Twenty Three

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Every night tears would fall down Sal's face. It's been a year.. Since Larry's death. It seems like everyone but Sal has moved on. It's heartbreaking. Y/N got a boyfriend. Lisa is happy with Henry.. When someone even mentions Larry he breaks down. I've tried everything.. But I think Sal is giving up.. I don't know what to do..


Once Travis got home from work he got comfortable next to me. "Hey darling." I smiled weakly. "Hi." Travis frowned. He then hugged me. "It's your birthday soon, Sal." I nodded. "We plan to go out to eat this weekend." I nodded. "You'll go, right?" Travis stared into my eyes and I slowly nodded. "But if anyone mentions.. Him.. You'll take me home right?" Travis nodded. "Of course." Travis leaned in and kissed my forehead. "I'll get you some dinner. Hold on." Travis stood up and left.

It was the weekend. And well.. Here I am, going out to eat with everyone. They all seemed.. So happy and lively. Something, I can't be anymore. I try to.. But.. I always remember Larry. I struggled to not cry in the car. But luckily I didn't. Once we got there they all looked at me. "Sal, happy birthday." Ash smiled and I nodded. Y/N turned to look at me. "Listen.. Sal I'm sorry, but forget about him. Please. He's in the past, this is the present. I might offend you, but it's awkward being around.. You." Neil and Todd shot Y/N a look. So did Ash and Travis. "Y/N he's been through a lot don-" Y/N cut Todd off. "No, I'm sorry, but he's ruining everything." I snapped. "I'M RUINING EVERYTHING??" I chuckled. Y/N nodded. I stood up and slammed my hands on the table. "You don't know shit. Larry was there for me when no one else was. And I wasn't there for him. It's fucking eating me alive, this guilt. You don't know shit Y/N." I stared at Y/N with hatred. "Sal just-" I cut Ash off. "Just what?! You all moved on so quickly! It's like he doesn't even matter to you all!! Travis doesn't understand because he didn't know Larry that well. But at least he's fucking trying." I glared at them all. Travis sighed. "Sal, do you want to leave?" I looked at Travis. "I'll walk home." I glared at Y/N again. "Fuck you. Fuck you all. Go to hell." I stormed out of the restaurant and walked towards wendigo lake. I sat down and dangled my feet over the lake. "Larry.. Why.. Why did you.. God damnit.." I started crying again. Then I started sobbing. Until I heard a tree branch crack. "Travis?" Nothing. I stared down at the lake. I pulled Larry's note out of my pocket. I read it again and started crying again.

"Didn't I tell you not to cry?"

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