Chapter 43

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Dean and Nova headed to where Krissy was so Dean could find out more information. Nova stayed in the car as Dean went in to talk to her.

He couldn't leave without Krissy so he reluctantly took her with them.

"Whose she?" Krissy asked when they got to the car.

Nova looked over from the passenger side, "My name is Nova. You must be Krissy."


"So why are you taking a kid to where danger is?"

"Just because I'm a kid doesn't mean I don't know what I'm doing. "

Nova smirked looking at Dean, "I remember saying words similar to that, just switch out kid with girl."

"What are you talking about?" Krissy asked confused.

Nova turned in her seat to look at Krissy better "Years ago, like you, my dad was in trouble so I called this number which led me to talking to Dean here." She patted his shoulder, "Well he didn't want me to go with him because I was a young girl and he thought I couldn't handle my own. Which I proved I could by-"

Dean cut her off with a smirk, "Don't even say it."

"Say what?" Krissy inquired with raised eyebrows.

"I'm warning you." Dean tried to hold his smile back as he pointed to Nova.

Nova just grinned then whispered to Krissy, "I saved his ass that night."

"Why you little." He grabbed her thigh by her knee, which was sitting on the seat by him, and started tickling her.

She quickly starting squirming as she laughed, "Okay okay! I'm sorry! Stop Dean! You're driving!"

"Anyways. " Krissy stretched out the word once Dean and Nova settled down, "One thing doesn't make sense. My dad's a pretty great hunter and your brother is the size of a car so... how'd this thing get them both?"

Dean just gives her a look through the rearview mirror then back at the road, "Vetalas usually hunt in pairs. Sam and your dad both assumed it was one thing hunting solo."

"Why'd he think that?"

"Because they had the wrong info. Or best available. Our dad took out a loner years ago. Sam has his journal. Your dad must've been going on the same facts."

"And you know different because?"

"Because I hunted one that turned it to be two a couple years back."

"And you never told Sam?" Nova was surprised.

When Dean didn't say anything Krissy popped off, "Wow, how about sharing that with the rest of the class so we don't all get killed."

Dean rolls his eyes, "Sam was away at Stanford, smartass."

"Sam went to college? I thought you said your dad was a hunter."

"He was, we were. Sam quit, went to college."

"Both our dad's was actually." Nova told her, "College was where I met Sam actually."

It was a silent ride until Dean spoke up, "You could too, you know, go to college. Be a hunter/pediatrician." Krissy didn't know how to answer that.

"Trust me, it's the best feeling to know you've got a college degree." Nova assured her with a smile.

They went to the truck stop then when they found out which of the ladies it was they followed them to the hideout. Dean convinced Krissy to climb up front then to her surprise he handcuffed her to the steering wheel.

As Dean and Nova went in he hit one of them then started fighting with the other one as she went over to untie Sam. The one they thought was knocked out quickly got up and grabbed Nova.

"Let her go or this one gets it."

Dean quickly let's the partner go then steps forward.

"Now drop the knife." So Dean does.

"Dean do something." Nova pleaded.

"He can't help you sweetheart."

"I'll just help myself. " Nova quickly pulled her knife out, turned around and stabbed her, "And I'm not your sweetheart." She twists the knife.

She then quickly cut Sam loose who kills the other one as Nova cut other hunter, Lee, loose right as Krissy ran in.

"Dad! " She rubs over to him.

Once they got to the hospital and Lee was settled in they went into his room.

"I was hoping you would stop by. I wanted to thank you."

"It's no problem." Sam told him.

"No, you saved my life. And krissys too."

Dean looked to the doorway then back at Lee "Don't thank us. Quit. Your daughters 14 years old. She's already got a mind as a hunter. I'm not trying to sound like a dick but what do you think that does to her life span? She could still be a regular kid."

"You know, I got into this for a reason."

"I know. Your family. That's the same reason you should get out now."

"I can't."

"Sure you can." Nova told him.

"You ever know anyone who left the life?"

Nova shook her head as Dean said "No. They all get killed first."

They said they're goodbyes then walked out of the hospital. As they walked out Krissy came running after them.

"Thanks for saying bye asshats."

"What, now you're sentimental? "

"I just wanted to tell you guys thank you. And you old people are quite amusing." Which made both Dean and Nova chuckle.

"How'd you get out of the cuffs anyways?"

"Girls got to have her secret." Krissy smiled but Nova smirked knowing how.

It then clicked in Dean's head when he noticed the hair clip, "Bobby pin. You know you could have gotten yourself killed if you came in earlier than what you did."

Nova smiled watching Dean interact with Krissy. She could tell that if he ever had the chance he would make a great dad. Once they said their goodbyes Dean and Nova turned and walked towards the car.

"You know for a hardass you really do have a soft spot for kids." She smiled at him.

He smiled back with a shrug, "Eh what can I say."

Later the guys were talking, saying how they were happy to keep working like they do because they were professionals. Nova told them she was happy to be alongside them as long as they'll let her.

Pretty soon Sam laid his head over and closed his eyes. Nova offered for him to lay in the backseat but he said he was fine so she kissed his cheek then sat back.

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