C h a p t e r 1 1 7

21 1 0

Tristan's POV

"When's the date?" My brother asked me when I came back from the hospital. We already had a date for it. I'm just not saying it to them because we want to delay things but I guess I can't hold up any more.

"On the 31st." I answered.

He nodded. "I'll inform Mr. Russell right away. Good job right there, young man! Akala ko, kami ang gusto mong mag-decide sa date e." he smirked.

Hindi na ako sumagot. Nagtungo na lang ako sa kwarto ko.

Ever since this happened, I've been stressed! I can't think straight like the way I used to be. My simple life with my friends got destroyed because of it. We're the talk of the campus right now because of the announcement of our engagement.

I just wish I could just turn back time.

I remember the first day I saw Madison inside the campus. We were outside doing some crazy stuff during breaktime and she was sitting by herself outside the cafeteria eating a cake and sipping an iced cold coffee.

She was in my class. I watched her everyday as she really caught my attention because of her personality. She's the president of the student council where I am the vice president. We're on the same team but we seldom have a personal conversation. It is more of a professional obligation because we're the officers of the campus.

She has a long time boyfriend according to some gossip I heard from our class. She's dating the basketball superstar that is also in our class. Maybe that's the reason why she's not close to any man on campus. Because, she's already taken.

During our third year, things went differently. We welcome Gavin in our class this semester. Gavin has been one of my best friends since grade school. He never got into our section because we're the only ones who are always enrolling in the same block every semester. Except when someone got transferred to another school. Eventually, we realized that it was Madison's boyfriend.

Then, my friends and her friends have been close to each other because of a project where she and Gavin were teamed up together. From there, they started like cats and dogs, for quite some time. And I got the chance to talk to her, finally. We also became friends somehow.

Looking back on how it all started, I can't imagine that she will be the person I'm going to spend the rest of my life with. As a family tradition, we were destined to marry each other. But, things are not just as simple as that.

The woman I am supposed to marry is in love with someone else. She's in love with my best friend. They are in love with each other. I can't help but blame myself for what had happened to him. He was in a car accident. He got drunk after hearing in the news about our arranged marriage.

I heard Maddy the other night talking to him even though he's asleep.

"Sorry, ngayon ko lang ito nasabi. Sorry, Gavin. I know, it's too late because you can't hear me. But I love you, no matter what happens, I love you with all my heart. I don't know when it started, I don't know the exact day I fell in love with you, all I know is that I love you."

The Day We Fall In Love (COMPLETED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon