Chapter 52

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The next day everyone was hanging out and Sam called the hospital to check on the woman. After he got off the phone he told them she was fine and would be checking out of the hospital that night.

"Well that's delightful." Cass popped in, startling both Sam and Nova.

"Tell me again why you turned tail for some maid? You were right there."

"Shut up Meg." Dean told her as he took a sandwich from Cass.

"It wasn't just a maid that was affected. It was cause of me. I almost got seriously injured saving her."

"That and because Dick made more Dicks." Sam said making everyone look at him, "He must've kept a chunk of the original Dick Roman somewhere. They'd all have to touch it."

"Hey shifty, what's your problem?" Dean changed the subject to Cass.

"We need a cat. Doesn't this place feel one species short?"

"Uh no we don't, I'm allergic to Cats." Nova cringed at the thought what they do to her if she's around them.

"You got anything to say on the topic of Dicks? Crowley was pretty sure that you could help."

"I can't help. You understand? I can't. I destroyed everything. And I will destroy everything again. Can we please just leave it at that."

"No. " Dean stood up. "No we can't leave it."

Nova stood in front of Dean and put her hands on his chest "Dean."

"We can't leave it." Dean removed Nova's hands while looking at Cass, "You let those frigging things in. So you don't get to make a sandwich. You don't get a damn cat. Nobody cares that you're broken, Cass. Clean up your mess!"

"Dean sweetie you're being a little harsh with that." Nova lightly tapped the crook of his neck.

Cass took a step towards him and Nova turned around but stayed in front of Dean as she reached back and grabbed his wrists. Cass said they should get twister, which confused them then zapped away. Nova then let go of Dean's wrists.

"Nice, scared off the empires only hope."


"It occur to you that every one of those things was in Cass? He knows them. He can see past their meat suits."

"So he'll be able to spot the real... fake Dick Roman."

"Gold star sugarpants. Too bad he's fruit loops. You might've had the chance."

Just then Cass zapped back in on the floor with they game of twister laid out.

Later Dean was watching a video of Dick.

"There's no real point in looking for a tell. They've all downloaded Dick's brain. They've all got the same tells."

"All right, then maybe the question is, what would the real Dick be doing?"

"Is that the best you can do?" When Bobby spoke, Nova quickly backed away. "Idjits."

"Bobby. We didn't know if you-"

"Well, you should've. You got the flask. Dumb. You should've burned it right off."

"Bobby. "

"I'm still jonesing to go back. Grab some poor bastard, kamikaze 'em going after Dick. It's bad. America is for go getters." Bobby then made Dean's laptop shut. "Let's be real." He then looks at Nova, "I damn near killed you and that woman."

"It wasn't your fault Bobby, not really. " Nova funally spoke up, she tried to keep calm but her voice still had a shaky tone to it.

"Right, but look now you're scared of me and I don't blame you. That's just what ghosts turn into. I really bet the farm I could outsmart that."

"So what does it feel like?" Dean asked him.

"What? Going vengeful?" When Dean nodded slightly Bobby inhales deeply "Its an itch you can't scratch it. Look, I'm done. Go get Dick. But don't do it cause you it'll scratch the itch. Do it because it's the job. And when it's your time, go."

They set a up a firepit to burn the flask, they really didn't want to lose Bobby again but knew it had to be done.

"Well here's to running into you guys on the other side. Only... not too soon. All right?" Bobby stares at then looks at the firepit then back at them.

Dean nods looks at the flask then tosses it into the flames.

"I'm sorry Nova, for what I did." Bobby tells her.

"I forgive you Bobby." She says just above a whisper.

They then watch Bobby disappear in flames peacefully. Nova let out a breath that she didn't realize she was holding in as she wraps her arms around Sam's waist. He wraps his arm around her and rubs her back.

When they decided to infiltrate Dick's corporation Nova decided to hang back, afraid she would mess something up. At first they wanted her help but decided it was for the best since they had more experience dealing with monsters than she did.

After Dean and Cass killed Dick though, they disappeared along with him. Crowley told Sam he didn't know where Dean was then his demons took Kevin, the prophet, away then he zapped himself away.

Once Sam walked back into the cabin Nova quickly jumped up.

"Sam!" She jumped into his arms, "I'm so happy you're okay." Tears of happiness came to her eyes as he wrapped his arms around her then they kissed.

"Yeah. " He sighs, "Me too." He then puts her down, "Listen there's something I need to tell you." He pulled her away some so he could look at her. "Something happened, uhm, when Dean killed Dick. He... him and Cass disappeared with Dick."

Nova looked at him confused, "What do you mean they disappeared? Where did they go Sam?"

"I don't know." Sam shrugs, "The way Crowley put it, the bone has a kick and apparently they are standing too close to Dick when he exploded that it took them with him."

"So they're... they're dead?"

"I don't know." Sam frowns.

"Oh God!" Nova Bursted out crying and they comforted each other the rest of the night.

Neither one of them wanted to do anything, too sad to do anything so they just laid together on the couch.

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