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It was sadly Monday, but Larry and Y/N made up actually... They're going out on a date this weekend. Larry realized how much Y/N is there for him and I think he started to fall in love. Sometimes, it's hard to understand what Larry the dumbo thinks. I opened my locker and something fell out by my feet. I picked it up and opened the paper.

     Please meet me at the lake in the forest during lunch. Don't even bother going back to school or worry about going back. So, see you soon.
(P.S. you're still a faggot!)

I giggled when I realized it was Travis who gave me this. He's probably going to tell me to stay away from his family or something. I grabbed my bag and put the note in it. Since I didn't check my locker till lunch break I'll be leaving then. I walked out the building once I made sure no one was around. I texted Ash telling her I was skipping so no one got worried. I then started walking towards the forest to get to the lake.

Once I got to the lake I saw Travis near the big tree. I walked over to him and sat down. "Hey." I looked over at Travis and he awkwardly looked at me. "Hi." I think I scared him but he showed no expression. "Why did you want me to come here?" He shrugged. "I mostly wanted to talk to you about my father." My eyes widened. Did he know I know? "Hey Travis, can I ask you something first?" I stared into his eyes and he stared back. He slowly nodded. "....Travis? Does your father.. Abuse you?" His eyes widened and he looked like he could cry. "What-What do you mean?!? I knew it was a bad idea having you come here!" He glared at me and I sighed. "You may not trust me Travis, but just tell me." I stared at him and he stood up. I quickly stood up too. He quickly grabbed me by the wrist and started walking into the woods. "Travis? What are you doing?" He didn't stop. I then realized we were at the apartments. Well, the back that is. We walked over to the tree house and sat down behind the tree so if Larry came home he wouldn't see us. "Why did you drag me here?" Travis chuckled. "I uh-heard something?" I rolled my eyes. He then started crying. "Wha-Travis why are you crying?" I stared at him with concern and he smiled but it turned back into a frown. "I don't understand how.. How you knew." I sighed and hugged him. He flinched at first then hugged me back, tightly.

"I don't want to go home." Travis leaned against my wall and I sighed. "But you have to Trav." I stood up and walked over to him. He grumbled and stood up straight. He then hugged me again. He stepped back then slightly chuckled. "Sorry.." I rolled my eyes then giggled. Travis smiled and that made me smile. He had a nice smile. I then grabbed him by his hand and we walked out of my room. We both put our shoes on then walked out of the apartment. We had to be careful because there was a chance we could be caught by many different people. We entered the elevator and started going to the first floor. The doors opened and of course, Larry was there talking to Addison, Y/N was getting mail, and Todd was also with Larry. I turned to look at Travis and we both started laughing. I quickly inserted the basement key and Larry turned because he knew the elevator opened but no one stepped out. I shoved Travis to the side so he couldn't see him. "Hey Sal!" I waved then the doors shut. "You fucker!! You didn't have to shove me!" I giggled and Travis hit me on the head. The elevator doors then opened again and we walked out and into Larry's apartment to go through the back. I stopped outside and so did Travis. "I uh- It was fun hanging out with you, Sal." Travis awkwardly smiled then waved. I smiled under my prosthetic and waved too. He then started walking away. "Hey! Travis?" He quickly stopped and looked back. "Yeah?" I slightly chuckled at myself for what I was going to say next. "You can trust me with anything, you know." Travis smiled and we awkwardly stood there for a while. He then ran back up to me and hugged me. "I can tell you like hugs." I hugged Travis back and he chuckled. He then stepped back. "I'll see you tomorrow, idiot." I smiled and Travis rolled his eyes. He then started leaving again. I think I love him already..

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