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Y/N=Your name
Y/P=Your pronouns

I thought about what I saw all night. I couldn't sleep because I knew if I did, I would have nightmares. Being abused is horrible, but knowing someone that is being abused makes me want to throw up. I couldn't think during class and I couldn't eat. I couldn't even focus on what Larry and everyone else was talking about. It explains so much now. At first I thought I was just thinking too hard about things, but now it's obvious he's being abused. I need proof of Travis saying he is, or his mother, or just pictures of proof. The police always ask for proof. Especially here or else they won't believe it.


All day Sal was out of it. He wasn't focusing in class, or ate lunch, or talked to any of us during lunch. Something was on his mind. He changed when he said he "thought he heard something" yesterday. He obviously saw something. But I don't know what, none of us looked where he was looking because it was towards Travis's house. I hope he's still going to Neil's party that's in like an hour. Larry said something about asking Ash out today. He can't miss Larry being rejected. Because fuck, I know how that feels. It hurts, it does. But hopefully one day he'll notice how much I love him even though I basically got rejected without saying anything. But I'll be there for him when she rejects him. She already said she was going to reject Larry if he asks her out.


I forgot all about the party at Neil's after it started 30 minutes ago. I quickly walked out of the apartments after I gave Gizmo fresh food and water. I entered the elevator and quickly walked out the apartments when the elevator doors opened again.

"Sal where were you?!" Y/N chuckled at me and rolled Y/P eyes. I chuckled and apologized. "Sorry, I forgot about it." Y/N chuckled again. "Anyways, you missed Ashley totally rejecting Larry!" I rolled my eyes and Y/N smiled. "He's pretty bummed about it so he's getting wasted already." Y/N then smiled widely. "OH, YOUR HAIR IS DOWN!!!" Y/P started jumping up and down and I giggled. I usually don't have my hair down but since I fell asleep I just brushed it a little then left it down because I felt lazy. "Wait- Is that Travis?!" Y/N quickly pointed behind me and I turned around. Travis quickly froze and stared at us. Phillip walked up behind Travis then scared him because he wasn't paying attention.


I made eye contact with Sal that was until Phillip decided to scare me. I accidentally kicked him in the leg because he scared me. "Man what the hell?!" I chuckled and he rolled his eyes. "Now you have to drink something with me. Let's take a shot Travis!" I quickly shook my head. "It's fine!! I told the boss man you'll be sleeping over with me! Bunk buddies!!" I could tell Phillip was already wasted. He quickly dragged me to the kitchen.


Me and Y/N watched Phillip drag Travis away. Y/N rolled their eyes when I looked at Y/P again. I chuckled and Y/N started walking away. "Where are you going!?!?" I started chasing after at Y/N. "To watch Travis take a shot." I grinned under my mask and followed Y/N.

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