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Y/N=Your Name
Y/P=Your Pronouns


I slowly yawn awake as the sun shines through the window. I really need to get curtains. I blink a few times and yawn once more. I smile at gizmo who was on my pillow. "Morning, Giz." I gently pet him and he quietly purred. I then stood up and walked over to my dresser to get my clothes. Once I got my clothes on, I grabbed my prosthetic and glass cup which had my glass eye in. I then walked into the bathroom to get ready for the day.

Once I finally got my hair into pretty decent pigtails, my prosthetic was comfortable on my head, and my glass eye was comfortably in my eye socket, I walked out of the bathroom. Today, Y/N was finally back from vacation. Y/N is a pretty nice person and Y/P is very kind and loving. Y/N loves animals and another thing they love is, Larry. I know this because Y/P told me and Ash once when we were all hanging out this summer. Y/N really likes Larry's personality, looks, family, etc. Y/N never had a good relationship with their mother or father. Anyways, I'm pretty excited to see Y/P again. Someone I'm not excited to see is well, Travis Phelps. He always treats me and my friends horribly. I used to think that Travis had a crush on Y/N but when Y/N asked, he said no. Then he shoved Y/N and Y/P hit the lockers and had to go the the nurses office. But, Y/N is okay now. The only person Travis really bothers is me. I don't understand why.

"Sal hurry up before I start dragging you!" Y/N rolled their eyes at me and waited impatiently. Larry and Todd were laughing behind Y/P. I chuckled and walked up to them at the front door. "Finally! Now let's go before we're late because of your ass!!!" Y/N grabbed me by my wrist and started walking. Y/N is pretty strong since Y/P and Larry wrestle around every once in awhile. Y/N is pretty tall too. I think like 5'8? "Soo, I can walk myself ya know?" Y/N chuckled and let me go. I smiled under my prosthetic and started walking next to them. "Hey Sal?" Larry looked over to me. "Yes Larry face?" He chuckled then got serious. "I uh- I like Ash." I could see Y/N's eyes widen. Y/N blinked a few times to calm down and tears were at the corner of Y/N's face. "T-That's awesome dude!" I smiled even though it was forced. Larry smiles awkwardly then Todd starts talking to him. Y/N gently grabs my hand for comfort and I let Y/P.


"I uh- I like Ash." Those words shattered me like glass. My heart sank. Sal could see the defeat in my eyes. I almost started crying. Everyone but Larry knew I had a crush on him.. "T-That's awesome dude!.." I gently reached my hand out and grabbed Sal's hand. He let me grab it for comfort. We held hands the rest of the way there.


First ever Y/N part, how was it?? Like I said I'm trying to make Y/N male or female so that's why I added in "Y/P" to make it easier for you males and females! I hope you enjoy this story and sorry I haven't been posting any for a long time. I will be slower with this story because I am sort of behind in school a little bit and I have other things to do so don't expect this to be as fast as the others. But I appreciate you all, thank you.

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