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Ash had no clue why I was so worried for Travis but she wanted to make sure I didn't get hurt. Me and Travis walked up to the house and Ash stayed in the vehicle in case anything happens. The door swung open. "You." Ashley told us that if he touches either of us she's calling the police. And, that's what happened. Kenneth instantly grabbed me and shoved me down the porch. Travis quickly walked over to me he lifted my head and my vision was blurry. "I remember you now. I remember shooting your mother." He grinned at me and me and Travis stared at him. My eyes widened. "You.. YOU FUCKING MURDERED MY MOTHER!!!" I quickly stood up and it almost instantly started raining. Travis was in shock. And his mother was too, behind Kenneth. Tears fell down my face with hatred. "You're such a fucking prick!!!!" I shouted at Kenneth and he just smiled. "She deserved it. She was such a fucking bitch. But, she was good in bed." Kenneth shrugged. I then remembered when she came home crying one night.

"Henry.. I.. I got... Raped..." Mother started crying in Father's arms. His face showed anger and sadness. He comforted mother as much as he could. "We'll figure out who did it. I promise dear."

"You.. YOU FUCKING RAPED HER TOO?!??" I walked up the porch steps again and looked up at him. He roughly grabbed my prosthetic and yanked it off. "Such an ugly face. No wonder your father is never around." Kenneth chuckled and I slapped his hand away from me. I wasn't crying anymore because all I felt was anger. Pure anger. "Fuck you." Kenneth shrugged when I said that then again, shoved me off the porch. This time everything went black when I landed.


I didn't know what was going on but the next thing I knew I heard screaming. I quickly got out of the car and ran towards the house. I froze instantly. Blood poured down the sidewalk. So much blood. Travis took his shirt off and wrapped it around Sal's head. Mrs. Phelps ran outside and helped Travis put pressure on the wound. I instantly dropped to my knees. Then we heard sirens. People started running outside because they heard the screams. Then I heard people running. I turned to my side and there was everyone else.


We all got worried because it was 7 and no one was back yet. We were walking to the Phelp's house when we heard screaming. Then we started running. Larry spotted Ash's Jeep then we spotted Ashley. Then.. Sal.


Tears poured down my face as me and mother struggled to stop the bleeding. The sirens got closer. Way closer. Father was froze in the doorway. I then checked Sal's pulse. What..? "Sal?..." I stopped putting pressure on his head. Mother stared at me with horror in her eyes. "Fisher?... Y-You can't be dead..? Right?"


I froze when I heard what came out of Travis's mouth. "Fisher?... Y-You can't be dead..? Right?"

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