine, I get it, that's what friends are supposed to do."

"You're right, I'll stick up for him because he's become like a brother to me. And I don't know if I can be friends with someone who can move on after a month or so." Nova rolled her eyes and walked out then went home.

Not long after she got home she got a phone call from Dean.

"Well then, hello. Wait is something wrong with Sam?" She started to panic.

"No, Sam's fine. Look I need a favor. Ben called me and said something was wrong with Lisa. I'm going to go over there and check up on things. Will you go be with Sam. I don't want to leave him alone."

"Uhm of course I will but Dean, I think Lisa is just fine I-"

"Just do this please, I just want to make sure myself." He had cut her off.

"Okay fine." She says with a sigh.

"Thank you." He says and hangs up.

"You're welcome." She rolls her eyes.

She then starts to pack. Luckily her and Sam had been messaging back and forth so she knew where their case was. As soon as she was done she headed out to be with Sam. Once she got there though she realized she didn't know where their hotel room was and figured he probably wouldn't be there anyways.

"Hey what's address to the hotel room?" She messaged Dean.

After he messaged her back she headed there. She got there, found the room number then went and knocked.

There was no answer, "Figures."

She started to head back to her car but when she turned around she ran into someone.

"Oh I am- Sam!" She beamed she wraps him in a hug.

"Nova?" He wraps his arms around her, "What are you doing here?"

"I just missed you guys and I was bored so decided to come see you guys."

"Oh, well Deans not here. He had Lisa business to take care of. How'd you know where we were."

"I know and I found out after messaging Dean the address because I wanted to surprise you."

"Oh okay. Well I love this surprise. "

They walk into the room and Nova sat down on the bed.

"So what do you have to do now?"

"Just going to look more into this case." He changes out of his suit. "So get this, I talked to everyone that knew this girl that went missing, Rose, and this one guy, he was so nervous when I talked to him. Then when I mentioned how he seemed nervous he mentioned how of course he's upset since the two people who died were his friends."

"Maybe there's a vengeful spirit that's after him and his friends."

"That's what I'm thinking."

"Um Sam?"


"You need to go. If this is a vengeful spirit and he was nervous he could be next."

"I think you're right." He quickly put his shoes on. "I need to go, before something bad happens again. Crap how am I going to get there?"

She tosses him her keys, "Here take my car."

"You coming?"

She shook her head, "No I'm good."

"Okay." He kisses her, "Thank you."

"For what?"

"For making me come to a realization on this case."

"You're welcome." She smiles and then he leaves to go finish the case.

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