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When Sal finally decided to move it was around 3 am. "Hey." He chuckled and I rolled my eyes. He gently laid down to try and not make noise. "You better move again this morning in case someone comes in to wake me up if I don't hear my alarm." Sal then chuckled. "Don't worry, I'll hear it. Then again.. How am I going to leave?" We both thought for a moment. "I didn't think that far.." Sal chuckled quietly. "Neither did I." I sighed. "Just leave now while you can." Sal nodded. He stood up and so did I. "Here," He took off his sweater and I started blushing. "What the fu-" he handed it to me and opened the window. "You know, to help you sleep better." He winked then jumped down. I peeked out the window and shirtless Sal waved at me. I blushed then shut my window. I walked back over to my bed and held his sweater to my face. I made sure to cover it with my blanket but I could still see and smell it. I'm weird aren't I.


Travis rolled his eyes once we saw each other again. He then tripped me. He grabbed me by my hair and whispered to me. "You're lucky you didn't get caught." I grinned under my prosthetic. "You're lucky you didn't get caught with a man in your bed." Travis groaned. "I bet that sound nice in-" Travis glared at me. "I'm going to kill you." I stood up and Travis did too. "I'll take growth pills to be your height. I promise." Travis chuckled as he looked down at me. "Whatever you say fucker." He smacked me on the back of the head then walked away. Larry walked up behind me and scared me. "WHAT THE HELL?!" Larry grinned like an idiot like usual. "Why were you talking to Travis?" I rolled my eyes. "He tripped me." I shrugged. Larry glared at me. "He's such a dick." Ash walked up behind Larry and scared him. "He probably likes dick for all we know." Larry chuckled. I rolled my eyes. "I have classes to attend to, so bye losers!" Larry flipped me off and I giggled and walked away.

Me and Travis agreed to meet behind the school. So we did. I think he mostly wanted to see Gizmo again. "What's your cat's name anyways?" I rolled my eyes. "Gizmo" Travis smiled. "That's a nice name." I smiled under my prosthetic. I didn't realize me and Travis were holding hands until he let go when we got closer the the apartments. "You got permission to be here right?" Travis chuckled. "Well- Not exactly? I called Phillip to tell him to act like I was there for this weekend." I nodded. "My father only really trusts me with Phillip since I've known Phillip since I was young." Travis shrugged. "I've never actually.. Talked to anyone other than Phillip." I chuckled and me and Travis walked in the apartment. Usually everyone hangs out after school so they're luckily not here. Me and Travis walked in the elevator and started going up. "Don't you usually hang out with those fa- your friends?" I chuckled and nodded. "Ah, am I keeping you away from them?" I shook my head. "They may be my best friends but it's nice to hang out with someone else." Travis rolled his eyes. "Says you, you have lots of friends. All I had was Phillip." I slightly chuckled. "It's not very funny Sal. Phillip is pretty popular in school so I basically don't even have him half the time. We barely even hang out anymore." I sighed and hugged Travis. "Sorry." Travis hugged me back then the elevator doors opened.

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