Twenty Four

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"Didn't I tell you not to cry?"


I quickly turned, almost falling in the lake. "...What..?" Larry stood there. Leaning on a tree. "But- aren't you dead?!?" Larry shrugged. "I almost died, I'll tell you that. But, last minute I got a pulse back. I guess, just like you did." Larry smiled and I ran into his arms. "Why.. Why the fuck are you just now showing up!!?!" Larry frowned. "I sorta.. Told them to tell everyone I was dead. I wanted to come back with better health.. Obviously you didn't get over it." Larry hugged me tightly. Travis then walked out of the forest. "He told me." Travis pointed at Larry. I continued to hug Larry tight. "Travis.. Get over here." Travis smiled and walked over to us. We all hugged. It felt nice to hug the two people I love most. Especially.. Larry. I looked at Larry. "Everyone uh.. Moved on." He nodded. "Travis told me. I told you not to cry over me." I rolled my eyes. "How could I not? You're my fucking step brother. You've been there like no one else." Larry smiled. "Thanks Sal." He hugged me again. Travis yanked me away. "He's my boyfriend you know." He grumbled. Larry and me laughed. "And you're a good boyfriend." I smiled and hugged Travis. Larry rolled his eyes. "Whatever, I'm single now!" He pouted. Travis and me chuckled. "You want a boyfriend?" Larry blinked. "Uh.. If he's hot?" Me and Travis laughed. "Do you know someone hot Travis?" Travis nodded. "Other than me." Travis then shook his head. I chuckled. "Guess your on your own Larry. Larry frowned. "Let's go see Lisa and Henry." Travis looked at us both and we nodded.

Once we got there I thought I saw Ash's Jeep but I didn't care. We walked in and into the elevator. We got to the 4th floor and walked out when the doors opened. Larry knocked. We heard shuffling then the door opened. "Hell-" Lisa stared blankly at her "supposed to be dead" son. "L-Larry?" She looked at us then him. Larry nodded. "That's me mom." She quickly hugged him tightly. "How.. How are you.." She moved aside to let us in. Tears flowed down her face. "Let me uh- Explain."

Larry was finally done explaining with Travis adding in a few things Larry forgot. Lisa hugged Larry tight. "Don't do that shit again!" She then smacked him on the head. Larry smiled. "Noted." I then hugged Larry again. "What, do you want him as a boyfriend now?" Travis tried to look angry but he failed. "No thanks." I then put my head on Travis's lap and legs on Larry's. "You have hairy legs." Larry plucked at one of the hairs. "Ow. And I know." Larry then thought for a moment. "Wouldn't you have blue hairy b-" Lisa smacked him on the head again. "OW!!!" Travis chuckled. "Yeah." Lisa smacked me too. "Shut up about your body!! Go somewhere else!!!" We all looked at each other. "Last one to the tree house has to kiss someone!" I quickly bolted up and ran out of the apartment. I then ran in the elevator and started going to the basement.

Of course, I was first there. I grinned. I plopped down on the beanbag and waited. Then I heard someone going up the ladder. Travis's blonde hair popped up. "I... I almost fell!!" He climbed up and plopped down on the floor. Larry climbed up soon later. "I had to.. Run.. Down the.. Stairs!!" He also plopped down but he laid over Travis. "I- I can't breathe you.. You fat fuck!!!" Travis started kicking around like a baby. "But I'm cozy!!!" Travis continued to kick and wiggle around. Larry grumbled and got up. "Thank god!!!!" Larry then slumped down on the other beanbag. "Wait. Who am I kissing?" Me and Travis shared glances. "I mean.. I was kidding but.."

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