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I've tried to call everyone but Sal kept making me hang up. "Sal, quit!! This is your 15th bottle!!!" Sal burped and rolled his eyes. I then pulled my phone out and called the group chat. Sal then fell over. "SHIT!!! SAL!!!" Everyone answered. "Y/N?" Ashley's voice rang out through my phone. "Get over to Sal's apartment. NOW!!!" I hung up and rested Sal's head on my legs. "Sal you're burning up..."

Larry was the first to show up. I stared at Larry and Larry looked at all the empty beer bottles. "Holy shit.." He quickly walked over to us and helped me pick Sal up. We walked him to the couch and gently layed him down. "I'll get an ice pack." Larry said and walked away. Then Todd and Neil walked in. A few minutes later Ash showed up. "I brought someone." She moved and I saw the blonde. He froze and stared at passed out, sweating, Sal. He quickly walked over to Sal and felt his forehead. "Fucking idiot.." Larry finally showed up with an ice pack. "What took you so long?!" I glared at Larry and he handed the ice pack to me. By now Travis had Sal laying on his lap. I looked over at Ash after I gave Travis the ice pack. "How did you get Travis to come over?" Ashley started explaining.


Once I was done taking a shower I plopped down on my bed. I was upset and mad. I fucking hate Larry's guts. He's such a fucking dick. I hate him so much. Father and mother weren't home yet so they probably still think I'm with Phillip. Then the doorbell rang throughout the whole house. I quickly stood up and walked downstairs. It was around like 3pm. I opened the door and it was Ash. "What the fu-" "Sal is in danger or something. Y/N called and Y/P was panicking. Something is obviously wrong." I rolled my eyes and put my shoes on.


Ashley got done telling her side of the story. Then Sal woke up. It was around 5 now. We were all surprised he woke up so fast. "My... Head... Is... Fucking.... Freezing." He stared up at me and I gently took the ice pack off. Ash handed me some painkillers and I gave them to Sal. I helped him gently sit up and he took them by themselves. He then spotted Larry. "Get.. Him. The fuck out... Of here." He pointed at Larry. Larry was obviously upset when Sal said that. "Sal- Dude I'm sorry okay?" Larry stared at Sal then me. I then remembered what father said.

"If you aren't back by 5:30 you're fucked."

My phone started ringing. I hesitantly pulled it out of my pocket and me and Sal stared at the name. Father. Sal then looked at me. Obviously concerned. I then answered and stood up. "Where. The. Fuck. Are. You?!?" He shouted so loudly I had to pull the phone away from my ear. "Phillip's parents told me you never were at his house." I instantly froze. "W-What?" Everyone was looking at me. "Travis, you're in trouble when you get your ass home. You're such a fucking disappointment." He then hung up. I didn't realize I dropped my phone until I heard it hit the ground. Sal quickly stood up and walked over to me. "I'm not letting you go on your own." He stared into my eyes which were full of tears. Everyone was staring at us but I was too scared to care. Ashley walked up to us. "I'll come."

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