Chapter 46

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Nova woke up to hearing Dean's phone ringing. She sat up, seen he was still asleep and Sam no where in sight so she decided to answer it.


But it wasn't Sam, it was the hospital letting them know that he was in an accident and that he was there. Once she got off the phone she rushed over and started shaking Dean.

"Dean! Wake up now! We've got to go!"

"What, what is it? " He grumbled as he sat up.

"It's Sam, he was in an accident. Come on, we need to go to the hospital."

With that they left and rushed to the hospital. When they got there they couldn't find out any information so Dean and Nova barged into the doctors office.

"You can't barge in here without an appointment."

"We have to talk to the doctor." Nova glared at her.

"You need to be scheduled."

"Then schedule us!" Dean popped off. "He was in a car crash. Why the hell can't we see him?"

"You're Sam Smith's brother. And you are? " Dr. Kadinsky asked Nova.

"His wife." Dean told him before she could say anything. "So what's going on?"

"It's fine, thank you." He told the nurse who then stormed out as the doctor stood up, "Sam was admitted and treated for broken ribs and lacerations. He's locked in our psychiatric floor."

"What's with that, is he okay? " Nova questioned stepping closer to the desk. "I mean I know he's had some trouble."

"So you're aware Sam has been experiencing a full blown psychotic episode?"

"Psychotic? I mean come on its not like the guys Norman Bates."

"I'm sure he isn't. We need to determine whether his state was brought on by the insomnia or whether the insomnia is a symptom of his condition. Do you understand? So that we can figure out how to treat him." The doctor went on to say that they gave Sam a bunch of sedatives as safely as they could and that he went go under.

The doctor then took them back to where Sam was and allowed them to see him.

"Sam. " Nova breaths out as she goes over and sits by his legs. She fought the urge to wrap him in a hug afraid to hurt him or how he would react.

"How're you feeling? " Dean asked him.

"Well maybe you should cancel my UFC fight."

"We're going to find you help. " Nova put her hand on Sam's leg but he just sighs and looks away.

"I don't think it's out there."

"We don't know that. " Dean told him.

"We know better than most. It's all snake oil. Last faith healer we hooked up with had a reaper on a leash remember?"

Dean sighed, "Yeah, I remember. "

"I'm just saying. "

"What? That you don't want our help?" Nova looks at Dean then back at Sam.

"No, I'm just saying." He reached over and grabbed her hand, "Just don't do that to yourself."

"Sam, if we don't find something-"

Sam cut Dean off "Then I'll die. Dean you knew this was coming when you put my soul back."

"No, no. " Nova shook her head with her eyes glossy from the tears.

"Cass warned about all the crap it would-"

"Screw Cass!" Dean cut him off. "Quit being dali freaking Yoda about this okay? Get pissed!"

"I'm too tired." When he said that Nova sighed, leaned forward and kissed Sam's forehead then sat back down as he continued, "This is what happens when you throw a soul into lucifers dog bowl. When you think there's just gonna be a cure out there."

Dean just stared at him, nodded a little than stormed out but Nova stayed.

"You know he's not going to stop until he finds a way to help."

"I know. " He breaths out.

Nova scooted up the bed more as she intertwined her fingers with his.

"This is the part where you run away from me. "

"I can't Sam."

"And why not?"

"Because I love you too much to run."

"And I love you, I do but I'm helpless. I'm a lost cause, regardless I'm going to die. We knew this was coming."

"Please don't talk like that. "

"Talk like what? I'm only talking the truth. "

"We'll all die eventually Sam. But hopefully way later than sooner." She rubs her thumb along his knuckles.

"Hunters never get to live long happy lives."

"That's Bullshit, there's been plenty of hunters that live long lives." She sighed. "And we'll get to also Sam. And I want to live that life with you." She puts her hand on his cheek, and as he nuzzled against her hand he rests his hand on hers while closing his eyes.

She watched him a moment then sighs, "As much as I don't want to, I'm going to go." She leans forward and they kiss for a moment. She slowly pulls away, pecks his lips again then rests her forehead against his and whispers, "I love you Sam. No matter what I'll always love you."

"I love you too Nova." He whispers back.

They kiss again then she pulls away and stands up wiping her cheeks off.

"You'll get better, I promise. You've gotten better before and so it's got to happen again. We just got to have hope this time again, like last time." With that she walked out of his room and found Dean.

"You good?" He rubbed her upper arm.

She sighed with a small nod, "As good as I can be, considering."

"Yeah." He breathed out as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders.

She laid her head against him and wrapped her arm around his waist as they walked out of the hospital.

"You guys make such a cute couple. Reminds me and my husband when we were your guys age. " An old lady smiled at them.

They looked at each other then back at the lady as Nova spoke, "Oh, no, we're not together like that. We're just friends."

"Ah I'm sorry. My mistake, just the chemistry coming off you guys is..." She shook her head, "Forget I said something." With that she walked away.

"What in the world was that?" Dean chuckled with a shake of his head.

"I don't know." She chuckled with him.

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