Chapter 42

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The first week after Bobby's death, none of them felt like doing anything but sit around and stare into thin air.

By the second week they started slowly moving around. It was hitting the boys harder than Nova since they knew him way longer than she had. Dean kept staring at the numbers Bobby gave them, trying to figure out what it meant.

"Whatcha looking at?" Nova asked Sam, who was looking at a small book, as she leaned her backside against the counter.

"Oh uhm." He glanced at her then back at the book, "Bobby's contact book."

"Oh." She nodded slightly.

The third week they boys were finally coping well. Nova was the one who would leave and get supplies for their bodies the last couple weeks but Sam finally walked out past the porch to bring in Bobby's supply bags from the trunk.

Dean had a wall starting of everything Dick Roman was involved in and still trying to figure out what the numbers meant and how they were associated with Dick.

Sam mentioned about letting people know about Bobby but Dean changed the subject wondering why, after a week, Frank hadn't gotten back to him about the numbers.

The boys argued back and forth on who should call Bobby's people to let them know about his death.

Nova groaned and picked up the book from the kitchen counter, "Fine, I'll do it since you Bozos won't." She gave them a playful grin.

All of a sudden Bobby's cell phone rang so Sam answered it as Dean picked up Bobby's flask. After Sam got off the phone he mentioned it was a kid and so he thought that maybe they should go find this girl since she might be in trouble but Dean thought the numbers was more important.

"And thanks for drinking my beer."

"I didn't touch your beer. Mines right there. " Sam pointed to his on the table.

"And mines right here." Nova picked hers up off the counter next to her then sat it back down. "You've been so distracted you probably drank it without realizing."

Dean looked around then down at the empty bottle in his hand, "Right." Then sat it down on the table.

Nova was going to go with Sam but decided against it. She figured two people showing up at this girl's door might be a little intimidating so she decided to stick with Dean.

"You know what? It's quite amusing how me and this girl that Sam went to help has in common." Nova smiled as they headed to Frank's.

"What do you mean?"

"Girl worried about her dad, calls someone he trusts but ends up connecting with someone else to help." She smirks as she shrugs.

"You know, that's right. That happened to you also. So are you worried that he'll try to hook up with her helper?" He joked.

She smacked his arm playfully, "Ewe no! She's a kid Dean!"

He laughed at her reaction, "I know. Plus I know my brother wouldn't do something like that. Not unless he was drugged."

"Yeah yeah. Plus he's not a manwhore like his brother is."

Dean gasped, "I'm an not a man whore!"

"Oh that's Bullshit! " She grinned, "You can't go to the bar without hitting on or flirting with at least one girl Dean."

Dean thought about it then shrugged one shoulder, "Okay fine, you're not wrong."

"I know I'm not. " She smirked, "You've even hit on me which led to other stuff but that's besides the point."

"In my defense that was before you got with Sam, hell that was before I even knew that you knew him."

"This is true." She nodded.

It was a silent ride for a moment before Nova spoke up again, "Its good seeing you laugh and joke like that again. I haven't seen you just let loose like that in a while."

"I had no reason to really, until you decided to make jokes. "

"So maybe I should do it more often because I love seeing you smile and laugh instead of trying to be Mr. Hardass all the time." She leans over and kisses his cheek.

He smiles at her, "Yes, yes you should. " He parks in front of Frank's house, "But right now we have business to tend to."

As they walked in they noticed all of Frank's machines were gone. They then was in a three way stand-off until they proved neither one of them was a leviathan. Frank took them to another location where all his gear was.

They found out the numbers were actually coordinates to a field in Wisconsin. Once they got there they acted like technicians but found out the place was surrounded by surveillance cameras. Frank then suggested they tap into theirs.

Frank told them they just have to watch the cameras. He even told Dean he looked horrific and asked when the last time he slept.

"I'll take the first shift, you're no use if you can't even keep your eyes open."

Frank and Nova looked over and Dean was already asleep.

"Poor guy, since what happened to Bobby he hasn't slept much." Nova spoke softly as she rubbed her hand over Dean's head.

There wasn't much seating so Nova sat down next Dean's legs, she crossed her arms on his knees and laid her head down on them.

"Let me know and I can take over watching the cameras."

"Yeah sure, I've got it. You and lover boy just sleep. "

"What?! He's so no not my lover, I'm in a relationship with Sam. I'm only using his knee as a pillow because he's a friend who is also like a brother to me. "

"Hey no need to convince me." Frank smirked at her then back to watching the cameras.

Hours later Nova helped watched the camera's. Nova decided to move Dean where he was laying up against a cabinet to be more comfortable.

"How long was I out? " Dean asked when he woke up a few hours later.

"About 36 hours sweetie." Nova rubbed her hand through Dean's hair.

"What? Why didn't you wake me?"

"Because you needed sleep Dean. And we had it handled."

Frank showed them a girl that worked for Dick Roman and that they were surveying the field to build who knows what.

A little later Dean checked his voicemail then heard from the girl Sam was helping, Krissy, who was told to call him if she hadn't heard back from him.

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