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It was Thursday finally. Sadly it's not Friday yet but at least it's Thursday. Though, Travis wasn't here on Wednesday so I hope he is today. I walked in the building hoping to see Travis. But he wasn't where he usually was in the mornings. I started to worry more. I'll have to check on him after school.

I walked near Travis's house and checked to see if any cars were in the driveway. None were. I quickly walked across the street and behind his house. I grabbed a very small rock and threw it near what I hoped was his window. Shortly after it opened. "Sal?!?" Travis looked annoyed and tired. "That's me!!" Travis rolled his eyes. "I'll open the front door for you!!" He shut the window and left. I quickly walked to the front door and he opened it. We walked up to his room and he shut his door and locked it. "What are you doing here?" He sat down on his bed and I sat down next to him. "Well, you weren't here yesterday or today and I was worried." Travis giggled when I said that. "I'm fine. We went to my cousin's birthday party yesterday and my aunt had one today." I nodded. "I see, so where's your parents?" He sighed and layed down. "My aunt thought I was an embarrassment and told me to leave so I walked home. My parents won't be back till tonight." I nodded. He awkwardly stared at me. "Can you uh- stay here a while?" I nodded. Travis smiled. "They won't be back until like 10 probably." He moved to lay down on his pillow and Travis patted the other one. I chuckled and layed down. Travis then instantly fell asleep. I giggled and rolled my eyes at myself for what I was about to do. I gently wrapped my arms around Travis and he put his leg over mine. He must move in his sleep. Hopefully.

I woke up and looked at the clock. 9:55. I gently woke Travis up and he slowly got up. "What time is it?" I chuckled and pointed at the clock. "9:55 I better get going." Travis quickly nodded. "Hell yeah you should!!! Shoo!!" We both froze when we heard a car door open. "MOVE YOUR ASS FISHER!!!" Travis quickly stood up and I wouldn't budge. "Fisher... I swear to God, MOVE!!!" That's when the front door opened. "..Shit.." I quickly moves under the bed and Travis opened his closet. He quickly threw a blanket at me. "Cover your fucking self up. If you get me in trouble, I swear I'll kill you myself." Travis left and unlocked his bedroom door then left the room. I quickly covered my body with the blanket and left my face uncovered to breath. It's already hard enough to breath through this fucking prosthetic, so it's basically suicide if I cover my face. Travis then came back in and someone walked in behind him. "Goodnight hunny. I love you." It sounded like Mrs. Phelps. "Night mom." I could feel Travis get in his bed and lay down. His mother walked over and I heard her kiss Travis. I tried not to giggle. Mrs. Phelps then walked out of the room and shut the door. Travis shuffled around then his head appeared. "Don't. Even. Move. They'll hear you." I nodded. "You can come back out in like an hour. They don't stay up long. Especially when they go somewhere." Travis sighed and disappeared again. I got comfortable under his bed and used my hands as a pillow.

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