Chapter 16

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A couple weeks later Dean, Sam, Nova and Bobby were all hanging out in Bobby's living room when Dean started talking about meeting with the man himself, Death. He said how he was trying to talk him into getting Sam's soul back.
Sam wasn't too happy because of the fact that both Crowley and Cass said if Sam's soul could be replaced that it could either kill him or turn him into jello. But Dean tried to explain that Death could put up a wall in Sam's brain so that it doesn't happen.

"He's just trying to save your life Sam." Nova told him when Sam was upset about Dean making decisions for him.

"Exactly, it's my life. It's my soul and it's ain't your guys head that's going to explode if this whole scheme of Dean's goes sideways."

Bobby then asked Dean what is his end of the deal since he knows Death wouldn't be doing it for free. Dean then told them he has to wear Deaths ring for the day and that he's going to do it. Sam started to walk out but Nova grabbed his arm.

"Babe where are you going?"

"Look, I hear you guys, I get it. I just need a minute to wrap my head around it all right?" With that he walks out.

"Why can't he understand all of this? That you just want to take a chance." Nova groaned out, "I mean if in the end it can save his life, a life we're involved in then he should be more than willing to try."

"I don't know." Dean shook his head.

"Well I'm going to go check on him." With that Nova walked out.

She found Sam sitting on the hood of one of the vehicles.

"Came to grill me some more in how this is a good idea?" Sam asked once she walked up to him.

She went and stood between his knees, "No." She links her fingers behind his neck, "Just checking to see how your doing. How you're coping."

"I'm fine, just tired of Dean trying to control my life."

"Babe, he's just trying to be the older brother, trying to protect you."

"I understand that I do but what if doesn't work and I end up dead."

"We have to at least try. Because if that happens you know damn well we'll get you back because both you and Dean has risen from the dead once so it's possible to happen again."

"How did you know about Dean? You weren't around then."

"Because he told me when I had already mentioned to him about you dying if you got your soul back."


"Yeah." She then kissed his lips softly.

"Why are you here? Shouldn't you be mad at me for that hippie chic."

"I should be yes." She took a deep breath and let it out, "But I'm not. I love you too much to be mad and to hate you for it. Plus Dean told me since you're not 100% there that I shouldn't take it to heart."

"Ah okay." He nods and kisses her again.

After a few minutes of them kissing Sam finally broke away.

"As much as I'm liking what we're doing this moment can I...can you just give me a few minutes alone to process all this in my head?"

"Yeah." Nova sighs, "I'll just be inside."

"Thank you."

She kisses him again then walks away, but as she walked away she turned her head and seen him going straight to where the ring was buried so she went inside.

"You guys, I think Sam is going to try something. He just started walking to where the ring is."

Dean and Bobby looked at each other then they walked out leaving Nova in the living room.

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