Chapter 48

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Sam, Dean and Nova were talking with the ghost of Bobby about what he found out about Dick Roman's plans when all of a sudden Sam's laptop made a sound indicating there was an email. Since Nova was already at his laptop since she was using it he told her to open it.

"It's from Frank Devereaux." She told them as she opened it.

"Frank's alive?"

"That jackass, always stealing my thunder."

"What's it say?" Sam asked her as he stood behind her.

"Sam and Dean, it you're reading this, I'm dead." There was a moment of silence than she continued, "Or worse. This email was sent because some prince is trying to hack into my hard drive right this second. So unless it's you, you've got trouble. My drive is full of comprising info. Your new aliases, hangouts where you stored your car. "


This time it was Sam to talk, "Even though he encrypted the crap out of his drive he says we should assume that someone can back into it eventually."

Nova pointed, "Look he put a GPS tracker on it so we'll know where it's at." She then clicks on the link that was in the email.

"Perfect. It's in the middle of the death star."

"That's just great." Nova sighed.

"Well I guess it's off to Chicago." Dean stood up and started grabbing his Jacket.

"Hold up." Nova put her hand up. "Y'all can't just waltz right in there. They know what you guys look like, hell they've even had their kind morph into you guys." Nova stood up as she closed the laptop, "Let me do it. They don't have anything against me."

"No! Not happening, it's too dangerous!" Dean snapped.

"He's right, it is too dangerous. Plus they know you're connected to us." Sam tells her as she sighs.

"What if we mail in the flask?" Ghost Bobby suggested, "Then I can ghost through the joint. It's not like Dick can kill me twice." They all kept silent so he continued, "Come on guys, just because I'm dead doesn't mean I don't know how to do my damn job."

"Bobby, that's Dick's office."

"I think what Sam's trying to say is what happens if you run into dick and you know...go vengeful."

"They're right, that's not something you can just shake off." Nova pointed out.

"Come on, give me some credit. What, I'm just supposed to ride the pine?"

"Sorry Bobby." Sam sighed and they walked out.

They got to the person's house that hacked into the drive, Charlie Bradbury. When they showed up she was already scared out of her whits. She even hit Sam with a fake sword which broke when it hit him which made Nova stifle a laugh.

"Nova your turn." Sam told her, making her snap her thoughts back to them.

"Huh? Oh sorry." She held out her hand and Dean poured some borax on the back of her hand.

After Charlie poured some on her own hand she looks at them, "Who the hell are you guys?"

They then had to explain who they are and what they wanted. She didn't understand how they found her since the drive was still at the office and Sam showed her that when she hacked into the drive it also hacked into her webcam to show who it was.

"So how long did it take you to get into Frank's drive?" Nova questioned.

"A day or so."

"Holy crap." Nova breathed out. "And I thought I was good with computer stuff."

"Is there anything you can't hack into?" Sam asked surprised.

"Not yet."

"How about Dick Roman's emails?"

"Why would I?" It then clicked in her brain that he was one of them because of what she saw on that drive.

Sam told her that he was actually their leader. When Charlie half joked about making us humans their slaves, Dean popped off telling her that it was basically planet wide value meal and we were the meat. At first Charlie didn't think he was serious but realized that he was.

She sat down at her table with her laptop to get to work on hacking into Dicks emails but she realized she can't.

"Oh crap." Charlie blurts out.

"What, finally found something you can't hack into?" Nova joked.

"Pretty much, Dick's email isn't in the company server. It's on a private one, in his office."


"Can't get in it unless you have his phone or you're at his desk.

"So you're staying that if we're inside Dick's office then we can hack into his email?"

"You can't. Only someone like..." Charlie stopped then come to the realization when Nova smiled at her with a nod, "But I sure as hell ain't doing it. I am doing my job and... What are the chances I see everything on that drive and Dick let's me live anyway?"

"I think you know."

"So I erase the drive first, protect all of us then I go back to my old life right?" She sees Sam and Dean look at each other then back at her, "What?"

"Charlie, it's not that easy. Like us you're on Dick's radar, meaning you don't have an old life anymore." Nova pointed out.

"I'm gonna die. I should have taken that job at Google."

"Charlie it's okay." Sam stands up, "Look, you didn't volunteer for this."

"Totally, exactly. But now I volunteer. I got to go back anyways to wipe Frank's drive. Might as well break into Dick's office too."

She let them know she was sure she wanted to do this but she has never broken into anything in real life before and asked what their plan is going to be to help her.

Sam and Dean join her, sitting at the table and Nova stands at the end as they get to working on a plan on how she was going to get into Dick's office to get into his emails.

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